MovieChat Forums > Keelai > Replies

Keelai's Replies

Until 2020. Then a Democratic president will fix aka:undo everything Trump and Pence did. BTW, millennials, soon-to-be largest generation, can't stomach the Republican party so you may be stuck with a Democratic president for a long while. Lucas was also an exceptional art director. His movies were amazing visually with costume design, FX, lightsaber concept, aliens, props, etc. Never say never. Likely blue wave coming in November. Trump appears to have decimated the Republican party. Career Republican politicians are fleeing in droves including Paul Ryan. Repeat after me, President Pence. Superman starring Chris Reeve is my favorite superhero movie. The FX is dated now, but I like the director's concept to take reality and drop comic book characters into it. Reeve looked like the comic book character, chemistry was great, music perfect, humor and romance and it was a perfect popcorn movie. I like George Reeves' Superman too and enjoyed seeing Noel Neill's cameo. At least he read books unlike the neo-Nazi you voted into office. At least his impeachment should prove entertaining. Trailers looked dull. I'm not expecting any good SW movies anymore. No assumptions. Here's Treverrow's interview: [url][/url] "...convinced you that Treverrow were going to make the perfect Star Wars film." Nonsense. Disney SW is mediocrity and ripping off Lucas' ideas but doing them horribly. This video speaks truth comparing Lucas and Disney. [url][/url] R.I.P. SW Radio host Howard Stern was pulling in good numbers when he ran for NY governor as a goof. He realized how dumb people are and found an excuse to quit the race. Stupid voters are partially to blame for bad political leadership. Being president means he has to actually do some work. It's Wednesday and he's already at Mar-a-lago instead of waiting for the weekend. Sheesh! Changing demographics. That's not true at all. I was telling people that he had a good chance of being elected because Americans are stupid. I was actually right. The irony is that Trump didn't want to be president. He wanted to start a new right-wing TV network to compete against FOX and the campaign was part of a publicity stunt. I've never seen anyone look as miserable as he does after "winning". Dr. Smith was definitely NOT gay. Gay didn't exist in a 1960s family show. Jonathan Harris took his original serious role and introduced pure camp to it. India isn't homogeneous. Most of the countries you named aren't which has nothing to do with a multicultural country like the U.S., anyway. Since reading history books isn't your strength, I'll tell you that Spaniards and black people settled in the U.S. before the English. And Native Americans (Indians, Innuits and Hawaiians) were here before Spaniards and black people. This country started as a multicultural country - not homogeneous. Even though the U.S. was multicultural, broadcasters had a policy to show WASP suburban families especially during the 50's. There was a tremendous amount of bigotry and discrimination against Jews, blacks, gays, women, etc. that you may not be aware of because of your age which is why I emphasis reading history books if you're young. There were exceptions, but they were more often stereotypes. Things began to change during the 60s because of struggle and changing demographics. "...And then implied that we shouldn't have white only families anymore because we live in a new world...." That's dumb and I never implied that. I said many old shows/movies that were once all white and sexist are being updated with diverse casts and egalitarian roles. Statistics: One generation ago 1/100 babies were multiracial, now, it's 1/10. In the 50s, white Americans were 89.5%, in 2000, 72.4% and dropping. Lost in Space is showing the new demographic reality. That's the point. Avenatti is a genius. He said he's playing 3D chess while Trump's lawyer is playing tic tac toe and not even well. I agree. Hamill went on record to say he doesn't care if he's in the movie or not. Meanwhile, Disney is making a big deal about Yoda being in the next movie. Nothing about Luke. Perhaps they're preparing the fans for no Luke while promoting Yoda to replace him? " he is still there?" In Trevorrow's vision, Luke has a much larger role and is honored as a hero. In Kennedy's vision, Luke has a tiny cameo and is no hero to avoid upstaging Rey. Creative differences. "it was probably always the plan to shift the focus from the old characters to the new ones." That's fine. The problem is how they went about it. A Trekkie made an excellent point. They replaced the original characters (Shatner, Nimoy, etc) with The Next Generation, but the original characters remained heroes and most remained alive and even made future cameos. Meanwhile, Kennedy is destroying the original characters' heroism and killing them off because she doesn't believe fans will otherwise accept the new ones. "Treverrow had plans for that in 9 which can still happen..." Luke and Leia are dead. Not possible. Is John Robinson a psychopath or a clown? You're projecting. She has a brilliant attorney, Michael Avenatti. It appears her case is the reason why Trump's lawyer had his residence, office and hotel room raided by the FBI. If his records show that Trump PAID Stormy, then Trump and Cohen are in trouble. If his records show that Trump DIDN'T PAY Stormy, then Cohen and Trump are still in trouble. Seriously, that Avenatti guy is a pitbull. "How come you never see this logic translate to the entirely homogeneous populations of Japan or India?" It's obvious that you don't know anything about the history nor culture of Japan or India since both societies are notorious for racism. Google "caste system" and "untouchables" in regards to India and "racism" and "xenophobia" in regards to Japan. "You think that by staying within your own race that you're just being a discriminatory racist white supremacist?" No. Having a fit over one black character in a fictitious TV show does. Ditto the insulting bigoted comments from some of the posters that you conveniently ignore. Younger generations don't want to watch "old" shows/movies (from 1920's-1960's) specifically because they don't like them in B&W or with crappy FX. They prefer reboots. I don't know how you misinterpreted the rest. If Hollywood reboots a movie then they're going to update the actors roles with diversity and egalitarian women roles to reflect the modern era. For instance, there is an "I Love Lucy" scene that's meant to be funny in which Ricky puts Lucy over his knee and gives her a spanking. That would never be acceptable today. In "Lost In Space", June, Judy and Penny prepared all the meals like housewives were expected to do during the 50s. I'd be surprised if they keep those roles in the reboot. The social revolution in the 60s and 70s, changing demographics and advertisers discovering new target audiences are the reasons why you see more diversity in TV shows and movies.