Attn. Capitol Citizens: Welcome to the 2nd 'Annual' Jennifer Gif Thread!
Culled from 12 pages all over the original Jennifer Lawrence .gif thread are hundreds of your favorite .gifs, featuring your favorite star from the District of Louisville, Kentucky- Jennifer Lawrence!
There were a few problems getting this latest thread off the ground, but of course, all of those little glitches in the system have been swiftly taken care of.
Tributes Parade:
Unsorted/General .gifs:
Reaction .gifs feat. Jennifer:
Interviews Pt.1:
Interviews Pt.2:
The Hunger Games:
The Silver Linings Playbook:
Winter's Bone:
Other Projects:
As decreed by President Snow: (let's face it, JL board buddies, Twinkie is all of our's Mom)
Might I suggest TWO ground rules to keep the new GIF thread clean and manageable?
1. Try to avoid replying to the new GIF thread unless it needs to be bumped back to the first page or a new batch of GIFs are being added.
2. When an event is upcoming, we'll make a thread for that event and GIFs can go in there along with other information. After the event, someone will volunteer to move the new GIFs into the thread, identifying what the collection consists of and providing live links.
***RULE CHANGE: Once the arena is up, the gifs have begun. (Meaning right NOW, you can begin using this thread to post new gifs!)
Sponsors, be very generous to your chose tributes (post a lot of gifs)!
Happy gif-ing and may the (gif)hunt be ever in your favor!
IMPORTANT NAVAIGATION NOTE: If you are viewing the thread NESTED, change your view to inline for the first page at least for those viewing 25-50 posts per page. Those in nested 10-15 view should be fine and already see the 2nd or 3rd page of the thread, but if you see a lot of posts per page, it'll be a while of having to scroll past long lists of links until you start to see a 2nd or 3rd page. But, when that happens, you can switch back to nested and just click on the page links, so you won't have to see the massive links posts.