peter_t_2k3's Replies

Yeah I've seen people say that 9 was suffering from PTSD and 10 does get over it but still feels guilty with 11 ignoring it. 12 is when the doctor takes of the mask. I think RTD did say it was partly to help people realise crying isn't a bad thing but defo shouldn't be all the time. One of the issues with shooting series back to back is worrying that none of the issues people had will have been heard in time. Not saying that writers should always listen to fans, but overall a lot of people found the crying too much and the finale too convoluted/easy fix with no consequences I will say a lot of people have complained 15 is too human and I do agree. I don't mind seeing a human element but it would be interesting to see more of his alieness. Even 10 showed this at times. I get the reasoning, to show men cry, as mens mental health is a big topic at the moment. The problem is if it's all the time it starts to lose it's impact. I remember hearing people saying this about the end scene of dot and bubble. It's a very powerful moment but imagine if we'd not seen the doctor previously cry, it would have hit much harder Yeah they did try to do a full romantic relationship in an episode Personally I'd rather the doctor doesn't have romantic relationships. I thought that was to show that she has some of her dad's skills, being able to talk herself out of a situation etc. The white guys being the bad guy is nothing new and there's a lot of non white thugs I like it for the suspense. The horror of not knowing who to trust. The tension and atmosphere is made even better by having the film in an isolated cold location. I've not seen the original or the later film so seeing this one first probably helped but I think it's a well produced film. The problem is it's hard to know if someone is being serious or not online Kill the Moon is cleary about abortion. My point is that a lot of people claim the show is now woke, but it always was I mean they could still do it with the BBCs budget but Disney does help. I like the idea of having 2 spin offs a year, one after the Christmas special, then we have the main series then another special. Basically meaning that every few months there will be some new content. May help with the fact the main series is now very short So the whole message about the moon didn't bother you. Or the Isis stuff in the zygon 2 parter But the point is the scene wasn't supposed to be about Clara it was the doctors moment. I'm a big Moffat fan but to me that was extremely anti climatic. There should have been a lot more emotion from the doctor not Clara. If this was the current show, you probably would also say the same. People seem to think the shows changed but actually it's just the same. RTDs most recent finale had all the hallmarks of his previous finale Like I mentioned above, while interesting, I think it's also risky. For example, new Disney fans wouldn't know who Rose is. By trying to do a spin off, it risks alienating new fans. Big Finish gets away with this as it's mainly hardcore fans but it's also a very niche audience. I do think things like a UNIT spin off make sense, introducing them to new audiences, then creating spin off shows Really - you talk about the show going woke yet to me the key moment was ruined in the 60th by guess who, Clara. The thing the doctor has been running for for so long and he isn't the one to properly show emotion, it's Clara. I wanted to see the doctors wrestle with the dilemma, the choice and for 10/11 the guilt. I wanted to question if they could change things knowing the reason they did it in the first place. Yet what they did was make Clara show the emotion. I hate the whole woke debate but surely this would be what you define as woke Interesting. I like Martha but don't see her in the same way as Sarah Jane but being connected to UNIT could help. It's interesting though as rebranding to season 1 but then doing a spin off with a past companion seems odd. It's like they want to do a soft reboot but not do one. I also wonder if they would do what they did with Sarah Jane, bring her into the series to reintroduce her to the new audience before bringing her into a spin off. I can see it working more if they did that. Hell, I'd be happy to see a Mel spinoff Kind of with a mix of others. I like her but I feel like we don't know much about her as a person outside her adoptive family. Like in 73 yards, we didn't really see her friends etc. It feels like they made her the perfect companion in some ways and Millie Gibson plays her well but I feel there's something missing. There wasn't really any friction between the doctor and her as well which sometimes helps. I think that Sutekh has just undid what he had done. Would be a way to bring Gallifrey back but then you'd also have to bring everything else ever destroyed back, the good the bad. I suppose the big thing will be if Disney stick with the show for a 3rd season. They agreed to go into partnership for the first 2 seasons which basically have been shot back to back. People have said the show will be in trouble if Disney pull out but I don't see it myself. The show survived fine without Disney so I think if they pull out there's still going to be money and an audience. It'll be interesting to see if we are getting some spin offs soon. I think there's a great world of adventures but at the same time I don't want them going too mad like Marvel