MovieChat Forums > R_Kane > Replies
R_Kane's Replies
Beware, Will. You’re talking to an idiot.
Donald Trump as POTUS
I am glad to see that we still remember her. For how many women comics did she blaze a path?
“Say ‘goodnight,’ Gracie.”
You also left Superpumped, about Uber, off your list of reprehensible role models.
The only sexy Jew—and he WAS sexy , but only half Jewish—was Paul Newman. Now, Jewish WOMEN, on the other hand . . .
COMIC #1: Why do Jewish women use gold diaphragms?
COMIC #2: Because they want their men to cum into money.
And I thought the Kristin Stuart shit was creepy . . .
At least the OP is not reproducing himself.
Was he still sniffing gift panties onstage, the old rascal? God love him!
So, that’s it? That’s all you have to add? What made her “iconic” which is this year’s empty adjective? Her eyes? Her eyes? Her delts? Her wardrobe choices? Can you articulate 1 reason why you are praising her? Or are you just trying to keep up with your quota of making empty posts?
Good God! BREVITY is the soul of wit. Verbosity is not.
So, of course, one lies about it. Duh.
The song, which barely has a tune, is complete drek. I didn’t mean to imply that White Christmas has no link to the Holidays. I meant that the song’s enormous—and ongoing—commercial success probably helps to account for the plethora of songs with “Christmas” in the title.
Irving Berlin made A FORTUNE from his song, White Christmas, which was in the movie, Holiday Inn. Every other pop composer since then has been trying to catch the same Christmas lightning in a bottle, hence so many pathetic Christmas pop tunes.
There ain’t too many Irving Berlins around.
Brainwashed by the alleged music of Rap, modern audiences would not find Motown crude enough to engage them. It’d be like feeding Cobe filet mignon to a generation raised on Burger Krap.
No. Make up your own mind. I am not going to validate you or others like you.
A note: Irving Berlin made A FORTUNE from the song, White Christmas, which was in the movie, Holiday Inn. Every pop composer in the known universe has tried to strike that kind of gold mine.
I have never snickered, but I have made thousands of people laugh from their bellies. I also know the staff of NatLamp. You do not, Rhonda.
That is a great post, and speaks to how much attention the fans paid to the show.