MovieChat Forums > Keelai > Replies

Keelai's Replies

Totally agree. I think Seth MacFarlane called it a spoof in order to not be sued for copyright infringement. I wish he would do a "spoof" of Star Wars and have Hamill in it. Because you need to change your television channel to a real news source instead of state sponsored propaganda Fox. I totally agree! I've been avoiding most superhero movies because they tend to be predictable with a formula instead of an actual story therefore I've become bored with them. Evil villain who menaces the world/human existence/galaxy/universe. Superhero vows to stop him. Superhero and villain have chase scene and then fight. Superhero wins. Yawn! The multiple storylines without a major "menacing evil villain" is what I found refreshing. This is the first superhero movie in years that I really enjoyed and hadn't become bored watching. I didn't even like the first Antman movie except for two scenes with Luis, but I decided to give this sequel a chance after I saw the trailer and positive ratings from moviegoers and critics. The fight and chase scenes were unique with the resizing ability and good SFX and humor. And they weren't so long that they ended up becoming a chore to watch like a few other superhero movies have done. Overall, I found the movie funny and the characters interesting although Luis is still my favorite. The chemistry among the characters was good. The opening scene with the father and daughter didn't bother me. Probably because it showed a superhero being just a father instead of focusing the entire movie on only heroics and nothing else. I don't know Walton Goggins' past work so I have no idea how he was miscast. I did wonder how Janet survived, too, but I'm assuming she ate creatures like those surrounding Hank's vehicle. "Doesn't need to be the same guy." True. But, most people didn't want this movie without Ford. There's a similar resistance with replacing Fisher in the Leia role. At least hire an actor like Anthony Ingruber who looks and can act like Ford especially since he was the main character. Pine resembles Kirk and did a great job with Shatner's mannerisms and voice work. Ditto Urban and Quinto. "Not sure how burning an American Flag supports their agenda." It doesn't matter since it's a part of freedom of expression. At least they're not telling a foreign enemy to spy on its own citizens, having 2 hour long secret meetings with a foreign dictator while denouncing its own government agencies, freedom of the press and expression and attacking longtime allies like England, Canada and France like your tovarishch Trumputin. "This makes San Francisco the first California city to allow illegal immigrants, and non-citizens voting rights in local elections." It's not local elections. It's only for school board elections and only includes "non-citizens who are over the age of 18, city residents and have children under age 19" who are likely attending public schools. The OP's post is misleading on purpose. The iconic character wasn't played by the actor who made him iconic to begin with. "Remember. You are talking about people who do not know how to use a condom properly, as you said." "...Ivana Trump Conceived Three Children While She Had an IUD... " When it's that easy to become pregnant, then abortion is a necessity for women who can't afford it. "The man owns a 50% share in that fetus, and should also be able to abort child support." That's called paying for an abortion which is what Republicans do when their mistresses become pregnant. If abortion is so upsetting to you than how come you are ignoring the hundreds of thousands of unused frozen embryos in freezers that could end up being destroyed? Because they're not in a woman and you only care about controlling women, not about embryos. Bush started the war for oil. Weapons of mass destruction was his excuse. Liberals were against the war and were being called anti-American by Republicans. The only chemical weapons they would have are the ones given to them by America in its proxy war against Iran. Common knowledge. It took years for Republicans to figure out attacking Iraq was a mistake just like it will take years for Republicans to figure out that supporting Trumputin is a mistake because of his assault on democracy and American institutions. Trumputin's supporters lost credibility when they advocated separating babies from their mothers and throwing them in cages, torturing them and emotionally damaging them. Trumputin's supporters are poorly educated (his words, not mine), therefore I'm sure it would be time consuming to figure out how to click on a link. Furthermore, I'm sure his supporters prefer to remain poorly educated and lazy. Continue to blame failure on hard-working immigrants. Obviously, Russian didn't make the top 10. Rape 2011 stats: Russia: 4,907 Ranked 8th Rapes per million people - 34.46 Ranked 37th U.S.: 84,767 Ranked 1st. 17 times more than Russia Rapes per million people - 274.04 Ranked 9th. 8 times more than Russia If you want to do the research and find a better source, be my guest. Provide a link to a factual study from a credible source that contradicts mine. Of course not. In the words of Trump that would be Lügenpresse aka: fake news. 32 criminal indictments and counting. BTW, Russia didn't only hack emails. They have also targeted U.S. infrastructure like energy, nuclear and commercial facilities. In 2015, Russia attacked the Ukraine power grid shutting off power to 200,000 people. Russia is also responsible for a chemical weapons attack on ally British soil killing one woman and critically injuring four others. How about country over party? Stop supporting Russia. Fans have to fight. I did a little research and there is a twitter campaign to save the show: Hashtag: #SaveTheCrossing, #RenewTheCrossing From article: "The sci-fi series was canceled at ABC after its only its first season. The move is surprising considering the premiere of The Crossing was the second-most-watched debut (in almost three years) on ABC for its time slot, according to Deadline, and the show inspired a podcast called, "The Crossing Podcast." Some other cancelled reversals were Brooklyn Nine-Nine and Timeless. But the latter was cancelled again with a possible TV movie in works. A lot of hypocrites go to church so I wouldn't be surprised if he does. Trump likes to promote Christianity which is a joke coming from that anti-Christ. Stop trolling, Rian! How cute! A Fox listener attempts to make up a statistic out of his/her own head instead of using a faux stat from Fox's propaganda machine. Nice try. But, that's not how it works, bud. A stat isn't something you make up. If you had been reading the papers lately, then you would know that Rep. Maxine Waters had been receiving death threats. Rep. Adam Schiff, Rep. Al Green and Rep. Andre Carson, a Muslim have all received threats. Just to name a few which is more than "zero". "Your hate..." You're obviously projecting. Trumpettes have so much hate that you cheer toddlers being tortured because they're Hispanic. Don't forget to pray next Sunday for your sins cast from Monday thru Saturday.