Would Trump make it a day in South Central?
How do you think he'd fare w/or w/o his so awesome team? Would there be a Trumplynching? Would people leave him alone? Too bad we'll probably never know....
shareHow do you think he'd fare w/or w/o his so awesome team? Would there be a Trumplynching? Would people leave him alone? Too bad we'll probably never know....
shareNo white person would. It’s a violent hate filled racist place filled with death and murder on a daily basis courtesy the demokkkrat party who’s been running SoCal for 3/4 of a century.
Thanks for reminding us of what a great job 25 year demokkkrat rep Maxine Waters, 25 year demokkkrat mayor Tom Bradley, and all the other caring demokkkrats have done for the people of south central. Poor bastards deserve better.
It’s a shame someone like Trump couldn’t run it, it would turn into a paradise. But unfortunately the demokkkrats need to keep people poor, helpless and enslaved for their votes.
Check out the wonderful job the demokkkrat party has done with Chicago over the last century of their control. It’s worse than south central. Thanks Demokkkrats.
The irony is that Trump's cohorts are being arrested left and right and many have already been indicted and plead guilty. Even his attorney is a crook! Trump and his family are sweating bullets because they know that they are next.
shareWe've been hearing that for 18 months with no action. Thankfully being a sore loser isn't enough to legally make up non-existent evidence.
shareIf Trump is innocent, he should stop whining about the investigation.
shareBullshit backwards logic. You aren't guilty until proven innocent.
shareTrump didn't care if 5 underage boys were innocent of rape. He called for their execution, anyway. After they were found innocent through DNA testing, he still didn't care and still wanted them to be executed.
That vile slime made-up a disgusting racist lie about Obama not being an American.
What goes around comes around. He deserves no respect because he shows no respect.
Trump last Friday: "I don't know anything about the money or contract. You'll have to ask my attorney, Michael Cohen about it " LOL!
I enjoy watching Michael Avenatti each time he appears on the news sticking it to him. Trump is acting like a rat on a sinking ship. Guilty as sin.
"Trump didn't care if 5 underage boys were innocent of rape. He called for their execution, anyway. After they were found innocent through DNA testing, he still didn't care and still wanted them to be executed."
What in the world are you talking about?
He's talking out his ass, ignore him. I'm not even sure how you conclude that saying Obama wasn't born in the US is racisct, even though it was pretty dumb of Trump.
shareConsidering Trump's father was in the KKK, he and his father discriminated against blacks and Hispanics in housing eventually paying a fine, and called neo-Nazis fine people, it shouldn't be surprising that Trump exploited racism to commence his political career and illegitimize the first black president.
According to a study, the people who tend to believe the birthism conspiracy tend to have a high degree of racial resentment.
"It’s also a naked appeal to racist attitudes. It’s no coincidence that the first president to face major, persistent questions about whether he was born in the US is black and has a foreign-sounding name. Studies have shown that a key driver of birtherism is racial resentment....Political scientist Philip Klinkner of Hamilton College examined the effects of race and racial attitudes on birtherism in a 2014 paper. He concluded that belief in birtherism “is almost completely resistant to factual correction and is strongly related [to] partisanship and attitudes about race.”
At least now I know your completely full of shit,and facts are meaningless to you. Go away douchebag.
shareIt never fails. When a poster can't give an intelligent reply, they insult.
Anyway I already showed the hypocrisy of Trump in reference to "...aren't guilty until proven innocent...." since he refuses to practice it. What goes around comes around.
The very famous NYC case in which there was a rush to judgment when 5 innocent young men were falsely accused of a crime they didn't commit. Trump was one of the people who screamed they were guilty and called for their execution in a newspaper ad that he paid for long before any trial.
After spending 6-13 years in prison, they were released when DNA proved they were innocent. Trump refused to apologize.
"You aren't guilty until proven innocent."
What a hypocrite!
"The Central Park 5 weren't actually found innocent. They were just found not to be the actual rapist. They admitted to holding her down though. There's a big difference between innocent (as in they had nothing to do with it) and not being the actual rapist (but being there and holding her down). Big difference. Also, according to a Daily Wire article, "The Central Park Five had also been convicted of assaulting other people in Central Park prior to the Central Park jogger, one of which was "a man beaten into unconsciousness with a pipe," so it's not as if the Central Park Five had pristine records before the jogger case occurred."
They sound like nice guys.
Still no charges for Cohen.
shareOf course not. And there never will be. Just another nothing burger attempt to blackmail Trumps people to help the failed Mueller investigation cook up something to charge Trump with.
They gave up on the Russian collusion fantasy 6 months ago.
Trump doesn’t drive so they can’t even give him a parking ticket. Lol!!!!!!!
Oh come on, Hillary was working in cahoots with terrorists by making it easier to intercept official messages, her campaign was funded by known terrorist groups, and she's a blatant liar.
Yeah, just the sort of person to back over someone who at least is trying his best to follow through with his election campaign promises.
"...someone who at least is trying his best to follow through with his election campaign promises."
Like draining the swamp? What happened to the affordable health insurance everyone was supposed to have? No tax reform - just tax giveaway to the filthy rich including himself. How's that high-paying factory job coming along? I hope you're not holding your breath for it. When is Mexico going to pay for that wall? The only campaign promises he's interested in are the one's that help his rich friends.
Keelai, readin' verbatim from the Dem playbook. Christ, stand on your own 2 feet for once.
share"...Dem playbook"
You should talk. That's the same nonsensical term they use on Fox "news" all the time.
It's a generic term, but, you knew this. You're just flailing because I knocked you on your ass.
share"It's a generic term,..."
Nope. Fox "news" term taken and used by their robot. What's wrong, can't stand on your own two feet?
My guy is President of the United States.
Forever. Just like the 44 before him.
She did not go back in that House. Neither did Hussein Obama.
No. Uh, uh.
He may be taken down by Stormy Daniels.
shareNo way, Jose'.
shareShe has a brilliant attorney, Michael Avenatti. It appears her case is the reason why Trump's lawyer had his residence, office and hotel room raided by the FBI.
If his records show that Trump PAID Stormy, then Trump and Cohen are in trouble.
If his records show that Trump DIDN'T PAY Stormy, then Cohen and Trump are still in trouble.
Seriously, that Avenatti guy is a pitbull.
[[[If his records show that Trump PAID Stormy, then Trump and Cohen are in trouble.
If his records show that Trump DIDN'T PAY Stormy, then Cohen and Trump are still in trouble.]]]
You can't lose then, sweetheart.
That's the point. Avenatti is a genius.
He said he's playing 3D chess while Trump's lawyer is playing tic tac toe and not even well. I agree.
You was sure that he wouldn't be President. You was dead wrong then.
shareThat's not true at all. I was telling people that he had a good chance of being elected because Americans are stupid. I was actually right.
The irony is that Trump didn't want to be president. He wanted to start a new right-wing TV network to compete against FOX and the campaign was part of a publicity stunt. I've never seen anyone look as miserable as he does after "winning".
I'll just bet you did.
shareRadio host Howard Stern was pulling in good numbers when he ran for NY governor as a goof. He realized how dumb people are and found an excuse to quit the race. Stupid voters are partially to blame for bad political leadership.
shareHussein Obama is living proof.
shareAt least he read books unlike the neo-Nazi you voted into office. At least his impeachment should prove entertaining.
shareThey'll never get 2/3 of the Senate. Like Clinton's impeachment it's an exercise in futility.
shareNever say never. Likely blue wave coming in November. Trump appears to have decimated the Republican party. Career Republican politicians are fleeing in droves including Paul Ryan.
Repeat after me, President Pence.
It ain't Trump, but, it's still a fine alternative.
shareUntil 2020. Then a Democratic president will fix aka:undo everything Trump and Pence did.
BTW, millennials, soon-to-be largest generation, can't stomach the Republican party so you may be stuck with a Democratic president for a long while.
...possible, perhaps even probable, but, I'll have had this 4-8 years of vengeance. A lot of scores have been & will be settled before he sets aside the hammer, puts down the tong.
God bless the United States of America, and the men who made her free.
The men who made America free believed in freedom of the press, expression and speech which Trump has repeatedly criticized against in his tweets.
The men who made America free supported three equal branches of government. Trump demands loyalty, deference and obedience from the other two branches.
I doubt both Trump and the Founding Fathers can be supported at the same time since they have opposing ideals.
Vengeance against whom or what?
Again, he is trying to implement those, but being stopped by others.
Under Hillary, she'd not even bother. She knows she wouldn't have to, because her name alone gives her a free pass on complacency because of idiots who vote based on her gender instead of her policies.
Would you?