MovieChat Forums > Popcorn Kernel > Replies
Popcorn Kernel's Replies
I don't know how you mean 'worse".
Of course the perpetrator is the worse person , they did something wrong and the victim didn't do anything wrong, so the perpetrator is obviously a worse person.
But as far as who has the worse pain or the worse memory, it is usually the victim.
Some perpetrators do come to regret their actions and they live with guilt, but it is guilt they deserve. The victim has to live with pain they never deserved.
Many perpetrators never feel any genuine remorse, either they are incapable of feeling it, or they enjoyed the crimes and relive them fondly in their memory, or they make rationalizations (I was drunk, I was high, I had a bad childhood, I couldn't help myself, the victim deserved it, etc etc) that allow them to go on living and not really facing their actions.
I suppose if you are religious and believe the perpetrator will go to hell but the victim goes to heaven, then you might think the perpetrator has a worse pain, but there's no real evidence for that and I think it's just something we use to comfort ourselves. The injustice of the world is too hard to bear sometimes, so it helps some people to imagine a divine justice. But IMO, if there was a god and he/she/it was all-powerful, and he/she/it still allowed these terrible things to happen on earth, then he/she/it is a sadist and I don't even care about some afterlife justice. It doesn't make up for the evils that happened to innocent people during their mortal life.
the correct answer is "but of course!"
Lena Dunham has that show "girls" , I have never watched the show but I saw her in a movie called Tiny Furniture and I just really disliked her. She wrote the movie and writes her TV show, so it's not just her as an actress that I dislike, it is her writing too. She has a very whiny sort of 'privileged white girl feminism' point of view, I hate to even broach this because people will assume I am anti-feminist and I am not. I am a female and I am pro-feminist, but Lena Dunham is an embarrassment to feminism, not a poster child.
I thought that was Evan Peters in the Andy Warhol wig. I knew about SCUM because I saw another movie with Lili Taylor as Valerie Solanis (I Shot Andy Warhol). Ryan Murphy does seem to like throwing everything but the kitchen sink into his shows. One coherent plot isn't enough, lets throw 5 more side plots in there just to get a bunch of other actors in small roles. It's usually like at the halfway point in each season when he gets bored and starts throwing all the random shit into the soup pot.
Murphy's stuff is only predictable if you have watched other things of his. It's not predictable by any standard TV tropes but it is predictable within the Ryan Murphy resume. He does seem to repeat these themes of gay males pitted against women. In Nip/Tuck, and in previous seasons of AHS too.
There was an interesting point when SCUM 2.0 was killing Harrison and the women told him, you should be on our side, you are from a marginalized discriminated group too (feminists trying to make an ally of gay men) and he rebuffed them and said 'I'm still a MAN". I feel like he's kind of speaking Murphy's own views, he has always been a bit misogynist while at the same time having female icons and heroines. (you know all the pop stars and actresses that have a huge gay male fan base- like Lady Gaga, Mariah Carey, Joan Crawford, Judy Garland, Bette Midler, etc) Murphy puts this sort of female icon on a pedestal to worship (continued)
Pardon me, do you have any grey poop on?
I feel like I am being called up to the stage for audience participation in some undergrad performance art piece.
Are you about to strip and smear yourself in mustard while reading bad poetry?
oh you crazy kids.
You had lunch in person? or you had lunch in your house and she was in her house and you were texting to eachother while eating your lunchables?
This pickle jar thing sounds an awful lot like the new Curb Your Enthusiasm.
It is good that she is trying to raise her boys to respect women, but does she think Harvey's mom raised him to be the predator he is? Are moms always responsible for their 50 year old children's actions?
Nobody sets out to raise their child to be a serial killer or a child molester... somewhere along the line, people are responsible for their own actions.
How long did this 'relationship' last?
I realize I have been away for a while but I have missed a lot of the backstory of this soap opera.
If this is all a joke, I do give you points for commitment to the storyline. I just hope the backstage lulz are worth it.
I always say it like the old board game commercials.
strat tee GOH-OH
I don't even know what to say.
I haven't been reading here enough to even know there were "board hookups" happening.
Did you know eachother in real meatspace life, or was this just a board romance of words?
Was it real, or was it a showmance for the rest of the board?
I feel like this has to be some kind of a joke because it's kind of 7th grade emo, and I've never seen that side of godeway before, he always seemed like a sophisticated person.
A board romance with someone you never met is "last chance at happiness"? That is a bit OTT my friend.
Ok I read further and it is obviously a group joke and everyone is playing along.
Cute, I guess.
The additional shots don't really add that much and they were not much different than the shots they did keep.
It's so perfect for a Thor movie that I am surprised it's never been used before, actually. It has "hammer of the gods" as a lyric. Kids might even think the song was written for the movie, not 40 years ago.
Victims are not always perfect angels, they are just real people who may have their own problems.
The show is actually very accurate about how victims whole lives are scrutinized and how they are often disbelieved if they are not perfect. They are disbelieved if they ever had any mental health issue (which 25% of all people will experience in their lifetimes). They are disbelieved if they ever had a consensual one night stand or consensual adultery or any other non-married sexual encounter. They are disbelieved if they willingly drank any alcohol or took any drug. They are disbelieved if they dressed too sexy. They are disbelieved if they ever had consensual sex with the rapist on a prior occasion. They are disbelieved if they didn't fight back.
It's not poor writing to make the victim a real person who is not perfectly chaste and always likable, it is realistic. There are other things in the show that are poor writing, but the character isn't poor writing.
She was telling the truth about the school principal that groped her though.
And she was telling the truth about being drugged and raped.
I don't think anything would make me feel sorry for the rapist. he should have dropped it when he got off without prosecution and instead he is suing her for defamation when he DID RAPE HER. I think you are being too swayed by the attractiveness of the actor. I agree he is hot, I have liked him ever since Horatio Hornblower. But this character he is playing is a sociopath.
The girl was 16 and I think in the UK that is no longer a minor in terms of medical decisions. So the doctors do not need parental consent to treat a 16 year old and they are not obligated to tell the parent about her medical condition. So the girl was legally able to choose who she wanted to notify and Laura went along with the girl's choice. Laura was going by the book, it's just different laws she is going by.
Rape is not about sex, it's about power. Yes he could easily find consenting sex partners, and probably in a few more dates, this woman would have consented to have sex with him. But he is a predator, he does not want consensual sex.
There are plot twists coming. In the first few episodes he seems like the sane one, but that is going to change.
It's not a split personality- the nice guy single father doctor facade is just that- a cover. A mask. He has one personality and it is a sociopath. The show just reveals that slowly, it lures you into believing him first because that makes the truth more dramatic when it is revealed.
Ted Bundy was good looking too, not all monsters look like the boogie man.
The title "Liar" is ambiguous, so at first you are led to believe she is the liar. But actually there are many liars in the story. Her sister and her ex boyfriend are having an affair. Andrew's son got a girl pregnant and they are lying to the girl's father about her abortion. Laura even got Andrew to lie to the father and he was so convincing because lying is like breathing for him. His whole life is a lie.
I think it was the one with the lady who was afraid of being trapped in a coffin or buried alive. Might have been another murdered patient.
They showed the patient talking to the shrink and then cut to Kai and at least one other person (Winter I think) listening to the session at Kai's house. I don't know if it was listening to a speaker in real time or listening to a recording, so that's why I was not sure if the shrink's office was bugged or if his computer or phone was hacked. Some psychiatrists do tape their sessions (with the poateint's knowledge) and those files would be on their computer or phone.
Listening to the sessions is how the cult decides who to kill and how to kill them, or even who to recruit. Meadow and her husband were both patients of that same doctor. I think the personal trainer guy was also his patient? So the shrink asks them what their fears are, and Kai used those fears to recruit them. The shrink never comes to the cult meetings so maybe the other members besides Winter don't even know he is in on it. They might stop trusting Kai if they knew how he spied on them to recruit them.
What struck me as weird though is in episode 6 when Allie 'rescues' Meadow and takes her to the shrink's office, Meadow was also his patient but neither she nor the shrink showed any sign of recognizing eachother even after Allie left them alone. Meadow had her secret plan that she couldn't tell the shrink about. But I was expecting the shrink to kill Meadow or take her captive again since for all he knew, she had escaped from Kai. So maybe Kai told him not to harm her and to let her go?
The news reporter is in the cult too (although maybe not the cameraman) but they both ran away and maybe they took the camera with them?
Kai never told the rest of the cult about this staged shooting, because he wanted their reactions to be genuine. Only he and meadow knew about the plan and meadow is dead. Kai will testify that Allie shot him, no doubt.
But Ivy was hiding behind the fountain and I have to hope she might have peeked out and seen meadow with the gun. Will she tell the truth? Will she see the light and turn on Kai when she realizes he staged the whole thing and put her life at risk?
Meadow's prints will be all over the gun as well as gunpowder residue. There might be some traffic cameras or something that caught meadow with the gun in her hand.
So it's revealed tonight that Ivy hates Allie because Ally was the birth mom of Ozzy and Ivy was jealous she couldn't have a baby herself. I've always assumed Ivy was the birth mom because she is younger and Ozzy seems more bonded with her. But Ivy had endometriosis and couldn't get pregnant and a male writer decided that was a plausible reason for one woman to hate another woman. *rolleyes*
To me it would be much more plausible if her hate sprang from all of Allie's clingy needy attention-seeking phobias. That is way more annoying & exhausting on a day to day basis, and it's not Allie's fault that Ivy couldn't get pregnant so it's stupid to hate her for that.
I feel like it was revealed 2 or 3 episodes ago. The cult was listening during a patient's sessions. And what are the odds that so many of the victims would randomly be patients of the same doctor? The victims were chosen because they were his patients.
Either he was in on it or his office was bugged/computer hacked. I thought possibly his computer was hacked by Kai and that is how Kai knew all their fears and weaknesses, from reading the doctor's notes or from eavesdopping on their sessions. That would have tied in with the real life DNC hacking, and there are other real life references.
But the other possibility is the shrink was in on it and that was fairly likely too since we already knew a cop was in the cult.
Him being Kai's brother was a surprise though.
Just read that his wife is filing for divorce too.
Georgina Chapman- she's a fashion designer and I have seen her as a judge on Project Runway. She's like 25 years younger than him and they look like beauty and the beast in photos.
I just wonder how much she knew before now, iIt was widely known and joked about in Hollywood so it's hard to imagine she was not aware.