MovieChat Forums > Ah-ga-ssi (2017) Discussion > Disappointing last half

Disappointing last half

I usually love Korean cinema because of how twisted and unique it is. The Handmaiden was just that for the first half. After the very-familiar twist midway, it kind of turned into a traditional love story. Suddenly, all that complexity in the narrative had given way for a considerably more simplistic story. Personally, I found it a little disappointing, but oh well.


To each their own. I found the movie great all the way through.

You don't really know for sure if they're going to get together until about three fourth of the way into the movie though.

Poorly Lived and Poorly Died, Poorly Buried and No One Cried


yea part 2 was just part 1 with different angles.



First half 8/10

Second half 4/10

Turned a good idea into plain stupidity


Really? You rated Ben Hur remake an 8, no offense but I can't take you seriously.

Raging Bull = Best movie


Raging Bull is a top movie, one of my favs as well.

I really liked Ben Hur remake and would give it a 7 normally but i rated it a bit higher because athiests were giving it 1 without even watching it.


How do you guys even rate the movie in two halves when it consists of three parts?
