MovieChat Forums > gbu > Replies
gbu's Replies
Basically its a studio decision not to offend advertisers but feels weird how much violence can be shown instead.
Explained better here:-
From the creator himself:-
Sutter wishes he could use any word he wants while writing Anarchy scripts, but he's pragmatic about the rules. The show lives, he says, in a world where the F-word does not exist. So how does he express the sense of authenticity and emotional registers that the word conveys?
" 'Jesus Christ' is probably our replacement, ironically," Sutter says wryly. And he says the network keeps careful track of how often his writers use that expression as well.
Everything remotely like a swear word is tracked on every show by every cable network.
Exactly!! I really dont care how much a film has grossed, to me its if i enjoyed watching it or not, telling me a film i hate has made 500m is irrelevant and the same for telling me that a film i enjoyed has bombed, the figures arent going to make me enjoy a film more or less but people love to feel the need to tell us!
But people seem insistent on telling us when its grossed 100m 200m 300m etc that its out sold another film which is usually a film they dislike.
it seems to be like a one one-upmanship a stick to beat the film with like if Marvel has outgrossed DC thats not the same as being worried that a film they like will not get a sequel as any film that makes in excess of 100m is likely to get made no matter what.
Nothing wrong in it but check most of the big name movies and most of the main threads are about earnings and my question is whats the big deal and why does anyone care how much a film as made unless your the exec of the film?
It was good and i liked it but tbh it felt like a poor mans 24!
Theres a short scene shown in flashback when Suliman is being visited by his brother in prison and he talks of meeting people in there that have changed his outlook and giving him different perspective on things (this i believe is them showing that he's 'been/being radicalised'
Yes totally agree was frustrating to watch knowing this was going to happen.
Also the fact it wasn't mentioned again or looked into, he kinda mentioned it to Hanin about how he might of been tipped off (well she came out and denied that she tipped her husband off without really being asked) but failed to check that any of the kids may of made contact either.
I agree with you that Jax knew he was going to kill himself as he was tying up loose ends and handing his children over and paperwork for his possessions etc
I just dont get why they had to act like they was going to kill Jax when they had him in the warehouse, clearly they was all in on it as he shot Happy in the arm after handing Chibs the President badge, no one else was there to witness this other then Samcro so it was purely for our(the viewers) benefit to think they was going to kill him but as for the story line it made no sense.
Nope you didn't drift off, they just got back to the diner with no more insects in the car or following them in the cloud!!
Why they couldn't of tried again to go back to the hospital i do not know though.
Hanna is very good.
Lets hope not!
And based in London with London accents.......
Which ones though, easier to agree or disagree with you if we knew who you meant?
They took a long time building up Jerome character that i was disappointed they then took the new direction with Jeremiah.
Jerome was more the Heath Ledger Joker whereas they seem to be styling Jeremiah on the Jack Nicholson one.
Ive no idea why Tara and the others ran from the Hilltop out into the woods, there was only a few cars turning up and they had the place well defended and could easily of took the saviours out from there high vantage point.
Was a ridiculous plot point and only seemed to be shown that way so the fishpeople had reason to turn up cos im sure Tara's crew could of just as easily thrown Molotovs and had the same outcome!
Saw it coming when was first kidnapped and was thinking he would redeem himself for Abraham but wasn't quite sure how and couple of times had me doubting that he would, but hey lets all hail the mullet!!
Agreed a really good ending for once.
I just wish had of killed Negan though as you know he will eventually get out and start a fight back, but i guess without Rick saving him them there's no plot development for Maggie and Daryl to plot behind Ricks back in S9.
Im guessing was just setting her up for Season 9.
Yeah i thought was more but then that episode centred around the bag which was next to the body and was buried in the walls of Arlos house.
The plan was for Waldo to get killed and and the mob boss to think it was Drew that died, but i cant figure why then he had waldos license with him.
Yup thats right give the old perv one last thrill...