MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Film earnings whats the big deal?

Film earnings whats the big deal?

Pretty much all threads for the top latest films seem to have threads regarding how much the film has grossed or out sold other films.
Ant-man has grossed xxx beating DC by xxx which beat marvel with xxx which equalled Solo etc

Cant threads just be about the films rather then how much it made, why is this so important for ppl to make posts about, who really cares other then the film companies how much a film has made?


What's wrong with discussing the movie's earnings too? It's not like the discussions are all exclusively about earnings. People are obviously also care about other things. I think you're a little bit exaggerating.


Nothing wrong in it but check most of the big name movies and most of the main threads are about earnings and my question is whats the big deal and why does anyone care how much a film as made unless your the exec of the film?


You can care because if you like a film that flopped it is less likely that kind of a film will be made again.


But people seem insistent on telling us when its grossed 100m 200m 300m etc that its out sold another film which is usually a film they dislike.
it seems to be like a one one-upmanship a stick to beat the film with like if Marvel has outgrossed DC thats not the same as being worried that a film they like will not get a sequel as any film that makes in excess of 100m is likely to get made no matter what.


People are inconsistent. That's what people are. Why is this bothering you so much?


I HATE discussion of box office earnings. It's the least relevant thing to my enjoyment of a film. The most obnoxious thing someone can tell me after describing a movie I like is to say "yeah, but it bombed at the box office. It made no money!" Like what do I care? I just said I like the movie, and I don't work for a movie studio, so their bottom line means fuck-all to me.


Exactly!! I really dont care how much a film has grossed, to me its if i enjoyed watching it or not, telling me a film i hate has made 500m is irrelevant and the same for telling me that a film i enjoyed has bombed, the figures arent going to make me enjoy a film more or less but people love to feel the need to tell us!


Just don't even participate in the thread if that's all it's about. If you're really into superhero movies and the latest blockbuster, it may be a difficult task. Many of the people who like those movies exclusively might not know any other way to talk about them. Movie literacy is a thing, and really dissecting something for it's content takes work. I could write a lengthy diatribe about how much I like Tobey Maguire as Spider-Man, but nowhere in there would you find talk of earnings. I'm sure those movies did well, but I don't really care.


I don't pay attention usually it's some superhero movie that I have no interest in.
