AngularTurnip's Posts

A better ending would have helped this one immeasurably TV shows that were huge in their day but now have been all but forgetten about? People you couldn't care less about? Song you want played at your funeral? Favorite book? She looks better than she did thirty years ago Movies (or TV shows) that pair up really well? An actor you'd like to see pull a Henry Fonda and play a murderous unrepentent psychopath? The most epic shot in film? Actor with the funniest cry face? Anyone else at a loss as to why "The Good, The Bad and The Ugly" is so celebrated? Your favorite understated thriller? Who is a more horrific cinematic character than Amon Goeth in "Schindler's List"? Greatest Screen Entrance? Movies that use the POV shot? Movies where gas stations blow up? Dinner scenes that go horribly wrong? Movies with no soundtracks? Movies where defenestration occurs?