ADBruno1985's Replies

I enjoyed it. It wasn't all that. Mediocre for sure, but a fun two hours. I've seen every MCU movie in theaters and plan to keep that up, at the least. Problem is, by the time you're #35 in a franchise, hard to really stand out. And even if Endgame isn't your favorite, it's hard to argue the fact that that's an inherently tough film to follow, being the quintessential climactic pay-off. Especially paired with Infinity War. Not every movie can reach such heights. Nor should they, it would be exhausting. But I like the Sam Wilson character, though he's no Steve Rogers. Steve's longevity gives him a mysticism that Sam just can't reach. And Harrison Ford turning into the Red Hulk was a lot of fun. But, Betty could've been used a bit more, and it would've been a great place for Hulk to reappear, helping to further reconcile the recasting of the character. And hey, if they'd brought those two back, there could've been a love story involved, and helped it reach that 2.5 hour mark that the epic MCU movies love. I also enjoyed that they brought back Celestial Island I always assumed they had some sort of spiritual connection with them. But don't ask such things, that's how we'll end up with a godawful prequel It will be revealed in a sequel where they dress up as Ghost Face ;) Agreed, they're letting him find his footing, he's working better for me too Nah, he'll leave her for someone 15 years younger whose star is on the rise The Ash Clan are a rough people because they live in a rough environment. But they can't/don't leave because there is something special there that can't/don't want to survive without. The bad humans learn of this and want it. Maybe they already tried, which is what caused the Ash Clan and their territory to be the way they are now. Jake is initially hated but naturally becomes New Alpha. One of his children falls in love with an Ash Clan, and a child dies, while another achieves a milestone on the way to adulthood. There is more mystery about Sigourney 2.0 Respectfully I disagree, though I see your point The original movie is my all-time favorite movie. But one of the critiques was that it wasn't scientifically accurate as to how the dinosaurs would actually be. The dinosaurs in Dominion having feathers was more realistic. As such, saying that the dinosaur clones are actually mutants, due to scientific mis-steps in-story, allows them to work better in the story and explain away any inaccuracies, and allows for the writers to improve and make more accurate, like the feathers This is a post where I think age is relevant. I'm 39, so I missed the chance to see this on initial theatrical release. So in my case, I'd say it's just one of those cultural memory things. It's so seeped into culture that we all just know. Kind of like Romeo and Juliet. Whether they've actually read it or not, anyone who's so much as heard of Shakespeare knows how that ends. If you're young enough to have seen it initially, or lucky enough to somehow have gone in blind but old enough to remember, I'd say it's in the story beats. You see enough movies, you can just tell where it's going. The constant mentions of his dad, and the blanks of the past not being satisfactorily filled in. Well and not to mention the way it just reads. It makes it sound like Ryan and Taylor exist to do her bidding. As well as admitting she'd have trouble standing on her own without them. Which is fair. She's not a terrible actor and I'm not trying to dis her, but I don't see an Oscar in her future. Her appeal was her looks first. She's smart enough to realize this, which is why she wants to branch out into other areas, like her beverage line and wanting to be a producer. And I can't blame her for wanting to hit producer status, but she went about it all wrong There's three seasons if they keep each one around 6 episodes instead of trying to stretch it out, but HBO prefers condensed seasons anyway He'll appear as a vision to his long-lost daughter, encouraging her to embrace her dark side I love all of his movies so far, and plan to continue to see them all theatrically, and anticipate enjoying them. But I wish he'd surprise us again with a completely original story again like The Witch. Everything since then, (again, while great and so I'm not really complaining as much as it sounds like I am), has been based on an already existing story. For that, and being his debut, The Witch remains my favorite of his, and the one I still find most horrifying. Though Nosferatu will be a different experience once I can watch it at home Also, look at it objectively from Patrick Dempsey's POV. By just name-dropping him in 5, that's sort of like committing him without asking him, and painting him into a corner, which I know I wouldn't appreciate on principle, even if I did like the project. He is busy enough. Like, let's have a discussion first She's just so desperate for their acceptance. Probably why she had such a great athletic career in her previous life This is the problem with streamers. Their seasons are so short, they finish filming before they start airing. So they have no real way to predict ratings and gauge reception. So they can't be all "Well we haven't been officially canceled, but maybe we shoot the season finale as a possible series finale" like they used to with larger seasons on network TV I knew multiple people who died from it. I've never known anyone personally who got killed by a shark, but it happens. You're reality doesn't dictate everyone's reality, congratulations, douche nozzle I agree, that it's too young. However. That really only means it's too young for you or I. In the eyes of the law it's old enough. And I do think it's too young, but I'm also big on freedom of choice and as such wouldn't be in agreement with raising the age requirement. At 19, you don't really get to *let* them anymore. Gotta make their own mistakes. And for what it's worth, I'm in my late 30s, still single, thinking it's going to stay that way, which I'm mostly fine with. Gets lonely sometimes, but I have dogs, and I like my own time and space and routine. And I've known a number of friends who got married in their early 20s, often high school sweethearts. A few are divorced, and a few are still (seemingly) happily married. Either way, if I ever get serious with anyone again, I know it'll be nice to not have the world watching and judging. Agreed. So far, Scream has refrained from going supernatural or having multiple continuities, I hope it stays that way Eh, I think people are reading too much into that. I just saw it, it's not that heavy-handed. I can see it there, but you almost need it pointed out, because it's just a werewolf story where the wife fills the Final Girl role, so, easy to put that interpretation on it. I don't really care, but more on Baldoni's side. Her whole remark about being a khaleesi with Ryan and Taylor as her dragons... So, she admits it? If it weren't for those two helping her stay relevant, she'd have been forgotten long ago. I get wanting to have a creative hand, but she seems the type where she'd take the camera, come up with one cool shot, then want a "director of cinematography" credit or something. She and her husband both do some cool projects, and yeah they're pretty to look at, but they just seem like annoying people