MovieChat Forums > hackerman6731 > Replies
hackerman6731's Replies
From what Mick Garris said somewhat recently, the camera negative had never been assembled into a movie, as it was edited on video. I guess he didnt even know it was going to be released. I hope some deleted scenes or bloopers are going to be included. I loved the commentary, one of my favorites.
I fricken love the theme song, and they did it justice by not over modernizing it like they did on other shows like the new Hawaii 5-0.
Yeah, saw him in Cold Pursuit and almost didn't recognize him.
Iirc, Kevin Smith said that she was a bit difficult, and he's worked with Bruce Willis. I think he said she wasn't totally awful or anything, but still...difficult.
And hasn't had a load of plastic surgery to where her face doesn't move.
The problem with Cold Case is each episode is cram packed with popular music of the time. That costs a ton of money to get licensing for, and each time they want to put it on t.v. or a new format, they have to pay again (iirc). Your best bet is to find downloads for them, found season folders that are labeled Cold Case (season #) x00.
I agree, though it was sad to see that she had plastic surgery somewhere during the later seasons, I just started watching it again and haven't tracked down what season it was.
Aww, c'mon, Psych was a great show.
You DO know what happened right after the movie came out, right? Three Mile Island.........then, 7 years later, Chernobyl. This is loosely based on the 1959 core meltdown of the sodium reactor that was built at the Santa Susana Field Laboratory between Simi Valley and Thousand Oaks, Ca. I don't know, maybe Nuclear is kinda dangerous......
I need it in my life.
Yeah, I tried getting approved to the FB page like 2 weeks ago, no one approved me.