kenburke's Replies

He was expressing the frustration that he (and others) felt over having to fight a no-win war. You're right! It had a running time of 104 minutes! It sure seemed longer, though (maybe do to its various sub-plots). Harpo was my favorite. Those 60's shows were so FUN!!! Woof. They DO come across as the type of people you find in Florida. Don't forget X-Men 2 and Troy. NO FUCKIN' WAY!!! The military could have been taken by surprise. I felt the same way. It was a classic case of something NOT being better late than never. If you stream the movie you can freeze it when the T-1000, now a faux cop, scans for John Connor's location. It gives the kid's age (10), where he lives, and the various misdeeds he has done. Clint Eastwood? They gave out "horror stamps" at the drive-in. You learn something new every day. Definite thumbs up. The fight of the century!!! No way!!! The movie had some good songs but its plot was so-so. Sort of like Blues Brothers 2000.