MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > One of your favorite phrases from a movi...

One of your favorite phrases from a movie?

"Blue sky on Mars."


A couple favorites I've actually been known to use:

First goddam week of winter...

I just cannot believe any of this voodoo bullsh!t.


"You're one ugly mother fucker..." - Predator (1987)

I use it all the time when I look in the mirror.

reply too
No worries, I'm certain we both look great somewhere LOL!


Yep, that's why I became a hand model. ;)


Oh yes, I hear your hands are fabulous

I, however, lack sexy hands
All I have is very sexy earlobes!
WTF am I gonna do with sexy earlobes?!?


You do the only thing you can... pack your bags, say goodbye to your friends and family, and say 'Hello!' to the exciting and glamorous world of earlobe modelling. It's a cutthroat business though, so bring a switchblade you can hide in your sock.


I happen to have socks AND a switchblade
I'm gonna own the Earlobe modeling market!
They wont know what hit them


That's the spirit!


i didnt know they gave out rings at the holocaust !

ahhhhh, its a PROFIT deal !

korean student: meesermiser
prof larry gopnik: uh, meesermiser?
korean student: mere-a surmise-a, sir


My Grandmother's Holocaust ring!


"You're just chicken...cheep, cheep, cheep!"


Whenever someone says something particularly insightful, I have to respond: "You think about everything."

I also substitute the word why for "What makes you say that?"


I say "Oh hi, Mark" pretty much every day and I don't even know anyone called Mark!

I also tell my mother "You're not my fucking mother!" just for the hell of it.


"Get off my plane"


haha, yeah, I use this one too :)


“I’m your huckleberry.” (Doc Holliday in Tombstone)


"You're a daisy if you do."


I still use this line in real life!
I don't care that nobody gets it
I'm no quitter


in vino veritas


"As a species we're fundamentally insane. Put more than two of us in a room, we pick sides and start dreaming up reasons to kill one another. Why do you think we invented politics and religion?"
Ollie Weeks, The Mist (2007)


Inaccurate though. We didn't invent politics. Apes, wolves and lions also pratice politics. Typical humans, claiming everything their invention.


What about ants, termites and bees? Arrogant vertebrates...


Well, they didn't claim to have invented it... they don't even talk about it! Such wonderful humble creatures.


"Baby, I'm gonna fuck you up!"


What movie is this great line from?

I use 'baby' on people when I'm pissed off and nobody ever knows where the hell I'm coming from...'baby' seems to disarm nearly everyone...ladies, gents, pretty much anyone who just pissed you off
'Baby' is very effective on toughguy types...'baby' gives me the opening to dominate the conversation so I can steer things my way
Last dude I called 'baby' probably could have killed me in a proper fight but I called him 'baby' and he backed off and listened...I made him understand, no unfortunate violence required

What movie was this line from Hod?


It's from "A Serbian Film."

It's the first line spoken and the only line spoken in English.


Hah, you're actually admitting to being a phony, internet tough guy here. Thanks, dumb ass, lol !


Thanks for bumping an old post letting people know that words are powerful👍

Sometimes you are of some use


Yes they are. They sure can trigger you into revealing your true self. Case closed and lol.


Yes, when I get upset at someone I use my vocabulary to reach an acceptable and peaceful end to it...thanks for pointing that out, keep it up buddy


Yeah, you really dominate, huh? I remember you whining once about having to kiss ass to one of your bosses. You even referred to her as a big, fat, bitch. That must be a really bitter pill for you to have to swallow.

What are you gonna do, call Ghost Busters? I pointed out you just can't leave it be and you keep baiting me.


...And you keep taking the hook like the little perch you are😉

Here fishy, fishy, fishy!


Meh & lol.


That's somehow your most intelligent post yet sport-o!
Nice work👍
