He is a detective with mental problems.
I think it's a great character, Shaloub is phenomenal. The series is ok.
But why name the series Monk?
It's a bit misleading, a bit symbolic, and possibly inappropriate.
At least call it Mr. Monk, or Detective Monk, or Former Detective Monk.
Why just Monk?
Ok, good call.
House too is retarded, I would think that a tv show named House is about a house, not a lame doctor with attitude problems.
Still, I don't know what the creators were aiming at with the title "Monk".
Are they subliminally trying to tell us he's leading a monk like life?
Why not? Can't he be "Friedman, MD" or any of the 99% of last names that have no other real use in the world?
House is misleading and symbolic. But in that case, it doesn't do much about the character.
In Monk's case, he is a bit of a monk, he lives a solitary life of rituals and is very polite etc.
It's annoying to see that randomness fit so nicely on a character.
If he was called Monk and he was a total asshole that did nothing like a monk, than ok, it's just a name. In this case, again it's misleading and symbolic. Very convenient.
There is a risk:-)...but clever producers will snarkingly make him a burn survivor with clear marks on his skin, all the same claiming that his last name is just a coincidence.
Can't he be "Friedman, MD" or any of the 99% of last names that have no other real use in the world?
House is misleading and symbolic.
I've heard that the character is called House because he's meant to be reminiscent of Sherlock Holmes (which is a pun for anyone who doesn't pronounce the "L" in "Holmes). reply share
That sounds catchy but you forgot the part that the assistant has to give him a tissue every 5 minutes to clean his hands. It would be a sure hit during coronavirus.
So it's "Former Detective Whose Wife Was Murdered and is so Phobic he Needs an Assistant with Him Everywhere He Goes to Hand Him a Disinfectant Wipe Every Five Minutes Monk".
And I'm sure I missed some. Some of those names are "things" as you reference to Monk. Some aren't. It doesn't really matter. It is a title choice meant intrigue the viewer and set up the character as an iconic individual. And it works.
Author of the Sodality Universe
The Road from Antioch
In the Markets of Tyre
Flight to Lystra
The Theater at Ephesus (coming soon)
The Council on Jerusalem (coming 2023)
No I do not. It intrigues the viewer. If this were not an effective technique, would there be so many examples? Apparently, you don't like this type of title. That is fine. But many find it an approach which attracts their attention and keeps it.
Author of the Sodality Universe
The Road from Antioch
In the Markets of Tyre
Flight to Lystra
The Theater at Ephesus (coming soon)
The Council on Jerusalem (coming 2023)