MovieChat Forums > Baby Driver (2017) Discussion > Has the Spacey outrage harmed sales of t...

Has the Spacey outrage harmed sales of this?

I was going to buy this as I'm a fan of the director, but I don't care so much for the title character, and I would feel bad about endorsing Spacey by buying his movie. The car and stunt action is fine, but I got enough of that from the Cornetto Trilogy, so that's another reason not to get it.

But I wonder if anyone else has boycotted this movie because of Spacey the Pervert?


Yes. Spacey single handedly destroyed this movie's DVD sales / Netflix potential.

It's a shame really, cause I really liked the movie. I saw it in theatre but I surely won't touch the DVD or ever stream this movie anytime now.

Also most tv stations will hesitate to re-run this, ever.


Are you being serious?


Whether he is or not, this is still the most insufferable movie to come out in years.


I’m so glad I saw this in theaters before the Kevin Spacey scandal. It was a great joy but if I had tknwTch it again, KS would take me out of it.


Seeing people butthurt over films with Spacey in it makes me wanna buy the movie right now.

Thing is, it is a really good movie. Just like "American Beauty" or "The Usual Suspects" or "Se7en". I will still watch those movies and not let anything take me out of it.


Didn't realize he was in the movie until I started watching it. Bought it during Black Friday. Heard it was a good movie. Didn't watch any of the trailers either or looked at cast or looked closely at the box art. I just saw "Baby Driver" on the box art and grabbed it. I'm not TOO much of a Spacey fan so I'm not watching it for him and what he did isn't enough to make me stop watching it once I saw he is in the movie. His character isn't the main character either. If his character was the main character, I might've passed on it.


Just because he did terrible thing didnt prevent me from buying it. It doesnt erase the fact its a great movie.


It won't help.

