samoanjoes's Posts

Being John Malkovich vs. Adaptation. I always laugh at people who confuse astronomy and astrology. I just saw a few scenes of this. If you need money, this guy will spot you $20. Bucking Fastard Someone threw a beer at President Trump during his recent speech. I finally cuts ties with someone who was really bringing me down. Mayor of New York City to change rules of how all math works. I think they're going to win a treble. Rate this song out of 10 or else mullets make a comeback. What’s your first impression of these two witches? Fox News to change their name after younger viewers are confused why there are no foxes. What is the longest gap you've had where you randomly bumped into someone you knew? Do you think Billy dropped his phone on purpose? I got caught stealing underarm deodorant from the cashier at Walmart. Why is she holding a trumpet? I guess this is proof that there are drag kids. Filipino rapper sued after using riff from song "Under Pressure." Rate this song out of 10 or else LessThanZero ends up in bed with Pwinty. New studies suggest vasectomies are not as reliable as previously reported.