ArmadilloKnight's Replies

Not sure about what one movie has to do with the other, but yes, Drive is better. I can imagine it being a disappointment for a fighting fan. But it's probably one of Kevin James's least terrible movies. They killed him way too early in the game, but at least, he went out in style. Oh, don't even get me started on Dunkirk. All right, I did watch it in IMAX, which definitely enhanced the issue. But yes, Dunkirk definitely suffered from the loud music that drowned out the dialog. For the first time I was glad there were subtitles for a movie at the teather, since I live in a non-english speaking country. I noticed some of that with Blade Runner as well, despite having watched it at a regular teather. The music was a little louder than the usual, but it wasn't nearly as bad as with Dunkirk. It didn't get to the point of interfering with the dialogue. So it was okay by me. However, in retrospect, it was a plus for Dunkirk. The unsettling score really kept me on the edge of my seat, it was like an infinite ascending spiral, it played like a ticking time bomb with an endless timer. Gabriel probably ran out of ammo. The more important question is: How did Negan know that? I can only conclude that, since he was watching him struggle and not firing his gun against the walkers, he assumed he was out of ammo. I wish they had followed that route. However, that would have meant that this deal between Sony and Marvel would have happened much earlier, before the Garfield disgrace. So I don't believe that Tobey in the MCU would have happened in any way, since the main reason for the Sony/Marvel deal was the failed reboot attempt, in the first place. If anything, it was more likely that we were going to have Andrew in the MCU rather than Tobey, had they decided they wouldn't recast. I didn't exactly dislike him in this, he was funny in his own grumpy way, but I liked him better in the previous movies. Agree with you. It's easily better than any of the Andrew Garfield ones, but still not better than Tobey Maguire's Spiderman 1 & 2. I thought it was clear that Nolan's intention with this movie was to provide an immersive visual experience. That's why we get no character development whatsover either. Nolan only wanted us to experience a historical event, in the best possible way. In this movie's case, in IMAX, as he described it himself, virtual reality without goggles. If you didn't get to watch it at least at a regular cinema, you missed this movie's point, as there is not much else going on besides the amazing camera work that can only truly be experienced at an IMAX. Not unlike Avatar, actually. Only that with Avatar we get an actual plot, even if it is a generic one. 1-Air 2-Sea 3-Land Tough to choose between air and sea. Yeah, I thought it was a good movie overall, the suspense was great. But they really didn't bother to go into details about the aftermath of the burglary. I'm generally of the belief that the creator has the final word on something, or someone in a story they created. However, in this case, there is more evidence that points to Deckard being a human than a replicant. So I'm not sure how much of a bearing his "opinion" has here. Yeah. Well, I guess the movie's runtime demanded that he could only pick one bad guy. lol Same. We've seen him thrive as a pupil. Now it's time to see him on the other side of the spectrum, on the role of a mentor. 300 was one of the few movies, that I can remember, that benefited from making use of this type of all out green screen special effects. BvS has an awesome atmosphere, up until the point where they face Doomsday and the CGI becomes overkill. I wish they would stop making use of it, it looks really bad and cheap. Haha, I'd never thought about that. Yes, they didn't want to run the risk of having Will coming back for them. He could have even joined forces with someone else to attack them. Things could have gotten much more complicated had they not dealt with the potential threat right then and there. Of course, they didn't count on their son being infected, so it was a despicable and brutal act and all for nothing. I remember an interview with his brother Dave Franco, in which he said James barely gets any sleep. Add to that his drug use and it's not hard to figure out why he is always looking/acting like he is sleepy/lethargic. Well, I only read the book and I didn't enjoy it very much, so for me that's a no. Maybe if I had seen the play I would have enjoyed it more.