MovieChat Forums > Keelai > Replies
Keelai's Replies
I read the entire article a few times. It basically says he is a dictator, but there are others who are/were worst.
"Though a dictator, he’s not the Idi Amin type, neither the Hitler type, neither the Pinochet type etc."
Putin fits more than two of your qualifications. He had political opponents arrested so they couldn't run against him. He has created multiple fake "opposition" political parties which he controls to pretend there is political freedom. He controls the news.
A good source is the Democracy Index that studies all countries each year. Russia is listed as an authoritarian state aka: dictatorship. In 2017, they are focusing on media freedom.
The U.S.: fully free; score:10
Russia: unfree, score 139
"In Russia, the courts have imprisoned critics of the government’s policy in Ukraine for promoting “extremism...The climate for free expression in Russia has become increasingly inhospitable...restrictions on Russian outlets and attempts to foster “patriotic” reporting raise questions about the government’s commitment to media autonomy."
In the Democracy Index, Russia is listed #135. U.S. #21 and is a flawed democracy. Norway is #1 strongest democracy in world. North Korea most authoritarian #167
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Yet another continuity example of why Last Jedi is garbage.
I haven't seen the movie, but the show is good so far. It does a nice job of replicating the Getty's world. Nice sets and performances.
Maybe the Jedi are not allowed to be "political" or take sides. The cloned soldiers were another example of the Jedi being complicit. Anakin did return to free his mother if only from the Sandpeople who were holding her.
Finn and Rose were a bad joke on the fans.
The actor left to star in a different TV show which has since been cancelled so maybe he'll return.
He and his father were sued for housing discrimination by the Federal government. Not surprising considering that his father was in the KKK.
Trump is the one appointing swamp monsters to his cabinet. Nepotism and brown-nosing. No actual job experience required.
He has no problem with his immigrant wife when she was working here illegally.
His political campaign was just BS. Repeating his numerous lies don't change them into facts.
"just as there was almost inevitably going to be a bit of a retrenchment of enthusiasm from awakens to last jedi"
More like backlash since Last Jedi was garbage and there's anger towards Disney SW from some fans.
An actor said that they were doing 25 takes for each scene and were way over their head. Why is Kennedy hiring amateurs? This movie looks like a generic crime caper film.
$390 million sounds low for a Star Wars movie. Rogue One made $523 million domestic. I'll be surprised if the movie does well.
The fist paragraph of your link:
"Is Vladimir Putin a dictator or not?
He is, of course. Not that it invalidates everything he says, thinks, and does. A dictator can still be somewhat respectable, and Putin is quite respectable in many ways, but he is, yes, a dictator."
Jake Lloyd's screen test was really good and the best one. The casting was fine, but Lucas didn't get the best performances out of his actors. The dialogue didn't help: "Yippee!"
Meanwhile the YPG helped us fight and beat Isis. And now they are being abandoned only to be slaughtered by the Turkish government. At least France is stepping in.
I found this definition about them:
"The YPG is a democratic socialist organization in which Officers are elected by troops and equality regardless of gender, religion and ethnicity is guaranteed."
That sounds like something Trump would hate since he's basically a Nazi and supports dictators like Erdoğan and Putin.
"But why?"
A few reasons.
Roseanne said that she and Trump knew each other and he helped her a few times. Public support of each other.
Roseanne voted for him in real life and in the show so Trump and the media are assuming that the show is representing his base.
The media is assuming that all of the viewers are Trump supporters or his base which is stupid. I can't stomach the moron, but I like the Roseanne show. BTW, three actors on the show are also on The Big Bang Theory so those viewers could be watching too.
Disown in-between appointing bigots to his cabinet, instituting bigoted policies and making bigoted comments. His whole political career was started using bigotry. Not to mention his lawsuit settlement with the government for practicing bigotry in real estate.
"FoxNews isn’t perfect but it’s miles ahead of the Demokkkrat media when it comes to reporting all the news."
Talking about Trump 95% of the time isn't "reporting all the news" which is why I referred to the three stations as political commentary.
How many Fox hosts were fired for being sex predators? Fox news commentators aren't very articulate nor intelligent. They appear to hire many of the women because they look good rather than competency. My problem with Fox hosts is that they can't support an issue without deception which makes them incompetent and stupid. Sorry, my standards are higher than yours.
Most people in the KKK are Republicans and supported Trump. Trump's dad was in the KKK and arrested during a riot with police. Trump's recent support of neo-Nazis shows he's a bigot. Democrats are a diverse group. I know you're trying to be clever with "Demokkkrat", but it doesn't make any sense for the reasons I stated. At least create an insult that's appropriate.
Who said that I watch the BBC?
Trump has lied 2,436 times in 406 days. Link to the liar's database:
"lower our taxes"
Only if you're rich. Their tax breaks are permanent. Working class crumbs are temporary.
"secure our borders"
With an over-priced ineffective wall that Mexico won't pay for? LOL.
"protect the citizens"
Only middle-aged white Christian rich straight males in red states. He's attacked everyone else.
"fix the healthcare abomination"
By destroying medical care for the middle and working class. He fired the VA head because Trump wants to privatize the VA. That means higher costs since privatizing would mean "for profit" so his rich friends can become richer.
"put America first" & "create jobs"
His trade war & policies will destroy more jobs than it adds. His economic advisor resigned in disgust.
"take down the DC corruption"
Trump and his cronies are corrupt and some have been indicted. He's sweating bullets because his day is coming. At least we know what he looks like in orange.
"strengthen our military"
By attacking Gold Star families. His policies already caused soldiers to die needlessly. That draft dodger is an insult to our troops.
Becky told them she was 33 years old.
Just an aside: Time magazine ran an article about chromosomal abnormal eggs and said doctors are changing their practice to use them anyway because healthy babies were born with them. The article explains why.
MSNBC and CNN are political commentary channels, also. CNN likes to have people argue for entertainment. FOX just lies or omits information. MSNBC is biased too but I like that they can present interesting points and tend to be more intellectual. Out of the three, Fox is the worst re: truth. For a conservative viewpoint, I prefer David Stockman's blog.
For real news, I watch foreign channels or go to news services.
Fans watched the SW movies repeatedly. Disney is destroying the enthusiasm that fans have for the SW movies. Last Jedi made 50% the box office that Force Awakens made because fans didn't have as many repeat viewings. Merchandise didn't sell. I may see future Disney SW, but maybe once in a cheap local theater or borrow the DVD from a library out of curiosity. No more merchandise for me including DVDs and books. Less involvement by fans still translates to less money for Disney. If the quality becomes really bad, then I won't see it at all like some fans are doing now.
Fans are upset because the quality of Disney SW is so bad. Those complaints along with less revenue may make Disney create better quality SW films in the future.
No fan would've created this garbage. It's a "Poorly Conceived Anti-Fan Film."