AaronSynn's Replies

I'm just watching because after all this time I want to know who ends up on the stupid throne, and god knows George Martin is going to go tits up before he ever finishes the books. George also writes when he feels like it... If another project catches his interest, the next GoT book goes on the backburner. And they did say from the beginning that the plan was for George to have the new book finished by the time they finished adapting all the previous ones. And while, yes, it is the writers job to come up with good stuff, few TV writers are on par with writers like Martin. I found the scene when Wanda attacked Thanos to be a seriously "Kick-ass woman" scene. The group glamour shot, not so much. Or maybe the memory wipe DIDN'T fail.... Remember, in the original timeline, Kelly accepted the 2nd date while she was hungover. The alternate Kelly wasn't hungover when he called her. Perhaps hungover Kelly is more apt to say 'Yeah...sure...whatever..." He seemed more upset about his brother than his father. SHAZAM instantly became one of my favorite superhero films. I honestly fell asleep twice during Captain Marvel. In the comics, he used to be a gym teacher.... You holier than thou types must be fun at parties.... People young and old laughed at the Three Stooges for generations and their humor is as childish as you get. Maybe they wanted to keep the 'Marvel Family' a surprise. Or possibly they wanted people to see it with an open mind instead of seeing the internet flipping out about the wizard being black beforehand.... WW. RE: The Orville taking all those hits. Remember 3 episodes ago when the Moclan super-upgraded the Orville's shields? Maybe the upgrades hadn't been installed in the other ships yet, giving the Orville an advantage over the other Union ships... He may be awesome, but that was pure Samuel L Jackson dialog they had him bellowing... I was thinking that while I was watching it. That was bizarre. Any male friend said that to me, I'd just say 'so go jerk off then'.... Not to mention, since Danielle is part of the lives of Tree and the rest of them, every time SHE loops, she could screw up their lives, couldn't she? She reminds me of the season of ST: TNG when Dr Crusher left and they brought in Dr Pulaski. Alara had a good place in the overall story. She was the young, semi-insecure one who was growing as the show went on. Replacement actress is sort of 'meh' without an established dramatic point in being there (aside from just as a security officer) Maybe when they were putting the episode together they were planning for his appearance to be a surprise but, obviously, word got out.... Sad that after the video was released, it probably took less than 10 minutes before half the internet chimed in saying 'FAKE! I can see the pixels!!' lol I'm pretty sure that was an actually costume, not CGI. I think he meant Mallory, Michael J Fox's character's sister in his TV show 'Family Ties'...