AngularTurnip's Posts

The most messed up thing in a Christmas movie? Funkiest song ever? One of your favorite phrases from a movie? A good movie for those who completely missed the point of the original Movies that always put a lump in your throat? Nobody changes When do you put your tree up? One of the best moments in all of cinema What is the strangest TV show of all time? "Welcome to prime time bitch!" is the moment Freddy ceased to be scary Bohemian Rhapsody or Stairway to Heaven? Freddy has nothing on that nun in terms of creepiness What is the dullest sport to watch? The Catholic Church scares the Devil With a few exceptions TV in the '70s and '80s absolutely stunk Songs that make you feel like a boss? If you could be any fictional character which fictional character would you like to be? Great comebacks in a movie or TV program The death scene with the best music?