Greatest Screen Entrance?
Lana Turner's in "The Postman Always Rings Twice."
Orson Welles in the brilliant 1949 film "The Third Man".
I will admit I'm a bit biased, since I visited that famous doorway in Vienna in 2013. My appearance was, of course, nowhere near as spectacular as Mr. Welles'.
That must have been something. I love that movie. The zither music still grates on my nerves some but I can bear it when everything else is so first-rate.
Omar Shariff's in "Lawrence of Arabia."
I did too. The Hollyweird pinheads wanted Welles to film on a sound stage in Hollyweird. Fortunately, Welles told them to piss off and filmed it in post war Vienna.
I'm not really sure if he actually told them to "piss off", but I really hope he did.
And yes, Shariff's entrance was also amazing. I just watched it again.
Having people like Welles do things their way is something Hollywood abhors. I hope too Welles told them to "piss off" ... or perhaps dispensed with the pleasantries and gave them a piece of his mind.
Shariff's entrance might also be the longest -- nothing else comparably long comes to mind at the moment.
Cary Grant's in "Notorious."
Yes! Another great entrance with the gorgeous Ingrid Bergman! When you look in the dictionary under "suave and debonair", it says "See Cary Grant."
That's BS ..... THe THird Man is Carol Reed's film written by Graham Greene..Welles had nothing to do with where it was filmed... It was produced by London Films and the American release rights were bought by David O. Selznick after the film was in the can. Selznick changed it a bit from the British release by altering the narrative intro given by Reed to one given by Joseph Cotton. I agree the Wells' entrance 25 minutes into the film is dynamite.
Shelly Walker
Actually I didn't make any mention of any production details. I just said the Welles had one of the greatest entrances in cinema history.
I accept that...didn't mean to insult.
Shelly Walker
Let not your heart be troubled. I did not perceive any insult, just intelligent conversation.
The Child Catcher in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Still freaks me out.
That movie was my "Nightmare on Elm Street" growing up because of that scene.
Lord Humungus' in "Road Warrior."
I never saw that film, but I just watched that scene. EXTREMELY creepy! Where the hell are the cops??
Good question.
Kathleen Turner's in "Body Heat."
I can't remember the details, but I do know it was hot, very hot!
Talk about HOT..... how about Annette Benning in "Grifters"! I'm a straight gal but she kinda turned me on.
But really HOT ---->..Paul Newman HUD and Cool Hand Luke
Shelly Walker
One more.
Great entrance and a great opening sequence.
Bronson and his harmonica in Once Upon a Time in the West.
Yes. Outstanding! We have too many horses.