MovieChat Forums > Keelai > Replies

Keelai's Replies

Let alone do housework wearing them along with her pearl necklace. She wouldn't allow poor Beaver to play with a boy because his parents were divorced. Same with a poor boy. What a mean woman! It was too graphic for some fans who swore they wouldn't watch the show anymore. Last season was the worst. Very lazy directing and writing. A new show runner this season so maybe it'll improve and/or move forward in the story. "I would say it peaked from the 1940's to the 1980's... It was greater for whites..." Not white women. Not white gays. Not whites who were poor. Not white Catholics. Not white non-Christians. Not white ethnic groups like Italians and Irish aka: not white immigrants. Life expectancy for white men in 1940: 62. black men: 52. WW2, epidemics (smallpox, whooping cough, diphtheria...), polio, food rations, 45% had no indoor plumbing. "...then greater for everyone during the latter part...." Roughly 50s to early 70s were the oppressed (blacks, Hispanics, women, migrant workers, gays, etc.) fighting for their rights. Still fighting. That leaves the 80s. Reaganomics caused large cuts in Federal spending which caused local municipalities to layoff people. Poverty, AIDS, high crime, drugs. I like to add bad fashion and rock music too. Nothing great about those time periods. That clip still doesn't define a date or time when America was great. I also take issue with a few things he says in the clip. U.S. is STILL the strongest world economy. STILL achieves great tech advances. STILL cures diseases. STILL has great artists especially in pop culture which most of the world loves: music; movies; TV shows; books; magazines; fashion.... Immoral laws were struck down because oppressed people and their allies fought to have them changed. Liberals actually have done a great deal of winning through policy changes like gay marriage, ending Vietnam War, Civil Rights movement, Roe vs Wade, EPA laws, etc. Americans have more access to information through the internet than any previous generation. He's idealizing a past that never existed. I think too many people have watched "Leave it to Beaver" and think it was real. The first part of the clip was good though. What specifically do you find great about the 80s and half of the 90s? Hollywood is probably trying to attract a specific demographic through "nostalgia". That's like shooting yourself in the foot because your opposition doesn't like the sight of blood. The irony is that Trumputinettes are going to be more adversely effected especially if they're in red states with little to no buffer against his policies. Some Democratic governors and mayors are at least trying to protect their constituents. I noticed. My guess is that Snags and other Trumputinettes are going to eventually feel foolish when they realize he's a con artist. In the meantime, perhaps 30 second commercials with only facts run on Fox would help deprogram some of them. "Yeah, I'm lazy..." We're both in agreement. Everything I wrote is factual. Your response is opinion, insults and repeated propaganda that you heard on Fox. Not one fact presented. BTW, you're confused about what the investigation is. It's not specifically about Trump collusion. It's an investigation about Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, links with Trump's campaign and obstruction of justice by Trump and others. Special Counsel investigations usually last many years and Mueller's doing a great job considering all of the indictments in such a short period of time. This link compares time length of various investigations. Scroll down to see the chart: [url][/url] This sounds like collusion to me: [url][/url] And annihilation, too! From what I read, it sounds like America's long history of racism. Too many people don't know the difference between political commentary shows and news programs. Media execs know that the most loyal followers are those who are extreme in their beliefs so execs will feed into that no matter the consequences to the country. It divides the country but they don't care. I've seen media personalities change their rhetoric to a more extreme hateful one because that's what sells now. It wouldn't be an issue if people didn't limit their media sources. Too many want programming to only confirm their personal biases instead of exposing themselves to multiple media for information and then analyzing and forming their own opinion using critical thinking skills. Rich and powerful who control it also use media to manipulate and control public opinion even when it's against the public's own best interest. Russia still has nuclear weapons directed at the United States. We just stopped the drills because everyone knows hiding under a wooden desk isn't going to stop anyone from being alienated from a nuclear bomb. The violent killing of Glenn turned people off. Then, they had many poorly directed episodes in which the characters behaved stupidly which turned off many more. Not old. Older. LOL. What was corrupt and greedy about Jimmy Carter? Republican voters rightfully complained about corruption and greed and said they wanted someone different in the White House which is why they wanted an "outsider" like Trump. Instead he's worst, but Republican voters won't admit they made a mistake in trusting him. It's become a sweet lemons scenario. "...everything comes full circle.." Yep. And I promise you that people who were struggling financially before Trump will still be struggling after he leaves office. Same crap with Reagan which is why I know trickle-down economics doesn't work. I know you don't want to hear this, but the Information Age brought a new economy which makes it important for people to retrain in order to find good paying jobs. The problem wasn't immigrants - but job loss through technology. "...reference to the positive..." "...being noble..high moral principles..." Except that was a myth. I'm old enough to have seen some of that world and the changes as well as hear my parents talk about it. Many people were miserable, things were just done in secret. There were less opportunities and people were forced to live lives didn't want. "Roles" which is what you're talking about can be stifling. People now are able to pursue what makes them personally happy. Trump is 3x married who whores every chance he gets. He also didn't pay for work done and cheated Trump University students. Lies constantly. hateful. Rude. Nothing noble about him therefore he can't deliver it to you. What's noble about taking babies and putting them in cages, anyway? "For God and Country" was not Trump's behavior last week with Putin. He's all myth. Just make the world better starting with yourself. Be polite. Teach your kids manners. Don't hurt anyone. Help if you can. Not rocket science. Trump not needed. I agree. That means his supporters are behaving like cult followers. It's called "cult of personality" and people like Trump, Putin, Hitler, Stalin, etc. are able to manipulate and gain power. I'm still not sure how followers regain their reason if the leader is still in power. The recession happened under Bush. It was actually a near worldwide banking and economic collapse. I'm relieved that an egghead like Obama was president to lead the recovery. Dummy Trumputin wouldn't have a clue on how to solve it. He would be looking for ways to line his own pocket and kiss Putin's tookis like he did in Helsinki. Two hour secret meeting with Putin indeed! I don't think you're aware that you're repeating Trumputin's propaganda. He says the sky is orange and you are mindlessly repeating it with no intent to look for proof. I challenge you to fact check what he claims to have done. For instance: "NATO now paying their fair share" This isn't true. "...French president Emmanuel Macron said that the other alliance members had simply agreed to keep to the spending commitments which had already been made." BTW, past presidents have also tried to get NATO to increase funding with no success. "...better trade deals than ever before..." Not true. Americans are going to be hit hard by sanctions and are talking bankruptcies and lay-offs. ex: Harley Davison and soybean farmers. "the wall is getting built" No wall. Replace fencing and additions in some areas. "Unemployment lowest in years." Depends. The real unemployment rate is 21.5% which includes people who can't find work for a long time and part-time workers who can't find full time work. The official stat is 4% which doesn't count the above. When people give up looking, they're not counted in the official stats. "economy is booming" For who? Most people haven't had their wages increase. BTW, we are in the final cycle of both business and stock market cycles. The tax break for the rich helped to extend stock market cycle since companies do buybacks with their tax break which forced the market to go up. Usually, the stock market falls before the business cycle. "How is he different from any other politician?" Politicians are different from each other. Was Hitler different from Kennedy? Was Pol Pot different from FDR? Is Trump different from Reagan? His children and former Reaganites have answered a resounding yes. "Who gives a shit." This sounds like you are taking democracy for granted. It's not a given. Many democracies have become totalitarian or autocratic governments. Recently Russia, Venezuela and Turkey. Their leaders tend to use the same methods as Trump which is why more people including Republicans are alarmed. "What’s so bad about this guy?" "So he said...things." Tearing children from their mothers arms and putting them in cages. Discriminating against people based on religion. Inciting violence against the press and anyone in opposition. Dividing Americans. Supporting autocrats like North Korean, Russia and Turkey leaders over American democratic values. Speaking out against NATO which has helped defend America and its allies while defending autocrat Putin. "He wants to make America great again." You are taking hard fought rights for granted. The old days weren't so good. I guess I'm older than you because when I was young it was normal for a raped woman to be blamed because her skirt was too short or she wasn't a virgin. It was normal to kill a black man or child for hate and receive no sentence. The air was dirtier which gave me daily nose bleeds before creating environmental laws. Discrimination in housing was rampant including at Trump Tower. TV news was reported only by white men. A class action suit forced the three networks to hire women & minorities. ETC. People fought and died in the streets to bring change which Trump wants to get rid of. "...people who depend on hand outs..." Yet, you don't complain about the large handout rich people received that middle income people like myself will be paying for. Why not? Mueller is too busy arresting Trumputin's accomplishes to leak anything. Don't let the fact that Mueller and others involved in the investigation are Republicans who Trumputin appointed. Trumputin surrounds himself with advisors who have been indicted for illegal activities with Russians. Ask yourself why Trumputin surrounded himself with so many Russian agents and accomplishes. Last week, your treasonous Russian puppet defended a dictator over his own government and American agencies which he runs. Trumputin thought Putin's had a good idea in sending Americans to Russia to be "questioned" including a man who Putin has tried to kill for many years. You should be embarrassed defending a flawed and possible compromised individual over defending democracy. Country over party. Country over a single individual who insults and denigrates American values and repeatedly tries to divide the American people. I also mentioned lazy which obviously applies and was ignorantly omitted in your response.