MovieChat Forums > liscarkat > Replies
liscarkat's Replies
Yeah, one time she went flat for a second and I just about jumped out of my seat. It was jarring. Gershwin probably tried to sit up in his grave and bumped his head on the lid of his coffin. Other than that, lovely voice.
Huh? Putting headphones against her belly wouldn't make the kid deaf.
He spent more than thirty years writing a three-minute bon-bon. Good thing he was a great high school teacher.
She's fifty-five years old now, but she still manages to pick up a couple of hundred bucks a night strutting her stuff on Times Square.
Rowena was a musical inspiration for Holland. She was also a distraction for him from his strained marriage and stressful relationship with his deaf kid. Her Gershwin performances were musical highpoints of the movie.
OP was a hack who was threatened by a movie that showed how a teacher should be. OP was a pretentious jerk who refered to himself as an "educator".
There are innumerable examples. Holland never said modern music was "stealing" from classics.
There is no indication in the movie that he is gay. Dance has nothing to do with homosexuality. Besides, he explained that the football players took modern dance to become more graceful in their football movements.
It's high school, not Big Ten college.
Nothing happened. He never said or did anything inappropriate. He taught her and helped her. He realized that she was in love with him and wanted him to go to New York with her, but he never intended to go away with her. He went to the bus stop to talk to her and make sure she was okay. He kissed her on the cheek.
Even if something had happened, she was eighteen years old, legally an adult.
Louise Rickner, my eighth-grade English teacher at Washington Jr. High School in La Habra, California, 1967-1968.
He did nothing inappropriate with Rowena. He never intended to go away with her. He came to the bus stop to talk to her. He realized she was in love with him. He kissed her on the cheek. No harm done.
The "old" makeup looked exactly like Dreyfus really ended up looking when he was that old.
Hearing loss
Movies like this are not made any more. We get superheroes and jump scares.
OP was a moron.
Yes, it's implausible. But it's a movie. It happened because it was in the script. Suspension of disbelief is a wonderful skill to have if you want to enjoy movies.
I felt like one of them should slap the damned kid. They spoiled him, and he was out of control.
Whiplash is idiotic garbage.
Good teacher movies
Goodbye Mr. Chips (original version)
The Blackboard Jungle
To Sir with Love
The news guy on the radio at the beginning says it's nearly a year since Kennedy's assassination. That would make it autumn of 1964. The end is 1995.