AaronSynn's Replies

Well, honestly she didn't do much more than stand around giving Drago looks in Rocky 4. She probably had 3 or 4 lines in that movie. Yeah, Queen's sound guy did that IRL to make the band louder than all the other bands playing. She's in two scenes. I think she has one line (in Russian) In the comics, Elektra all the way. In the show, definitely Karen. Loved her since True Blood. Not everybodys concerned with looks. Melania for example... All of them except the first. I was only 11 at the time and my parents wouldn't let me go to the first one. (It was retconned in part 8 that it wasn't him being beheaded, remember?) Also, the new movie ignores everything except the first movie. The new one is essentially a new Part 2. The thing that gives 2 a bit of an edge over the rest of the sequels is that it still keeps Freddy mostly in the shadows like in the first one, and didn't go overboard with the jokes. When Dream Warriors came along, it was good, but it was the start of people taking Freddy as a goofy character. Well, it's two years later and we've invented a ton of new genders and sexual identities and such.... Jesse could've been any number of things, still seeming mostly gay but also wanting Lisa.... 9 Pfft...She's friggin gorgeous and built for speed. You don't mess with perfection... No adult today can experience the film the way people did in the 70s. Yeah, when Howard walked out in the Sheldon costume it was the hardest I've laughed from this show in a long time.... In both instances, the extra Daredevil costume is made by Melvin Potter (the Gladiator) after threats from the Kingpin’s people. In the comic the scene is much shorter and less complicated. In both the comic and the show, Matt sheds his ‘blind person’ look and lets people assume he can see. In the comics, Karen has fled to him (in both comic and series, there are bad people out to kill Karen), and he manages to break her of her drug addiction. Near the end of the show season, it goes very differently than in the comics (It would have to, as the final issue of the comic arc featured the Avengers heavily) There is also a scene which parallels the Kevin Smith Daredevil story ‘Guardian Devil’. In that story, while trying to save others in the same church, Karen is killed by a billy-club thrown by Bullseye. The show, of course, teased that, but instead killed the priest. There was also a couple of mentions of the hammer the Kingpin used to kill his father still existing. I believe that that MAY be a set-up for a possible season based on the ‘Fall of the Kingpin’ arc, written by DG Chichester, which was a very good follow up to ‘Born Again’. There are other parallels to other issues. In one story, the Kingpin loses faith in Bullseye after he fails to kill someone. In another, it is shown that young Bullseye was on his way to become a major league baseball pitcher, but ended up killing a batter out of boredom. In another issue, after having his spine broken in a fall, it is repaired with Adamantium by one of the same men responsible for giving Wolverine his Adamantium skeleton. I’ll end this with a very wise thing said by the Kingpin in an issue of the Born Again story, after he has ruined Matt’s life: “A man without hope, is a man without fear” The thing was, his previous unmaskings didn't tell us much. This one, in my opinion, showed his mortality...he had lost his hair, he had a scraggly beard and some scars. This was the first time his being maskless told us that he was still aging normally and was getting old...like he wasn't superhuman evil and immune to the normal stuff age does to a man...of course he was still strong as an ox, but this was the first time it looked like Michael would eventually die of old age if he stayed locked up. Halloween Halloween 2 Halloween 2018/Halloween 4 Halloween 5 Halloween H20 Halloween 3 RZ Halloween Halloween 6 Halloween Resurrection RZ Halloween 2 Salt was pretty kick-ass.... For me it's been downhill since David T left....Matt S wasn't as good as David...Peter was worse than Matt...Newbie seems to be following the downward spiral from what I saw last night... Yeah, she was like an 'A' cup.... 1981...He looked in a phone book. Or maybe the camp had records of employee info.