

Honestly, I'd be highly surprised if they gave enough clues on screen to figure it out. Generally speaking, unless the producers are getting a kickback from the manufacturer, or vice versa, to feature the phone in the movie, that kind of thing is likely intentionally obscured. You see this kind of thing all the time with product placement that's SIMILAR to a brand you might now, but doesn't explicitly say so because the producers didn't get permission to feature it in the movie.

That being said, the only clues you can get from the movie itself are that it's an Android phone, as it has the default lineup of the back, home, and recent apps soft buttons along the bottom of the screen in the exact style of mainstream Android devices. It's def. not an iPhone, based on the above clues, but that's about as much as you're going to deduce from the movie...
Now, If you were to search the credits for a "thanks to" section that might list, say, HTC, Samsung, or Xiaomi, that would give you a clue. I haven't checked myself but it's certainly possible that it might be listed somewhere in the credits, but honestly, unless the manufacturer provided the phone specifically for brand placement purposes, which would more than likely feature their logo as a self-promotion, it could easily be any of the major android phone brands.
