dxben99's Replies

A friend of mine also pointed out that the color combination of the fries and the ketchup mirrored the color combination of the son's blood and his yellow shirt or sweater he was wearing when the father shot him. Solid 6-6,5/10 for me. You missed out on some strap-on action. ^^ I didn't say anything about it having to be fair, but yes, I am expecting a certain amount of realism in a drama(!). If this was a comedy, I'd be okay with it, but the way it is depicted in this movie makes it highly unrealistic and thus, the drama falls flat. Of course, injust and unfortunate events are what is happening in dramas, I never argued with that. My point is that those events should be realistic and not something out of WWE RAW. That was totally not my point. I just watched this movie once and thought it was one of the most uninspired films I have ever seen. There is literally not one single original, interesting idea in the whole movie. Fails as comedy, fails as heist movie. The only good thing about it I think are the three leads, especially Alan Arkin. I took it that way as well, but then, why did Jamie hand the letter to Florence in the end telling her to pass it to Ronsel? I have to say the ending confused me as well. *SPOILERS* I consider "Shaun of the Dead" and "Hot Fuzz" two of the best comedies of the past 20 years. I thought "The World's End" sucked however, I did not laugh once and couldn't believe it was made by Edgar Wright. "Scott Pilgrim" to me is very overrated (the whole concept bored me after a short while) but I gotta say "Baby Driver" was very very entertaining. The only negative for me is the ending as well but not for the reasons you have stated. Didn't mind Jon Hamm going crazy, actually I liked that they made him into the final opponent instead of Jamie Foxx or Kevin Spacey. And his girlfriend earlier said that he goes totally crazy when he's mad, so I could totally buy into that. And it is not like he survived anything too crazy, right? I mean in the diner, he was "only" shot in the arm or shoulder. My problems with the ending: At first I thought whoa, just when you thought you are getting a happy ending it takes you by surprise and it gets a grim ending with him spending 25 years in prison. But than it was like the movie thought "nah that's too harsh", so yea, parole after 5 years it is. Like what? Go for happy ending or grim one, make up your mind. lol Did you watch it by now? I loved "Shaun of the Dead" and "Hot Fuzz", pretty much hated "The World's End". I thoroughly enjoyed "Baby Driver". It is not the comedic genius as the first two mentioned films are but it is highly entertaining, exciting and the chase scenes are really good. Has really good villains too. No idea if it is permanent. Since this is a movie it probably isn't permanent as movie laws say that shooting a gun right next to someone's face isn't that big of a deal. Hell, they even did it in this exact movie when guys are shooting right next to him in the car. From a storyline perspective on the other hand, it would make sense that his hearing is now permamently damaged. When he's in the car with the girl and touches the speaker it makes it clear that he still has damage from the shots next to his ears (however it does not show him as completely deaf, he does hear some things). But that happened pretty soon after the showdown, so we actually don't know if he recovered in prison. Seeing people butthurt over films with Spacey in it makes me wanna buy the movie right now. Thing is, it is a really good movie. Just like "American Beauty" or "The Usual Suspects" or "Se7en". I will still watch those movies and not let anything take me out of it. Your loss. It had the feel of a dream sequence but when it turned from b/w to colour it made it feel like it was/became real. So idk, was that supposed to be 5 years later? It looked like 5 days later. ^^ Well, Renner still had the gun on him. Also, while he was raping her, one of the other guys said "It's my turn next". I think she's way hotter! "But at the end he comes to pick her up after she leaves prison... right?" - I was actually rooting for him to show up. "Forde, Forde, Forde...!" :D Zootopia was about a lot more than a cop drama. It was a harsh criticism of stereotyping and racial profiling. And painfully on-the-nose. The aunt didn't really hang herself. It is implied she was murdered. How do you guys even rate the movie in two halves when it consists of three parts?