MovieChat Forums > Keelai > Replies

Keelai's Replies

He may be a good director, but he's a horrible writer. Some of the blame goes to Kennedy and Lucasfilms story consultants who are equally bad. Most fans I know don't care about Episode 9 since the story was ruined. No Han, Luke or Leia. More OT rehash. Mary Rey Sue and Emo Kylo. Finn and Rose. Boring artwork and SFX. Any loser can use the Force with no Jedi training. No thanks. I'll borrow it from the library out of curiosity. I don't believe Episode 9 is the conclusion since Disney may use 9 as a springboard for more movies re: an unending civil war. I'll stick with Lucas EU novels for the real ST. "Besides, the correct response is to report the person to the authorities for performing such an act." Good luck with that. My stance is that Tran and Trump are not equal. Tran is an innocent. Trump is an evil racist, neo-Nazi, misogynistic troll and narcissistic sociopath. And because of his insults, there are Canadians who are boycotting American products and cancelling their vacations to the states. Do you want to discuss how many American jobs will be lost because of Trump's trolling behavior? [url][/url] Shame on you for comparing sweet Kelly Marie Tran to that ogre. I have to defend Lucas from comparison to hack Johnson. I'll agree that some of the PT execution wasn't done well especially in Phantom Menace: Jarjar, bad acting, CGI, C3PO's origins. But, Lucas story was consistent. Characters were well-developed. Jedi Knights and society were fleshed out. Lucas knows SW (obviously) unlike Johnson who made up stuff like the nonsense about what the balance in the Force is which contradicts SW lore. Lucas didn't copy whole scenes from the OT. There was new artwork, better costume design and music. Johnson also was disrespectful of SW lore which is why there's such a heavy fan backlash. Still, I understand why people have a problem with the PT which is OK. I have no issue with anyone enjoying Last Jedi. It looks good. I'm just saying it's not written well. Personally, I enjoy bad movies and this one has begun to make me laugh. Holdo yelling at Poe when he asks what's the plan, flying Leia, Luke drinking milk and the look that the animal gives to Rey, crazy Rose saying she loves Finn out of the blue. I noticed that you didn't answer my question. Stranger B spits in your face, what is your response? I see you're afraid to be honest and answer the question because you know I'm right. And your ego won't allow you to admit it. No justification needed since I'm resolute in my belief system. I treat people the way they treat me. Eye for an eye. The problem with Johnson was too much style over substance. Johnson showed a stranger die and another stranger mourning her. I felt nothing for either character. I don't know Rose's sister's name either. Even Rey mourning Han who she knew for 2 days(?) was dumb. The audience would have felt something if longtime characters like Leia or Luke were shown grieving Han. Someone suggested Leia should've held the dice and upon Luke's death they disappear allowing her to know he's dead and she cries. That's more powerful. He knew about all the fan theories so instead of coming up with clever original answers, he decided not to address anything. His whole new direction was based more on a copout and laziness. Why did Luke leave a map if he didn't want to be found? Why does the Force work differently from the previous 7 movies? Why would Rey want to change stranger Kylo? Originally I enjoyed most of the movie too, but upon repeated viewings, the flaws start popping out. Most people say Solo is mediocre. I plan to borow Solo from the library out of curiosity. I disagree because I believe in "an eye for an eye" instead of "turn the other cheek". Trump is mean to people so I don't care if people are mean to him. Tran hasn't done anything to anyone so she should be left alone. You seem to be having a problem realizing there is a distinction so I'll give you an example. You're walking down the street and encounter two strangers one minute a part. Stranger A gives you a compliment about your jacket. Stranger B spits in your face. Would your response be the same for both people? In my world, Stranger B deserves to be punched. You can turn the other cheek so Stranger B spits n your face again. I see experimentation that you're talking about, unfortunately Johnson's new direction equaled bad storytelling since most of it made no sense and was repetitive. For instance, the repeated gotcha scenarios throughout the film. It felt like a gimmick. And the repeated characters' failures which made it seem like he was trolling the audience. I enjoy creative experimentation, but it has to be done well. Any hint of an emotional moment, Johnson would turn it into a joke or cut from the scene. As a writer, can you imagine a scene in which Luke finds out that Kylo killed Han? Johnson didn't think that was important. Abrams is good at copying from someone else's work and revising it to appeal to fans, but his own originality and creativity is limited. I liked both Trek and Force Awakens, but both are reboots. I agree the movie looked great. I'm not sure if it was cinematographer Yedlin or Johnson though. Another problem is Johnson based his story around the cinematography instead of the other way around. Bomb drop scene "looked great", but there is no gravity in space and the bombers were so vulnerable that it made no sense for the rebels to use them instead of their B-wings. Kennedy is in over her head. She's just rehashing the OT. Agreed. Some SW fans are very hostile. They chased poor Lucas away. I like Howard, but Solo is not a good film according to word of mouth and reviews. I wasn't impressed with the trailer. He is modernizing North Korea. Rodman compared what N. Korea looked like during his first and last visit. There are also unofficial private businesses running throughout the country. There are probably N. Koreans in power who thought he may be a pushover because of his youth, but Kim was quick to show that's not the case. It's an interesting article. "It is not an absolute term since it does not intend to describe the best possible epoch. " I agree with that sentence. Even though progress started in the 60s, I wouldn't call it a Golden Age by any stretch. The overwhelming number of shows had no black people in them. Other shows had a token black person or someone rarely seen including those listed. That article makes it sound better than it actually was. The appearance of non-stereotyped blacks on TV was influenced by the Civil Rights Movement and the Black Pride Movement. I think what started in the 60s is still progressing to this day. A show like Lost in Space which never had any black actors is diversified in its reboot. " I've seen quite a bit of experimintation" Can you name a few examples? I'm just curious. Two types of people. Those with talent and/or knowledge who don't suck up. Then there are those without any real skill who must rely on sucking up to get ahead. Kennedy is a suck-up too. Unfortunately, Lucas fell for her act and put her in charge. She has no creativity nor any knowledge about marketing which explains why she's attacking the fanbase based on her perverted stereotyped image of them. "you better listen is the name of the game." Only a suck-up would listen to someone they know is a fool. Hamill and Treverrow fought. That's a new one! An alt-righter denying that neo-Nazis deny the Holocaust. If you're in Illinois, you can vote for your candidate, Arthur J. Jones: "Arthur Joseph Jones is an American neo-Nazi white nationalist and Holocaust denier... In January 2018, he became the only Republican candidate for Illinois's 3rd congressional district..." [url][/url] How come I'm not surprised he's a Republican? Kim also won because Trump won't have American do military exercises in the region which helps new soldiers stationed there in case there is a problem. The only countries winning under Trump is China, North Korea and Russia. Kim would be a fool to get rid of them. And unlike Trump, he's no fool. I guess you don't know that Kim went to school in Switzerland and is fluent in English, French and German. He knows plenty about western democracy and wealth. he's been creating nice recreational facilities in N. Korea for himself and other elites. No, Kim won because he has wanted to meet with an American president for years to help elevate himself and his regime. He also gets to keep his nukes. He said he would stop testing at a cave site after the cave collapsed and he couldn't test there anyway. Trump is a chump and so are you if you believe he won anything. I don't see experimentation. All films copy heavily from the OT. Johnson and Abrams probably know how to suck up to Kennedy better than the other directors and do everything she wants even if it's bad which is why she likes them and has given them numerous films to do. Have you learned nothing? The only thing Disney will do is to find creative ways to screw it up. Tran was getting death threats, Einstein. A 10 year old child named Justin Lloyd was verbally abused for years ended up with lifelong mental illness. Same with "The Star Wars Kid' who became suicidal and had to be committed to a mental hospital for a long time. Numerous children and adults commit suicide because of bullying. Who the Hell are you to negate their suffering? "How is this comparable?" Racists, anti-Semites, misogynists and other haters use denial as a weapon against people they victimize. It is a form of hatred. You're repeating the stupidity re: NDAs from people who have no understanding what they are. If you're working on a film, you can't discuss anything about the film to anyone. It doesn't mean you have to shut down social media or go into hiding. Tran has left a powerful message behind on her social media: "Afraid, but doing it anyway." Besides her message, people who know and work with her are saying she did leave social media because of the abuse. Boyega has more credibility than you or other "fans" who don't know her. Your denial doesn't change the fact that this woman was subjected to abuse by the "fans". Tran is a normal working Joe who recently got a lucky break: "...landed her very first part in a film after eight years as a struggling actor...after almost a decade, she had made it — and making it meant, among other things, paying off her student loans...the 28-year-old UCLA grad had gotten used to grinding, supporting herself by working odd jobs and at a temp agency while also trying her best to put herself out there to get cast in projects. "She'd wake up at 5 a.m., answer phones and grab coffee, leave for two or three auditions in the afternoon, then come back to the office and stay until 8 or 9 at night," reports Buzzfeed. Gigs were scant, and she was weary. Her acting experience consisted of a few appearances in CollegeHumor skits, a web series she shot with her friends, and some improv shows. Tran told Entertainment Weekly she thought about quitting..." She may have been paid the going rate $100-250k for her role which isn't enough to be rich, just enough to pay-off college loans. [url][/url] " Asian women deserve extra criticism..." It sounds like you hate Asian women. I suggest you reread what I wrote re: Trump. I wrote that he was abusive towards others so he's just getting back what he has put out there. Poor Trump! Perhaps he could move in with Ivanka who made $82 million last year while working in the White House. Tran hasn't said or done anything to anyone. Apparently attacking and threatening her commenced a while ago. [url][/url] [url][/url]