Rorikon's Replies

Janeway was a fucking bad ass Captain turned Admiral. Heck she literally had friggin anti-borg tech on her way home to the Alpha quadrant. If you been to any of the Star Trek conventions, she's awesome. I dunno about Discovery though. She might go full liberal and safe space the Klingons or make a Klingon Lives Matter :p Well he did do it with the his American Health Care Act where he got the needed votes to go forward. Lot of the republicans were opposed to it until it was slightly adjusted. Maybe, the show wasn't my cup of tea though so I dropped it after the first episode. Enjoy the series :) Yeah, I read some of the reviews. Obligatory sex scene at beginning of ep 1 and then the back and forth switch to present and past which could disrupt the flow of some viewers. Children using the terms "Relax, I'll get it" and other modern slang. Would you be surprised if they're trying to deafen you? Heck if you ever saw John Wick 2 at the beginning, dear god my ears. Literally had to cover up since I care about my hearing. Logan: Take your friends and run... They'll keep coming, and coming... You don't have to fight anymore. [holds Laura's hand] Logan: Go... Don't be what they made you. [pause] Logan: Laura. Laura: [crying] Daddy. Logan: [smiles] So... this is what it feels like. Then you ball out in tears and jerk off. Why you take the test of course. Post your results :o Whatever the case I hope they keep the quality for future shows this Canadian VFX team decides to take on. Course there is. I'm here and maybe a few others. There were more when IMDB was still around but I think they're either here or on TDMb (The Movie Database). I choose this one over the other cause I didn't have to register an email and such Funny, I am subscribed to most of those YT's you've mentioned. Tomi and Milo have been more or less extinguished after their recent debacles (Tomi supporting abortion and Milo's semipro-pedophilia stance). Dunno who Crowder is but I am subbed to Paul (he sometimes says outrageous shit though), Sargon (his vids are too long to me to focus on while doing other things), and BPS (he's the same as me, a centrist semi-left on the political compass). There is also Stefan Molyneux that I sometimes watch as well but he and Sargon both make shit long vids. Paul's vids are the right length for me to be able to listen all the way through. I read a review of a person cringing on Chappelle's netflix comedy where he only said sane reasonable things like when can I stop conforming to your snowflake gender role and stuff like that. Most of what he said about gays and transgender have been more or less fair and he does support them until they start telling you what you should address them as. They're like all about ME ME ME, who cares what you think you just need to do what I say and address me as what I want you to address me as. Bill Maher's last week ep was awesome as well. That Yale professor had some deep shit going on about tyranny and how Putin tactics and such affect Trump in a way and to divide and conquer. I wouldn't be surprised if it is what he says it really is and we're all just attacking each other on different ideals rather than the real enemy within. You know, extremely excited. A parasitic organism taking over another parasitic organism :D Its back looks like a vagina... lol. You could say Life is prequel to The Faculty hehe. They could've probably sped it up some bit to make it more fluid in a sense but they kept the slow, awkward fight choreography. It's like a slow dance and the protagonist doesn't seem to have good balance when he's doing his chi training. He wobbles here and then besides hits vision flashbacks which I excluded. Ah yes, stroke. Not stutter. I think he has both aphasia and dysarthria. Hmm, didn't occur to me but it is possible. It could also be possible he had some relapse of past experiences and was asking the scientist how he manages it and probably was thinking of wanting such a thing if he could but not admitting so. I don't mind gay characters, just not when it's forced. I don't think Le Fou was gay in the animated series, so why change it? They're trying to indoctrinate kids into seeing such things at a young age if it is the case then they go ask their liberal parents what are they doing then the parents telling them it's normal thing and may you'll like it too. Then again I like lesbians so... I dunno. Again, I don't mind them if it isn't FORCED in which case I think it is since the original wasn't gay if I recall or at least wasn't mentioned until now. We need to start a straight pride parade cause now gays are rubbing it in once they got the rights to do what they want and are now, imo, somewhat abusing the privileges by openly speaking about it and smacking it into TV as if it is the norm now. If it was a new character that was gay, fine.