MovieChat Forums > Qixoni

Qixoni (101)


Mescal has the charisma of a rock The new Lara Croft Painful to watch After an awesome first season, this new season... Great Ninja movie Another missed opportunity Movie is fantastic Story makes no sense this season Complete trash Why this trilogy is irrelevant View all posts >


Of course Denzel did that, he was promoting the movie and Denzel is a pro, so, he would never say anything to undermine the movie The tv show Those About to Die with a much smaller budget did a vastly superior naval battle in the Coliseum. This one here was so lame. European movies still have that charm, mostly due to the fact that Europeans aren´t puritans and also, we don´t care about US agendas. Of course, now it´s more contained in comparison to what it was in the 90´s, but still.... Ahsoka did as well The real killer was found, just not for the public eye. It´s kind of a waste having a season just to frame a scapegoat. And even worse, they were american, and the first bunker they managed to contact was american as well. Honestly, the person who wrote that crap should be fired. The ending of the movie with the underground bunker destroyed the movie. Just finished the movie. It´s ridiculous. 0 science, 0 nothing, 0 evolving. And that scene at the end with the human bunker completely destroys the movie Second season is terrible and a borefest. It lost the appeal the first season had. The stuff with the guys together remembering stuff is such a bore, specially since we have 0 emotional attachment to the guy that died. The young and Clone Wars Ahsoka moments were glorious. The Siege of Mandalore flashback was top notch. This was a masterpiece of a episode. The season has 8 episodes, so 3 episodes for Trawn View all replies >