MovieChat Forums > olioz > Replies

olioz's Replies

I'm a sucker for sequels. If a movie I really like has a sequel that's bad I'll still watch the sequels that may come after it. I keep hoping that maybe they'll get it right. Pirates movies are a good example. I liked the first one, but the sequels keep getting worse and worse. Still I'm going to see the new one, but not at the cinema. I think that's the theatrical cut. The director's cut (or special edition) with the real ending is much better. It's also over 20 minutes longer. I don't know why they show the theatrical cut on tv and not the DC. How can you type in that situation? I came here right after imdb boards closed. I've been to the other boards that I see sometimes mentonied here. This site works for me perfectly. EDIT: oops, I meant to say that "I've NEVER been to the other boards that I see sometimes mentonied here." Unbreakable is great, Shyamalan's best. Split was really good too. The reveal at the end was amazing. Glass will be a sequel to both movies. When I saw the 4 alien movies for the first time in the late 90's I had already seen a lot of images and clips from the movies so I knew what to expect. All those classic scenes escpecially from the first movie were spoiled to me so they weren't that scary. Sure I found the Alien movies really tense and sometimes shocking, I still do, but not really scary like I find some horror movies with supernatural beings for exsample. I guess the alien franchise has always been more scifi than horror to me. But if I ever run into a xenomorph in real life I'd shit my pants for sure. I think you're right. I don't find it scary, actually I've never found it scary, but I am always excited to see it. It is the coolest looking monster ever put on film. That Neomorph looks scary though. Oculus was good too. I liked it about as much as Jane Doe. I agree that the second half wasn't as strong as the first, but that didn't stop me from enjoying it. I loved it too, I watched many times as a kid. I haven't seen it in years though. How about A Perfect World. Kevin Costner and the kid. Great movie. He's my second favourite stand-up comedian. Really funny. Just last week I listened to the WTF podcasts where he was a guest, he has had an interesting life. I would like to hang out with him. Sounds good to me! I thought it was one of the better horror movies I've seen lately. Much better than the ones that have gotten more praise and hype (Get Out, The Witch, It Follows, Don't Btreathe for example) lol, true. Are you sure you're not one of them...? Yeah, Commando isn't very good. I've always been a Arnie fan, but Commando never really did it for me, not even as a kid, it's just too silly and over the top. Sling Blade was amazing, I've been meaning to watch it again for a long time now, maybe this week. While I i thought 13 Reasons Why dragged on a little the last episode was so powerful it had me in tears and made up for the previous slow moving parts. I watched: Get Out - I was really looking forward to this, but I think the hype killed it for me. Interesting premise,but I really didn't think it was that special. Maybe a rewatch sometime. 6/10 Blood and Bone - I needed something easy to pass the time and I saw this on netflix. It is as basic as an action movie can be. Harmless and totally forgettable, but Michael Jai White does have some charisma. 5/10 Kidnapping Mr. Heineken - Interesting true story that never really reaches it's full potential. Still worth a watch If you are into these types of crime films. The cast was very good 6/10 Five Nights in Maine - Interesting character piece. Not much happens in it, it is about two different people trying to cope with the loss of a loved one. Good acting by the two leads. 6/10 I also started watchin the second season of The Leftovers. I liked the first season but I sort of forgot about the show. Only now that the 3rd season started I realized that I haven't seen the second season. So far it's been really good, better than the first. It might end being one of my favourite shows once I finish it. I've seen it a few times since, took me a few years though after the first time. it's a good movie. Chili peanuts and sparkling water. Pet Semetary. It was the first horror movie I saw and I watched it when I was way too young, big mistake. The image of Zelda still haunts me. Back then I swore that I'll never watch another horror movie again. I loved the Discovery. The ending was so beautiful. That's definetely another recommendation.