The_Rev's Replies

It's amazing the mental gymnastics these MAGA goons use to avoid taking responsibility for the stupid shit Orange Man does, isn't it? :-P That's what I thought... Run along little boy... It's past your bedtime. ;-) I'll give you directions to my house and you can come say that to my face... See how much of a "badass" you really are. Oh, right, you're a trolling coward who has to insult people to make himself feel good. My mistake. ;-) You're just as pathetic as your Orange Jesus. Rest assured dude... MAGA may be loud, but they're still a minority in this country... (And don't tell me ur a majority cuz Orange Man won... He won because a lot of voters would rather sit at home and complain (or were intimidated into not voting) than to actually use their voice to tell people like Orange Jesus that their kind is not welcome here. I voted, so I can bitch all I want.) :-P If you REALLY had any stones, you wouldn't be hiding on a MOVIE forum proclaiming your adoration for Dear Leader. You're just as weak as Orange Man. ;-) Holy shit dude, you REALLY need to get a life. :-P Every post on here has your barely readable bullshit defending "Dear Leader"... But you know, if he wasn't such a shitty leader who says the dumbest shit any president in our country's history has said, maybe he wouldn't need people like you going on Apology Tours for his stupid comments and terrible beliefs. The Book of Henry? But... I thought it was "self-defense"?? *rolls eyes* Make up your mind. Deny, Deny, Deny... *rolls eyes* :-p I mean, yall did it for 4 years after Trump's election was "stolen" by the Left, sooo... ;-) Oh, right, when MAGAtards do it, it's legit; when anyone else pisses and moans, it's just being a whiny lil bitch. MAN do you people have short memories. With Bruce struggling with aphasia/dementia, I don't see this happening, unfortunately. Who's crying? I'm merely just pointing out the fact that you live in an echo chamber devoid of truth. :-P You literally don't trust anything unless it comes out of Trump's lying mouth. Amazing how you seem to think someone who lies (or severely distorts the truth) CONSTANTLY about pretty much everything is still a "trusted" source of "truth"... That says more about you than it does about me. I don't worship Biden like you worship Trump. The fact that you can't see how messed up it is to blindly follow Orange Man regardless of whether he's telling the truth or lying thru his teeth tells me that you really have no business judging what anyone else says about anything. ;-) Also, you literally lol'd the murder of another human being... And I'm the problem? You're funny. :-P LOL... I'm sorry, did you really just say that his "self-defense" murder of a protester somehow ended the ENTIRE riot? Man, does denial run deep in MAGA land... Honestly, I'd be highly surprised if they gave enough clues on screen to figure it out. Generally speaking, unless the producers are getting a kickback from the manufacturer, or vice versa, to feature the phone in the movie, that kind of thing is likely intentionally obscured. You see this kind of thing all the time with product placement that's SIMILAR to a brand you might now, but doesn't explicitly say so because the producers didn't get permission to feature it in the movie. That being said, the only clues you can get from the movie itself are that it's an Android phone, as it has the default lineup of the back, home, and recent apps soft buttons along the bottom of the screen in the exact style of mainstream Android devices. It's def. not an iPhone, based on the above clues, but that's about as much as you're going to deduce from the movie... Now, If you were to search the credits for a "thanks to" section that might list, say, HTC, Samsung, or Xiaomi, that would give you a clue. I haven't checked myself but it's certainly possible that it might be listed somewhere in the credits, but honestly, unless the manufacturer provided the phone specifically for brand placement purposes, which would more than likely feature their logo as a self-promotion, it could easily be any of the major android phone brands. Don't get the reference but... I honestly don't think he's ever taken a "good" picture, sooo... :-P Even in the 80s he was not the Romeo he thought he was. He just had money, and money got him women. Big shocker. :-P Pretty much.... And the working class is gonna overreact to every little price change and either blame it on the other side, or... Still find a way to blame the other side even if it's their own party's fault. It's like people turn their brains off and submit to the "hive mind" of their party. I don't trust either one of them. Now, I can honestly say I distrust the Republicans more, simply because they have stood against many things I support (LGBTQ+ rights, marriage, reasonable social assistance)... I only ever consider myself a Democrat because that's how far I consider my ideology from that of Conservatism. It's night and day. Both parties are seriously flawed, but I'd much rather be flawed in allowing things I don't necessarily agree with to exist, than stand behind an ideology that should NOT exist. Hyper-individualism is killing our society. Not everyone should have the right to step on anyone and everyone on their way to the top. If you're so focused on being in the 1%, maybe you (read:rich people) should remember upon whose backs those wealthy elite laid their labor to make it happen. I feel like the rich today are so convinced that "they've given enough" (regardless of how many tax laws they broke to keep what they did) over the years that they simply shouldn't have to anymore. And the way I see it is, if you stop paying into the society from which you benefit, then you should no longer be benefiting from that society. Civilized society only exists because of that give and take between the Haves and Have Nots. And if the Haves are tired of paying into that civilized society, They don't deserve the benefits our society provides. Trump's legacy will be the same as it was had he not been president: A grifter who puts himself above all other concerns in the world. He's a rich man; his policies effect him much more profoundly positively than his supporters. We all have a lot more to lose and not as much to gain from "Reaganomics" than he does. Trump's a capitalist. He's always going to want to better his own station in life at others' expense. And tbh, the same could be said about Dem leaders. They can be pretty well shielded from the worst perils of a capitalist system. That's ultimately why we never have lasting progress in the US; because capitalist, individualist policy looks good on paper, until you realize that the "trickle-down" never truly trickles down. The people who need to do the trickling, just... don't. They have a million ways to keep their "hard earned" money out of the hands of the 99%... We have none in comparison. So the trickle down doesn't start at the top; it skips the top completely and siphons money from the middle class in both directions. Funny how you expect the libs to go away and take their loss, but it was okay for your party to try and overthrow the govt 4 years ago... *rolls eyes* Well, I admit it severely dislike Trump.... And in all honesty, I haven't even seen the Republican party produce a GOOD candidate since... 2012 when Romney ran? Since then, it's been Trump and a bunch of nobodies, basically. I also think a lot of people just vote the same way no matter what. They don't help either. I don't think we're voting for a candidate so much as we're voting for who sold the best lies. Because at the end of the day, most presidents dont get anywhere near what they promised to do. And that doesn't help either. I just think America needs to do better than the candidates we've had over the last... 20 years or so. God i'm old. :-P Well there you have it. Our election system is hampered by people who refuse to vote. At the end of the day, though, it still doesn't change the fact that a majority of the country did NOT support him. Or Harris for that matter. Who knows how the election would have gone had everyone voted. The point is that our elected officials are "the will of SOME people" rather than "the will of THE people." Don't you think it's pretty sad that, like 100% of the people bitch and moan about how much they dislike the country, but 30%, give or take, won't do anything about it? They have no right to complain about the choices voters make... But they still live under the choices everyone else makes just the same. So it's not like it doesn't effect them. It's just sad. You clearly weren't reading very carefully... I'm saying that, given the fact that a full 1/3 of eligible voters chose NOT to vote means Trump got the will of essentially 1/3 of eligible voters78. mil/244mil if your math skills aren't the greatest. ;-) There's roughly 244 million eligible voters. Trump got 78 million votes. So Trump won by getting 1 in 3 voters to vote for him. Think about that for a while... It'll come to you. ;-) And yes, I know, those people who abstained or otherwise couldn't be bothered... It's their own fault for surrendering their voice. But my conclusion is still the same; Trump did NOT get anywhere NEAR what could be considered resounding support from the American people. Just those of us who got off the couch and voted.