DracTarashV2's Replies

Ooh, some real fax 🤓🤓🤓🤓 And then there were more… non-fans. Naturally. Well simply put, because they wanted the comedy in this very bloody vampire film. Besides, the directors of this film are known for their (generally well-received) blend of horror & comedy and it’s a big reason they were brought on to direct the 5th Scream film and the subsequent 6th installment (their awesome film “Ready or Not” alone made them suitable for the job). And they might have their critics (as all things do especially these days), but yes many believe they did a good job with those Ghostface films and now they’ve once again hit it out of the park with their “Dracula’s Daughter” film. Ruined it actually? Predictable? (Ey, predictable they keep saying.) Wasted opportunity and not good overall? Oh. Well fortunately I’m with the many more impressed viewers and for [i]good[/i] reasons (its overall reception? Oh yeah). Killer film! End of Great to see it’s been…unsurprisingly…pretty well-received. This film is freaking awesome. Another home run for Radio Silence Sure is, dats right https://media2.giphy.com/media/10JhviFuU2gWD6/200w.gif?cid=6c09b9525326y55brjhd25dkylgtyg1uxxphmagrc94p2sei&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200w.gif&ct=g Aww Cool story, bro. Ah, excuse me. I mean… how very enlightening. If only the “critic industry” (entire film industry) had more oh-so-real voices like thee. Well this site hears you (no duh). The unkool outside world, though, says…. LOL. Stick to the oh-so-mighty-superior original that came from the before icky CGI and overall unkool modern time? No, I don’t think I will. I certainly have bothered like many and, again, cool story, bro. 2024>>>>> My, my. This so real. Real talk. Real one with the superior taste and universal knowledge knows best (preaching to its snotty salty choir). In other words, waaaa waaaa waaa! Cope on, boi Source material nothing!!! Heh… but what a cliche post up in this mofo. 😌 Made for this place that cries o WoKe boogeyWoman 24/7. What you say is true tho? In that case, this is a so-called cliche that… DUH… deeply hurts thee boiflakes all over this site. In closing, cope on y’all Oh man, totally nailed it with the last part in particular! No one totally saw it coming and is saying it! But facts, bro! Facts! Red pilly facts, that is! Yes, facts to the brokes you're preaching to up in this place, adolf desantis. Hawd, free thinking and fighting for what’s right right! 🤓 No I mean…. no way, bro! Wokey dokey Feige, Marvel and of course the ultra #1 reich wing enemy from a WOKEEE town, Disney, did it for their usual non Reich wing-approved reasons? *forces gasps* What? Those insider reports of the lib demon satanist studio heads like Feige offering multiple big name white guys in lib industry the role but they passed on it? FAKE NEWS!!! And even IF that were true, ULTIMATELY WOKEEE SATANIC PICK! No, it was always gonna be WOKEE FROM DAY ONE, IK! GRRR!!! I see Hollywood in general continues being Reich wing-unfriendly with their WOKESTRY? Well…. I am outraged, bro!!! Royally pissed!!! How can they keep doing this tho?! 🤬 GO WOKeE gUA BROKEE, BRO! This WOKE-A MADNESS (everything that inconveniences thee bigot chuds) GOTTA STOP!!! What’s next? WOkE (repeat x5000) Disney gonna make Deadpool part of the WOkEe (repeat 5000x) aLpHaBeT PEOple? *GASPS* 😭 Please o white alpha male daddies Benny cuckpiros and (truer white) Elon muskkks of the world who wanna take “our” cinema back, hurry up with more of them quality anti-WOKE films & lawsuits and take over! We need a savior! WoKEE (repeat 5000x) Hollywood won’t stop your totally ultra great works that society as a whole totally loves from making $$! But oh chudpool, I’m totally afraid they simply did it to make all the reich wing boiflakes that you represent react like this and that’s… lol, bitch please. Cope on. Pedro & the o WOKeY ‘gEnda - many 1’s Coping con broflakes - 0’s That she was. Recently rewatched it for the first time in years and I thought… [i]goddamn, Illenal is great![/i] A short role but she totally shined in the film. Not a chance. It didn’t matter whether he got it right or wrong (or if Vincent even took a liking to the Jazz cat), Vincent was gonna fulfill his obligation regardless. Man had a reputation to uphold. Simple: [i]a lot[/i] of the hate comes from those who pre-hated shows like this and… oh, fuggetaboutit. Why, oh why would anyone like this, though? Oh, I’m sure the projecting agendists here crying about what upsets their crying selves as usual be speaking facts. 🤓 In any case, go Maya! 👊 Oh, more preaching to this place. Totally hard and kewl. But that’s that, Broflake? gO wOKE…. oh yeah, more boiflake crying over the Wokey dokey boogeyman? (In other words, everyone and everything that inconveniences ya fragile wittle self.) What’s next, gonna tell us that the big bad mouse… the #1 enemy of all the adolf densantis’ in the world… is wOkkE? *gasps* Lol — but big bad wokesters (non-reich wing chuds) in an oh-so-wokey dokey industry continuing to make stuff not for the chuds’ approval? *gasps bigly* Thank fucking goodness *Off to see it in IMAX yet again* :) It was Lady Sif (from the first two Thor films) who lost her arm in Love & Thunder. She lost it in a battle with Gorr off-screen. <b><i>Me and a bunch of others who saw it more than once in theaters</i></b>: 👀 Oh well AgAiN… So ya already had enough time to recover from the gigantic cooties/[b]beatdown[/b] [i]BARBIE[/i] gave ya manosphere dorks a few months back, aye? Tee-hee. (Took me back to the days of Captain Marvel 1.) Yeah, righty. Hey, but wook who it is! One of the og’s of these chudflake boards. Hawd. Anyway, who’s gonna blame who, projecting Bropagandist? Oh, your enemies that these woke boogeywoman-haunted boards cry about 24/7? Sure. Sure. Of course! I mean, most of said enemies could like not do that but regardless your oh-so-fax-spittin’ big boi kind decided on day 1 that this big bad film (totally big boi-hating yo!) you’re obsessed with (as you’re obsessed with every reich pill boi-disapproved film and thing ever) was gonna be everything youse chudflakes say about all that inconveniences you in the world. Well, bravo o awaken one. Victory, yeeeah! Kewl tho... preaching to yer super duper big bois who screamed “Disney bought the seats!!!” (plus all the other usual wildly desperate excuses/nonsense from projecting boiflakes) when the last film ended up being a huge success? Aww. Impressing each other, real ones! Real… broken record whiny baby men with an actual silly ass agenda, that is. Hawd 🤓 You need new material, Boi shapiro & co. Oh I mean… whoa! How hawd and free thinking yo! Totally! You’re doing what this site was made for (certainly what gives it its identity) and of course all yer fellow hawd manosphere bois are repeating each others’ words, bravo! What’s that? Yes totally big boi and totally not projecting hate-monger (IZ KEWL) and totally not fragile wittle boi — preaching to yer fellow oh-so-hawd big bois up on this cesspool! *slow clap* Oh, this big bad movie is gonna fail btw? Sure, and yet it’s still gonna be occupying the minds of broflakes till the end of time — as will many many wokey dokey Hollywood productions in a wokey industry. Oh, the Caucasity!!!😂 Anyway, thank you Hollywood (especially the Mouse of course by being the #1 enemy of reich wing chuds) for continuing to make the geeks and gamers brazis of the world vewy mad! You got your real issues but being hated by the chuds (they’re praying their boi Shapiro takes over the industry where he failed in miserably, lol) for obvious reasons ain’t one of them. Awe yea, still the way this is 👋 It is tho. Oh yes it is that good of a Saw film. Nay? Each their own. But usual disapproving voices on here aside, based on the overall audience reception, many felt the same way as the critics. ☺️ What they be smoking? Good stuff maybe It was definitely for John & Amanda, although it’s possible John [i]anticipated[/i] this could happen but he didn’t intend to be put in the trap (at least that’s what some believe). I think the latter is more likely and makes the outcome better, though. But Carlos the kid unexpectedly showing up at the end is why Kramer said it didn’t exactly go as planned. After another viewing, still no complaints here. *gasps* It was great to see her again after all these years and in a substantial role, no less. Now I can perhaps see where you’re coming from (looks & the fact she hasn’t played the character in nearly 15 years aside, something [b]did[/b] feel a bit different but I think that was more the character — this is pre-Saw II after all), however for the most part I thought she portrayed Amanda, well, like Amanda. I [i]saw[/i] nothing wrong with her acting. This was definitely Tobin Bell’s show at the end of the day (outstanding), though great performances all around.