Iconoclast321's Replies

I am. Just did. Xmas 2024. https://www.youtube.com/@TheCriticalDrinker I'll try again, but usually when I'm turned off by the first 25% of a movie, it doesn't get better (for me, at least). Private security? I mean 'security' as in 'a security system'. Something more than a chain lock on the door. OP: 'if you earn below a certain salary you get free medical care no matter what' Basically similar - the gov't subsidized clinics are sliding scale based on income and family size - free once you earn below a certain amount. And he and Claire Danes drive off together. Rounders is one of my all-time favorite movies. We have basically similar here - gov't subsidized healthcare based on income, free for those who are below the poverty line. They are in every major city and are networked with hospitals as well. These existed long before 'obamacare'. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federally_Qualified_Health_Center I was going to say that the bear was Fate, but I like your comment just as much if not more. Maybe they are not a contradiction - fate and the wild. Agreed. Overwrought, plodding, depressing. Sick fuck. Girls can go through puberty so young that if they birth it can kill them. It certainly can injure them. I tried watching it and couldn't get more than a quarter through before giving up. Ditto for Dune. So it's a nope for me. I disagree - I think that scene was there to establish something fundamental about Costner's character. I'd compare him to George Clooney - no range to speak of, but cast in good movies and ones that are designed to be a vehicle for his personality. Whatever the reason, in the end the decision saved her life. Or - he did. True, and this is why I watch older movies (before 2010). When the plot was the most important thing, and everything (characters, casting, direction) was in service of the plot. And ironically, the characters (gay, straight, black, white, male, female) rang more true because of that. Here ya go: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UvcEcVtU248&pp=ygUQc2F5IGl0IHBhdWwgYW5rYQ%3D%3D Nice I kind of agree - I was sure that Yuri was going to be Brice. I think that would have served the rest of the movie (the buildup, the themes) better. Yep - he played the villain part to a T.