MovieChat Forums > whynotwriteme > Posts
whynotwriteme's Posts
Moviechat Democrats have a new Hero page now that poor old Joe is riding his lonesome pony into the sunset.
Highly unpopular leader steps down just before federal elections. His female successor is left holding the bag.
Not going to see this out of spite.
Why did Hot Lips Houlihan's fiance Donald Penobscot have the surname of a Native American tribe?
Was this John Travolta's attempt to move in on Nicholas Cage's turf?
If they stick with Kamala, it means the Democrats know Trump cannot lose.
I haven't seen this yet, but it seems to me that... Possible Spoiler Alert.
I doubt there are enough middle-aged gay men out there to make this a success.
Was "Funny Sonny" from California supposed to be Sonny Barger, the notorious leader of the Hell's Angels?
I was expecting more of a gritty, 1970s style realistic treatment.
Half of Trump's bodyguards were 48 year old 5 foot 5 roly-poly soccer moms who fumbled with their pistols
Leaked photo of shooter. NSFW Bloody.
You can see a woman in a MAGA hat and a blond boy in a suit drop when Trump is shot and they do not get up again.
The Left's push to legitimize Zoophilia has begun.
There hasn't been a Trans icon this powerful since Silence of the Lambs' Buffalo Bill.
Summer of 2024 feels like Summer of 1968.
Should have called it "The Boobfighter".
In the Dirty Harry universe, did people often approach Harry Callahan and mistake him for Clint Eastwood?
Colorized, high definition on Youtube.