MovieChat Forums > Mint Berry Crunch > Replies
Mint Berry Crunch's Replies
It was pretty creepy at the time, if you had any sense. The show was a hot mess.
No, this show was terrible and should be erased from existence. We don't need another reminder it existed. That would be criminal.
He's a real jam up guy.
email and paypal work perfectly fine. I'll sell my support for $100.
Most people are only used to identifying a gay man who is flamboyant with a lisp and prancing around in leather chaps singing YMCA or RuPaul songs. Life is difficult for these type of people.
Buy my support instead.
Trying to buy your way into moderator, huh? You can't be trusted.
They could have made a flashback scene of Charles killing Magneto and others with his seizure. That would have been much better than trying to hear him mumble about it.
Only two? How bout hurling him into the vacuum of space with no oxygen, or dropping him into lava?
I hope there is appeal process and the mods have a friggen sense of humor.
Yes because WikiLeaks works for Russia who coordinated with Julian Assange to release the DNC dirt during key points in the election and went through all this trouble to get Trump, a long shot, elected, when they could have just easily contributed to Hillary to get what they want, since that's what she was exposed for, her pay to play politics and her fraudulent "fund raising" skills.
Part III is way too cheesy and thus cringy in parts.
They had a star meter to know board activity, genius.
A research lab has his DNA and can clone. I'm pretty sure there is a way to bring him back.
What exactly did he do to "deserve it"
Can't wait to laugh at the stupid media stories that trigger you.
You must go now.
That's bull considering how many kids are neglected that don't turn out gay.
It's more likely pollution and toxins that cause hormone disruptors, like Tyrone Hayes observed with frogs.
At least that guy got a PM warning. I got nothing for my lifetime ban. I wasn't even trolling or flaming anyone. WHat a joke site.
Yep and Vanityfair is really hard hitting news. Look at the puppets here dancing on strings to their bullshit story.