[email protected]'s Replies

Oh yes, Andy and Barn changed from the first season. Andy Griffith for one thing, used a much heavier accent, affecting a bit of a country bumpkin persona. I read that he was still doing his Will Stockdale character from "No Time for Sargeants. " He was an affable guy but kinda slow witted. Incidentally a HILARIOUS movie, I recommend it if you've never seen it. Don Knotts has a very funny scene as a psychiatrist in it. The "fun girls" behavior vs. Thelma Lou? Almost straight out of Gone with the Wind (the book). One of the Tarleton twins, Brett, says, "Give me a good girl to court and a bad girl to have fun with." I think I already do, but the local police force isn't as sharp and on the ball as Barney Fife. Barney would be in hog heaven with all the tickets he could write in this town: bike riding on the sidewalks, speeders, rolling through stop signs and running red lights, ignoring pooper scooper laws, etc. Nice friendly town, but we need dedicated lawmen like Andy and Barney. Well I missed half of the Star Wars franchise. I saw the first movie and enjoyed it, the second one was okay, but the third was awful. I hated those stupid Ewoks! I have never seen any of the recent Star Wars movies. Are they supposed to be a prequel or something? I loved Star Trek and the films with the classic Trek cast. But never went to see any of the films with the Next Gen cast. I did see a few minutes of those films on TV. But I have no interest in seeing the films in their entirety. Never bothered with any of the new Star Trek films either. I am a fan of the TV series (especially Deep Space 9), but you can only milk a cash cow for so long before it goes dry. Glad you looked up that episode! I went and watched it on youtube. Hadn't seen it in years. The opening scene is one of the funniest ones ever! Barney quitting his job over a poem that Opie supposedly wrote! Like Andy pointed out, he had not learned how to write yet! Barney wanted to solve crimes and wished someone would just kill somebody, but "No one that we know." LOL Amzie Strickland was a very talented character actress. I remember her from many shows. But she did seem an odd love interest for Barney. She was so shy and demure. Barn seemed to be attracted to the "Fun Girls" type although Thelma Lou was not like that. And the actress was a few years older than Don Knotts. Shows back then seemed to usually cast a much younger woman, even an ingénue, as a romantic partner for a man in his thirties. Gee, I can't remember. Do you have any idea what episodes they were? I do recall Barney playing the field when he and Thelma Lou have an argument in "Barney on the Rebound". He made a date with that new woman in town, Gladys. After one date she told her "daddy", actually her husband, that Barney proposed. They tried to sue Barney for breach of contract. Andy figured them for con artists. He couldn't understand why someone so pretty and "big city" would be all hot to marry Barney. Apparently that never occurred to ole Barn! ha I'm glad if people can come here or to any of the other TV show threads and have a good laugh. I tend to laugh a lot at the commentaries about music or shows on youtube. A lot of the commentaries are so hilarious. I don't think some people even realize how funny their remarks are. Cockadoodle doo! Andy caught Barney at the courthouse giving her a "wake up call." Barney thought of himself as a real ladies man. Oh yes, a lot of things are possible. Humanity HAS grown up in a lot of ways. I get furious when I see that old Honeymooners episode where Ralph is laid off and Alice takes a job in an office. She has to tell her boss that she's single because "they don't believe in hiring married women. It's an office rule." aaarrgh! The old fairy tale of Hansel and Gretel was based on the great famine in medieval times in Europe. Many desperate families abandoned children because they could not feed them. I sure don't know what the world will be like in the future. My problem is mostly with Roddenberry's idea that people will be nicer and all get along just because everyone has enough stuff! He takes it to an extreme degree. Humans are simply not wired to get along without any conflicts. I think he was misrepresenting human nature. We've all been breaking the ten commandments with regularity ever since Moses got the first copy! Ending hunger and disease won't stop that. People will just find new ways to be mean to each other. Not that I think everyone is an a@@hole, at least not all the time!! ha Okay! In the episode when Ricky is planning their trip, Lucy comes home with MORE clothes. Ricky says, "I am only making ONE picture and we're only going to be out there for ONE month." Yes, their stay was extended because MGM shelved Don Juan. That just brings me back to my original question. Just what did his band do while he was gone all that time? Did the Tropicana shut down? Did his "boys" collect unemployment? I'm thinking that the club hired a temporary band leader. Those men were in the music business. Bands and groups break up all the time and go their separate ways. (Ever hear of the Beatles? LOL) There are no guarantees in show business (not that there are guarantees in any other business for that matter!) But I think Ricky was too loyal to leave them high and dry. As for the Connecticut move, I brought that up to illustrate the friendship between the couples. The Mertzes would follow the Ricardos anywhere. Even if Fred was in L.A., he could hire a building manager. Funny coincidence. Many years ago I had an apartment in a big old house that was carved up into five apts. The owner, believe it or not, was a professional musician with an orchestra and he travelled a lot. The building was managed by a woman who lived in one of the apts. Yeah we can just disagree. I'm outnumbered anyway. The show's writers were clearly on YOUR side! Well I DO have a picture of Barney with his hair messed up, covered in lipstick. lol I forget the episode it happened in, but he and Thelma Lou were making out on the couch. Andy came in and turned on the lights. Barney tried to look his best to appear dignified and Andy tried not to burst out laughing. I think Barney may have had a few fun dates with Juanita the waitress from down at the diner. Yes, some of the standards back then seem silly and strict. I mean, a married couple couldn't sleep in one bed? However in some ways, the constraints placed on the writers forced them to be creative whether it had to do with sex or language. We just knew Rob and Laura had a happy love life even though they were in twin beds. And in "A Word a Day", we knew Ritchie was using some bad language without ever hearing it. It was funnier that way. Writers were forced to come up with ways to imply things. I don't know if you're an I Love Lucy fan. There was an episode when Ricky had a week off and he was making a pest of himself following Lucy around as she did her housework. He found a piece of lint on the floor that she missed with the carpet sweeper. He held it up and said, "What do you want me to do with this?" The LOOK she gave him, holy cow, LOL! It was so much funnier than any vulgar suggestion that she could have made. Hilarious! In some ways I like the "prudish" way that they only implied things. I don't need to see everything. Back then on The Andy Griffith Show, Andy and Barney had long time girlfriends, Helen and Thelma Lou. We never saw any more than the two couples sitting in the living room on the couch. Did they go upstairs? I don't want to know! ha! Yes, that was the one at the start of my post, 'The Lady, The Tiger, and The Lawyer". The new neighbor, Arthur, admitted to Rob and Laura that although he enjoyed the two blind dates they set him up with, Sally and Laura's cousin Donna, he wouldn't be asking either woman out again. He had a "tendency" to hit women he cared about. Pretty sick. He admitted he hit both of his wives. Not a great ending for a sitcom episode! Oh yeah sorry. I didn't mean to imply that you came up with the "sad loner" comment. There are some shows and movies that people to watch with others. In fact I will probably be going to see the new Planet of the Apes movie tomorrow with my sister. Not that I really want to see it, but SHE doesn't want to go to the theater alone! She can never get anyone to go see those movies, so I go with her. She loves the Ape movies. I like to watch comedies with others. It's often funnier when others are laughing too. But when it comes to the old sitcoms and TZ, I don't know many people who get into them like I do. They think I'm nuts for watching I Love Lucy so often. I've gotten into the habit of watching those old shows alone and then coming here to discuss them to death, lol. Slavery didn't end in the USA out of the "goodness of people's hearts". Sure a lot of people were against it, but the country didn't exactly open its arms to the newly freed slaves. Slavery has been going on in all parts of the globe for thousands of years. It was outlawed in some African countries in the late 20th century. There's still a lot of human trafficking going on around the world, like in the Middle East. I don't see Sharia law being outlawed any time soon. Many people still treat each other pretty crappy if they can get away with it. It is part of our sinful human nature which will never change except with God's help, not technology. Think back to Khan in Space Seed. He was disappointed in Kirk and called him inferior. He said , "Oh there has been technological advancement. But how little man has changed." But even Khan got it wrong. He had super strength and super intellect, but it did not make HIM a "better human being." When push came to shove, he indulged his own selfih desires to rule and conquer. Times do change in a lot of ways, I grant you that. Some customs change. Ideas change. But Ecclesiastes 1:9- "There is nothing new under the sun". I still say Roddenberry got is bass-ackwards because he had a misplaced faith in the "goodness" of humanity, thinking that technology and more "stuff" would make humans better people. Nope. A person from the Middle Ages brought to the 21st century. .. He has a one room hut with no heat,no doctors, no dentists. You get appendicitis? adios! A cavity? Ouch. You walked to get a bucket of water, no plumbing. No variety of foods. No fresh fruit in the winter. No entertainment. No lights at night, etc. He sees the modern paradise of today. Clean running water, lights and heat at your fingertips, a variety of food, medicine, entertainment, transportation. And he would wonder why humans STILL go to war and treat each other like sh#t. Sinful human nature, it won't change in 300 or 3000 years. Well it is French, it's a French name. Ramona would've been an interesting girlfriend for Ernest. But that Ernest was a player. He chased Charlene Darling all over the mountain. Then he pursued Romena who wanted him to get an education. Well, he DID know the front part of the alphabet. What more did she want? lol Yeah, I'm a Star Trek fan from waaay back. Gene Roddenberry had a good concept for the show, but in this instance he got it bass-ackwards! Next Gen liked to portrays humans as so "good and noble" because technology and science freed Earth from hunger and disease. Picard says in one episode, "We have grown out of our infancy." Not bloody likely. A nice dream, but it will never happen. Having a lot of stuff doesn't make humans better people. If it did, then how do you explain white collar crime? Ya got people who don't want for anything, they have lots of money, cars, boats, houses, etc. and STILL they embezzle from their companies. No amount of "stuff" will change humanity's sinful nature and make us good. But Roddenberry was a secular humanist of the highest order. His "god" was science and technology. Well she was his aunt and in one episode Andy said that she had raised him. So she wasn't exactly an employee. She didn't pay rent or buy the groceries. Andy took care of all the bills. I'd guess that he also gave her spending money and bought her clothes and whatever else she needed. I haven't seen Leave it to Beaver in years. But "one big bed"? Yeah I guess the stork didn't bring Wally and the Beav. lol I don't know why the Petrie bedroom could not have been redecorated by season four with a big four poster bed. Bewitched debuted in 1964 and Samantha and Darrin had a double bed. The Munsters also debuted in '64 and Lily and Herman had a double bed. And in 1965 Green Acres had Lisa and Oliver Douglas in a double bed. There was just some evil afoot to keep Rob and Laura separated by a nightstand! ha ha Maybe because they seemed so hot for each other in the daytime, the show decided to "cool it" at night. But I doubt that the Petries did! "How do you do Mrs Wyyyyleee?" lol Ernest did find a girl as nutty as he was. Wonder what became of that romance? That's a good question! The DVD Show wasn't sure because the details changed a few times. lol I can't remember the specific episodes, but Mel did say his sister was married to Alan Brady in at least one episode. But in another episode, Mel was married to ALAN'S sister. I don't remember much about Ellen Helper. Was she a teen-ager? Interesting. In the Army flashback episodes Rob and Laura married BEFORE Millie and Jerry. Jerry's never even seen in those flashbacks. SO maybe the Helpers had a baby right away so she could be older than Ritchie. In the episode when Rob is trying to get a three day pass for their honeymoon, it's obvious that Millie is still single. She was having a beer at the PX with Rob's friend Sam Pomeroy. But in 'Pink Pills and Purple Parents' , she seems like a more experienced married woman who counsels Laura on how to impress her new in-laws. In the Redcoats episode I do think Millie wanted that ticket for her daughter to see The Redcoats.