MovieChat Forums > hackerman6731 > Replies
hackerman6731's Replies
Watching it now, never gets old.
The link works fine.
Eh, we're okay. Let's not get too big headed, we've done a lot of shitty things.
Shout Factory's release from a few years ago is good too, and easy to get.
I'll bet there are scenes that were filmed, but they were probably cut for time. It's just under 2hrs, so they probably cut important scenes. Heck, they say there is a 3 1/2 hr Planes Traind & Automobiles.
And never did, she just stood there from what I could tell.
Meanwhile "liberal" voters are the ones getting vaccinated against a deadly virus.....
Yeah, re-watching it now after not seeing it for a LONG time. It's a beautifully made movie, John Williams great score, but it just seems to be a lot of BS when it comes to what happened, or what logically happened.
The guy said to him "you blew it", and Billy Bob went off on him that "WE blew it".
"When was the last time he made a film that was a must see?
Hint: it begins with 199"
Sounds factual.....
Agreed, she was great, and she has those crazy eyes.
I loved her sarcastic tone on H1.
She's still good looking for her ate, and still has that great voice.
I doubt the girls would have done that, they were just showing him a good time.
Looks like she was bulimic.
She totally does, hey, works for me.
I wouldn't kick her out of bed for eating crackers, that's for sure.
Agreed, I was watching it on my projector and for those scenes, it was almost unwatchable, but I would totally buy a blu ray if those scenes looked better.