MovieChat Forums > komrad > Replies
komrad's Replies
Both Jaime and Bronn make it out of the battlefield alive and relatively unscathed.
Tarly's on the other hand, not so much. Surprised that Billie from Black Sails managed to get the gig for a couple of episodes in GoT. I guess it's helluva experience to put on the resume ))))
Bronn was da real MvP this time.
Fucking love it when he's on screen )))
Excuses,excuses ))).
But I'll admit that Drogon made a huge difference in the fight )))
Oops, looks like I was wrong about the gold, it actually made it back to King's landing (((
But the food they were farming from the reach, is not )))
Just wait till the next episode.
It's gonna happen exactly as you imagined.
That Tyrell gold ain't getting to no King's landing. And neither Jaime's army )))
We'll find out soon enough, won't we? :D :D :D
Also, this event has smth to do with the Wall falling by the end of season 7
Ok. The Night King will kill and raise Viserion as an undead mount and then ride him.
Viserion will then breath blue flames instead of red.
The Night King will be riding Viserion.
OOPS! Spoler alert!
They overteased them for 6 seasons that's why.
Oh no, winter is coming!
Winter is here!!
Where are the damn walkers?
Naaah, he'll just pack his things and go back to Winterfell with Gilly.
He still has a role to play in discovering Jon's true heritage.
Oops, my bad. I forgot he wasn't on the list.
Sansa basically gets fed up with Littlefinger's schemes and order his execution, which Arya will carry out with joy :D but that won't happen until a couple more episodes.
Assuming Jaime can even reach King's Landing with all that gold.
OOPS. Spoiler alert!!!
Arya gets to cross his name of her list. TA-DA!
Lol, the truth!!
Lol, if you hated Wonder woman so much, why you keep coming back here?
Just ignore and move on.
Trollbait failure.
That goddamn mustache. It almost felt like it had a life of its own :D
Just imagining it is making me giggle.
Towering over Chris Pine like that would be super awkward :D
He would need a small chair just to kiss her.
"It's so dense; every single frame has so many things going on" - Rick Berman.