liscarkat's Replies

You misspelled "winners". Yeah, a victim of deranged mental health is currently Assistant Secretary of Health. Pretty damned ironic. Give us Kennedy. It's probable that a lot of retailers will use this as an excuse to raise prices and blame it on Trump. The film's makers probably gave their audience credit for being smart enough not to go out and emulate bad behavior from a movie. People are shot, strangled, stabbed, raped, beat up, etc., etc., etc. in movies and tv shows all the time. Should all those movies and shows be banned, too? Should we only have Hallmark romances? Not a typical American. A typical woke American. Aw, come on. We should all chip in and buy K a new keyboard with a caps lock key that works. Are they still in high school? They must be about thirty by now. When the "headliner" is some band only their moms and friends have ever heard of, it's really not much of a festival. Rittenhouse only defended himself against assailants who were trying to kill him. Anybody who doesn't know that is too low-information to deserve an opinion. Anybody who does know it and is still against him is evil. Apparently the OP doesn't know what "nobody" means. From what I've seen of Rittenhouse in interviews, he seems likeable. There are undoubtedly people who know him who like him. People who automatically don't like him are low-information fools who have misconceptions about his case, mainly because they've been lied to by the mainstream news media, and they're gullible. This isn't one of Clint's home movies. It's a shot from a fictional film--you know (or do you?), pretend. I seriously doubt the girl was traumatized. Yeah, pretty much the same: he gurns that scowl and puts on the northeastern urban thug accent. With the goofy little short-brimmed hat, of course. When a leftist says "science", what he actually means (though he doesn't realize it) is pseudoscience. While calm and non-threatening in real life, Cagney was actually a tough guy, when the need arose. De Niro just plays a tough guy in movies, and talks tough in real life because he knows he's safe. Phony charges, phony trial, nothing but political persecution. Leftist lies. Ignore them. He used to be a "Trumper" until he was overlooked as a VP candidate in 2016, then he switched to "Trump is a Nazi!". Now that his tv ratings are plummeting he's sniffing around Trump again. Joe and his creepy wife are nothing more than lying hypocrites. The more celebrities and other woke 'tards leaving X, the better. That is a lie, like most of the noise that emits from democrats. Wikipedia has about as much credibility as "fact check" or "peer review". There's not such place as "Faux News". You just don't like Fox News because they tell the truth--kryptonite to leftists. If you don't like greasy hair, be sure not to vote for Gavin Newscum when he runs for president.