Filmtenk's Replies

Bring him back! He’s no pedo he made pedo jokes. Not the same thing. I’ve been watching from the beginning so a year between slow drips of present day plot leaves me wanting more. I want to know how this story ends. That being said I love the main plot too it’s like drinking a fine wine. Condenseding! Probably will continue to vote against their own interests. They always have because that’s who they are. I wish he would come back but I think if he was coming back he would have by now. 2,3,6 in cinema. It’s unlikely Trump will be reelected. He’s alienated too many people. Not everyone who voted for him the first time knew him the way they do now. Especially women. He campaigned for a year+ but he’ll be president for 4 years (most likely) and his bad behavior will have sinked into even the most dense and gullible elder GOP female voter. It’s game over for you cons next match. I don’t know. Don’t really care either I’m just a messenger. Which was disproven Affleck or Stan Lee? I’ll use great Caesar’s ghost in conversation today. They were shot to shit. Hell must have spit them back out. Yet drool we do. I wasn’t sold on Casino the first time I saw out but repeated viewings have revealed its brilliance. And to be honest, I don’t think the script sold Tucci’s about face at the end. He still tried to arrest Hanks. I don’t think he redeemed himself in my book. He would have everyone fired and prosecuted for defying him. Ha yup hbo east. Can’t believe this movie is 14 yo. Yes. I think it would be obvious if it was Howard. jimmy would know. I do not think that was Howard. I actually really enjoyed seeing Mike lay down the law. It was good but damn did I want more present timeline story. That’s it till next season? Brutal. Will said everything will be on no matter what so no need for a sequel.