[email protected]'s Replies

I'm here. Haven't had too much to comment on lately because I have trouble watching Hawaii Five O in the winter. I get so depressed because it is cold and dreary where I live, in the northeast. lol Sounds silly but it's true. When the weather is really bad I just wait for the spring and catch all the reruns. I was just watching the wood nymph episode a few weeks ago and I noticed a big continuity error that I never noticed before. Remember the scene after dinner when they are in the living room? Gerry O'Toole is wearing a yellow dress with a bow in her hair. Sam then goes in the kitchen and has Endora send her to the past to prevent the death of Rufus the Red and undo the curse. When we see Darrin and Gerry later on in the living room, she is wearing a PINK dress! It's supposed to be the same evening. Why in the world did she change her dress in the middle of the evening? Just a really odd continuity error. But a funny episode. Darrin the Bold was well named. He could've been called Darrin the Skirt Chaser. I forgot about the Henry Gibson episode. He was a nasty little leprechaun! That WAS a funny one! I have so many favorites too. One that I remember laughing at so hard was the one when Rose told the crabby neighbor to "drop dead" and she did. I think it was because she wanted an old tree on her property to be cut down and the girls were fighting to save it. Rose felt so guilty she insisted that they pay for the funeral and the funeral director tried to sell them a top of the line casket. Dorothy- We're bereaved on a budget. At first the funeral director thought that the women were "planning for their mother", thinking it was Sophia's funeral they were arranging. She had some harsh words for him. lol I think you may be right about it being the first non- Darrin episode. I always wondered how they got that elephant to stand still while they painted it pink! lol What did they use on it, do you know? The Wizard of Oz was a favorite childhood movie and I remember reading that on the "Horse of a Different Color" they used jello powder to color the horses. They said that they had to work fast with the horses because the powder was sweet and the horses kept licking it off. Steve Franken was also in the non-Darrin episode when he plays Samantha'a cousin. When he played Juke, Darrin was only in the epiosde briefly. Carlotta showed Samantha the image of Darrin on their TV screen running from an imaginary monster. Darrin didn't know it wasn't real. But if Sam didn't agree to marry Juke, Carlotta was going to make it real. Seems like Steve Franken was a 'go to' guy when Dick York was unavailable. Wonder what they used on that baby elephant, a vegetable dye with pink food coloring? Yes, Aunt Clara said some things that were so funny. I think it was in the episode with the twins that she had one of my favorite lines. "I know I'm vague at times. But when I'm wrong, I'm definite". lol I think that's how it went. The gazebo episode is great. Steve Franken, a favorite character actor of mine, is in it and I feel sorry for his character seeing pink elephants. He was in a few other episodes. Remember he was Juke? His mother Carlotta insisted that Sam get rid of Darrin and marry him. As for Aunt Clara, yes I guess we can assume she still visited Samantha. I just missed her. Marion Lorne was irreplaceable. I'm glad they didn't recast the role. They tried it to some degree with the bumbling Esmeralda. But it never made much sense to me that Darrin would put up with a housekeeper whose powers were always on the fritz and seemed to cause trouble every time she arrived. With Aunt Clara it was different. She was family and Sam's favorite aunt. But who would put up with an employee who was a total screw up? lol I know how fans think if don't "see" something in an episode, they conclude it never happened. Don't know if you're a Trek fan but in The Wrath of Khan some fans had a fit when Khan saw Mr. Chekov and said, "I never forget a face." It was a supposed "blooper" since the character was not introduced until the next season. I maintained "So what?" It was a ship of over 400 crewmen. The audience never saw ALL 400 of them! It was just that Chekov didn't get his promotion to the bridge until the next year. Khan could have seen him on the Enterprise. I think she did, but not on purpose. LOL She was such a sweet character. So confused, but she meant well. She was the only relative of Samantha who got Darrin's name right. It was some years later when I saw All in the Family that I thought Edith Bunker was like Aunt Clara. Both were a bit daffy and illogical but both had good hearts and were totally without prejudice. They accepted people on their own merits and didn't judge. It's a shame that Aunt Clara couldn't have had a proper send off when Marion Lorne passed away. But it was a lighthearted comedy and a serious subject like a funeral for a witch would not have fit in with the show. Maybe if the show were done today they would have had a memorial for Aunt Clara. I didn't go see The Addams Family in the theater. A lot of old TV shows were being remade for film so it wasn't exactly a revolutionary idea. I was interested in it, so I rented the video. I really enjoyed it. It was so much darker and more intense than the TV show. Television in the 1960's was not ready for the movie version of the Addams family. lol It was great that they made a sequel. Some films which are derived from old TV shows don't do so well. One example, Lost in Space. I loved that show when I was a kid and I enjoyed the movie, but I guess I was in the minority (no sequel). I love the classic Star Trek series. Captain Kirk was THE man for me! But of all the sequels, I think DS 9 is the best for so many reasons. It had deep character development and story arcs, etc. We need to discuss that at the Deep Space Nine board. And Bewitched! Don't put yourself down. I am sure you'd have a lot to offer. "Old timers" like myself really enjoy discussing the show and answering questions of fans who are new to the show or don't know a lot about it. We need all the input we can get! LOL You have no idea about the number of characters/actors whose names I have messed up over the years. Hank Azaria was SO funny in that movie. "Why won't you let me be in the 'cho'?" Oh I think you mean Hank Azaria! He was hilarious in that movie, stole every scene that he was in. Maybe you have his name mixed up with Harry Shearer. Also did a lot of funny stuff. One of my favorite actors, Michael Rennie, was The Sandman also known as Doctor Somnambula. The first time I heard something about the Ma Barker gang (when I was a kid), I thought that they got the name wrong because on Batman it was Ma Parker! lol Shame- a spoof of Shane- played by Cliff Robertson and his sidekick Calamity Jan, played by Mrs. Robertson, Dina Merrill. Chandell- played by Liberace It's funny that you would mention "Dorothy make-up". I never saw the parody mentioned but it reminded me of other drag queens. Did you ever see The Birdcage with Robin Williams and Nathan Lane? Hilarious movie. At the end of the film they disguise the Senator (Gene Hackman) as a woman and take him out through their Drag Club to avoid some tabloid reporters. I saw that movie several times and I always thought that Gene Hackman in drag was the homeliest "woman" I ever saw. He reminded me of someone, but I couldn't put my finger on it. Finally it came to me, Bea Arthur! I thought it was odd because I actually always thought Miss Arthur was very attractive, very tall and elegant and more of what is termed a "handsome" woman rather than cute. It was like Gene Hackman was doing a bad Bea Arthur impression. lol Well that's a very comprehensive list, thanks! I have heard of most of those directors and a lot of the films you named. I was looking around on youtube yesterday and found Wild Strawberries. I know you said that Bergman "is tough" but I had always been curious about that title. I was watching it off and on all day yesterday. Winter Storm Stella dumped a couple of feet of snow on us, so I was outside shoveling and then I'd take a break, have a hot drink and watch more of the movie. That whole nostalgia, looking back theme is universal. I find that the older I get the more I look back. Well I guess I have MORE to look back on (lol) though I am not as old as the doctor. I've actually had dreams of being a kid again, my sisters are kids too, old relatives who have passed away are in my dreams. Interesting story. Thanks for the recommendation. I also found The Virign Spring on youtube, but so far I can't find it with English subtitles. I read several reviews on-line and I was sort of following along. But I think I need the translation! It's going to take me a while to get through all those movies. There was a film you didn't include but I wonder if you saw it. I recall that Ingrid Bergman made a film with Rossellini (later her husband) called Stromboli. Have you seen it? I read some of the reviews of it and they weren't so enthusiastic. But I don't always trust professional critics. I have loved some movies which the critics have hated. Yeah, Jackie's wedding was a disappointment. It didn't have to be elaborate. But did it have to be in Roseanne's living room? lol Couldn't they have had it someplace larger? Even Leon got a fancier wedding. I never liked that Jackie was nursing during the ceremony. Geez! What woman would do that? Pump some milk and put it in a bottle for the kid. I guess it was supposed to be funny. But I would think it was rude and tacky if I were a guest and the bride was nursing her baby in front of me during the ceremony. Oh, that was the episode where Archie was home alone and got locked in the basement. The door locked from the outside and he couldn't get out. All he had to drink was a bottle of wine. I think it was supposed to be a gift for Mike and Gloria's anniversary, but he was thirsty. Archie got drunk and he thought he was dying. He heard someone call to him. It was the man who came to fix the furnace. Archie was on his knees saying something like ,"Okay Lord, I'm ready." When he looks up and sees a black man, he said, "Forgive me Lord, the Jeffersons was right." lol NO! NO! NO! He is not mentally ill, but he IS evil! He has no business being out and about in society. We have a right to protect ourselves from such walking, talking evil. Stay in prison Charlie, just where you belong! Well this is going way back, but I hated 'The Sting' when I saw it on HBO years ago. I was a teen-ager and I was SO glad I didn't pay to see it. A friend of mine saw it in the theater and she thought it was great. I just thought it was stupid. Years late I saw it on TV. It was one of those channels where they run little facts ( or factoids as they call them) on the screen to explain what is going on. The whole story finally jelled in my mind. "Oh, so THAT'S what was going on!" Maybe I was just older and more mature, but I really liked the film when I saw it again. Jeannie never listenedto her "Master". She always did what she wanted even if it meant helping Tony Nelson against his wishes. It was pretty much the same with Samantha. The shows did seem a bit 'sexist' to me when I was a kid. But now that I am older I see them in a different light. The men in the shows are supposedly in charge. But it's the women who have the power. If they choose not to use their power, it's only because they love their men and agree to go along with them. But really, has their ever been a man (and I am talking normal relationship, not an abuser) who could really control his wife AND have a happy home? Have you ever seen the comedian Ralphie May? He said that his late father gave him great advice about marriage. A married man can either be right OR happy. LOL There were a number of episodes on both shows where the women had enough and left. Both Tony and Darrin were left standing alone in their living rooms calling out, "I'm sorry. I love you. Please come back." These men were the heads of their households, true, but only because the women they loved voted for them! Yes, you cited some of the best episodes, imo. The ship went into the unknown and faced dangers. One of my favorites was "Journey to Babel" which should not have been a dangerous assignment. They were just ferrying a group of ambassadors to a conference. But it turned out to be dangerous. In my comments about Kirk going into danger a lot I was thinking about a commentary I read about the show. It said that the episodes were often "puzzlebox" problems for Kirk. He'd beam down into danger, allow himself to be captured, lose his communicator or somehow be cut off from the ship. Then he'd have to figure a way out of danger when he shouldn't have put himself in danger in the first place! Those "bright" Iotians. Yeah I guess they could've picked up English pretty fast. Anything is possible with an alien race. But once again, being able to READ English? Imagine that you had a Russian neighbor. You spoke to him a lot and picked up basic Russian. If he gave you some of his books from back home, would you be able to read the Cyrillic alphabet? Sorry, I just love to go on and nitpick about Star Trek! Just a hobby (and a habit). But I do enjoy talking about the show. May I just say that political correctness drives me nuts? lol Ralphie wanted the gun to shoot targets, not people! And in his fantasy world, he was wearing all white (the hero) who was defending his family against a gang of evil marauders. He didn't dream about shooting up his school. Guns are defensive weapons for moral people. Men have always defended their families. Well at least they did in the old days before the radical, crazy a@@, bitter, man hating feminists had them de-balled and otherwise emasculated. (and yes, I am female) Yes, the Hitchcock/Clouzot connection. It was from all my Hitchcock biographies that I learned of the French director. Hitchcock wanted to do Diabolique but when he lost out to Clouzot he made Psycho. Did you ever hear of Hitchcock's comment about the two films? He received a letter from an angry father who said that his daughter was afraid to take baths after seeing Diabolique. And after she saw Psycho she was afraid of showers. Hitchcock's response to the man was, "Have her dry cleaned." Wonder if that really happened. Nuns on the Run was so funny. After they dressed as nuns it ocurred to me that Robbie Coltrane looked EXACTLY like some of the nuns I had in grade school. lol Not to run them down, those women dedicated their lives to teaching little annoying kids like us! Some people don't get Brit humor, but I find it to be so deadpan and understated. It always cracks me up. I saw some Spanish language films in college. I took Spanish and belonged to the Spanish club. One of our instructors was the faculty moderator for our club and she was always dragging us off to see another film. I remember seeing Viridiana by Luis Bunuel (I know a tilde goes over the 'n' but I don't have one on my keyboard!) I'd like to see some more foreign films but I don't know where to start. Do you have alist of recommendations?