MovieChat Forums > komrad > Replies

komrad's Replies

This movie was an over-sterilized CGI turd that had no soul. There in fact was no Ghost in the Shell. This movie was an over-sterilized CGI turd that had no soul. There in fact was no Ghost in the Shell. This movie was an over-sterilized CGI turd that had no soul. There in fact was no Ghost in the Shell. Yeah, I agree. I think she dropped the acting ball a lo-o-o-o-o-o-ong time ago. I think she was even worse in the last season of X-files. She delivered her lines like there's a paycheck waiting on the table. She was a junkie. Her life was dull and meaningless. That was her way to feel alive. She was a boring person with a boring life. I think it's quite the opposite. Marv wasn't alive, just like Hartigan wasn't alive in Nancy's segments. They are both ghosts at this point. She's the one who actually killed all the people at Rourke's mansion. The biggest clue we get is when Senator is about to kill Nancy and he sees Marv standing behind him in the mirror. He turns around in shock and sees no one there. This gives Nancy the window to grab her gun and shoot Senator. Alien: Covenant is an Alien ripoff )))) Ummm, nope. Did you not see Black guys' atrophied legs when they showed it at least 2-3 times before? Black guy has an injured spine and no sensation in his legs. When the creature attached itself to the leg the Black guy just didn't feel it. I hope for the same, but who knows. This so far is the best thing that could have happened to DC universe. PS.: I mean Zack leaving DCMU, not about his daughter's suicide. Nope, Drive is much better just for having Bryan Cranston in it. Also, nothing can top that elevator scene. Pure unadulterated rage. Only God Forgives was such a terrible movie I had to turn it off before falling asleep. Bryan Fuller is fucking gay, that's the only reason. Just as the same shit Wachowski pulled with Sense8. If they are bad liars, he can tell I guess. It's just a sex-hole with no naturally-secreted lubricants. It takes a lot of time and effort to maintain that sex-hole with medical dildos and lubricants and antibiotics, otherwise the body will start to close the gap and heal just like pierced ears without the earrings. Because first three episodes spend much more time forcefeeding you "kindness" instead setting up the storyboard ))) A long long time ago in a galaxy far away... After 4 seasons of BSG, I'm convinced everything Baltar was filler :D I pretty much started skipping most of his scenes and haven't lost anything :D To be fair Evil Flash is just so fast he needs that specific suit to counter the greater effects of friction and static electricity that is generated by him, which was discussed in the episode. Can someone explain to me how Baltar survived the nukes in the 1st place. When we saw Six get resurrected, she remembers dying from a nuke explosion while holding Baltar in her arms. How the frack Baltar survived that if she didn't? Is he one of the hidden Cylon copies?