MovieChat Forums > samoanjoes > Replies
samoanjoes's Replies
And skin colour.
I gained a lot of respect for him and Santana when I saw the documentary. I'm shocked Cocker hasn't been inducted yet.
Technically he was self appointed so he should be thrown out, not impeached.
The Oneders.
Best sled movie ever.
You could at least have asked them politely if you could attack them.
If Barbie dolls could speak, it would ask you to stop touching her.
There are children on this board.
Imagine a war breaking out because of an accident.
I don't like your running mate.
Not gonna lie, I actually did once when I was in a school. I didn't do the whole slip and fall thing, but I stepped on it and my foot slid and inch or two.
Snow everyday and permanent nighttime would be perfect.
Actually I can. When I was a kid I drew the cover of The Terminator and his name is on the top, and I've been able to spell it since.
<blockquote>I don't care what anyone says.</blockquote>
This movie sucked though.
parkerbot should not be in any position of power.
Those cinnamon heart things are top notch.
I don't see them there.
Honestly, I find the entire holiday irrelevant anyway.
Iron Maiden isn't and Madonna is. It doesn't make sense.