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[email protected]'s Replies
Yes, there were continuity errors in a lot of shows.
In 'The Man in a Hurry', it's Gomer's cousin Goober who fixes the car. From Gomer's explanation of the repairs to the businessman, I got the impression that he was sort of "studying under" his cousin.
Wally probably encouraged Gomer to become a mechanic too. He refused to fix the car because Wally didn't work on Sundays. Probably thought it was a good idea to have another mechanic on hand.
Good answers. I agree with some.
Strictly from my POV, the SJWs which I have seen crying and whining on TV are largely made up of (mostly) white, middle or upper class over privileged brats with "first world" problems. Never mind the millions who have REAL problems in third world countries.
Oh, boo hoo, I am the victim of a microaggression.
Oh give me a therapy dog or a safe space on campus because someone had the NERVE to voice a different opinion and offend my feelings.
Oh gosh, even though I am totally ignorant of the Constitution, I am a freaking EXPERT on how the country should be run. And I WILL lecture anyone who is older and wiser with more experience at the drop of a hat.
No doubt there are many people who want true justice. But it's the whiny sissies who get all the publicity.
LOL, you know, you have something there. He should have run first as a man, and then run in high heels to get re-elected.
Upon hearing "The Juice is loose" the person I feel so sorry for is Fred Goldman.
In the Simpson documentary last year he speculated about his release from prison.
He said that he didn't know if Simpson would ever get out of prison ,but he hoped he'd leave in a pine box.
My heart just goes out to that man. I can't imagine the pain he still feels.
My sympathy goes out mostly to his fans.. You all seemed to love him and his work so much.
My first thoughts upon hearing the sad news were, "R.I.P. to the man who literally gave me nightmares." Seriously.
I saw the original 'Night of the Living Dead' on TV in the seventies. I had a vivid nightmare of having to run away from home because zombies were in our town. I STILL remember that dream like I had it yesterday.
That movie cured me of zombie films forever. But I know others love them. Sorry for your loss and again, R.I.P Mr. Romero.
Oh the dress with the arrows. Sometimes I just stare at them and wonder what they are pointing at. ha
Ethel also wore a dress around that time with another "interesting neckline". It had those overlapping circles or loops(?) around the neckline. Sometimes I follow those loops around and around.
Funny thing, I'll bet those dresses weren't cheap. My grandmothers and aunts got most of their house dresses from J.P.Penney or K-Mart. Vivian Vance's dresses were probably more expensive, but they still photographed as dowdy.
"Hollywood Anniversary" was one of the weaker L.A. episodes. The high point was Lucy in that elegant dress. The one funny moment was Bobby the bellboy as their escort. He looks so cute in that tux. I love the look he gave Ricky when their eyes met.
He shrugged as if to say, "Don't blame me. Your wife is very persuasive." ha
I thought it was farfetched that Ricky forgot their anniversary completely. Sure, he might forget ABOUT it, but not the date. He was preoccupied with his picture and the day slipped his mind.
In season two he needed no reminders. He already planned to get Lucy some pearls. In season three he remembered and got her furs.
So the next year he forgets the date entirely?? You think he'd at least remember the date that Lucy gave him that great set of golf clubs!
One of the flubs on the DVD says "No wonder Ricky forgot". In the L.A. episode, their anniversary was on the 7th. In season two, it was the 19th.
Oh yes, I'm familiar with all things Seinfeld, the characters, the catchphrases, yadda yadda. ha
George Costanza was a more extreme version of Columbo. He was really cheap. In the latter's case, I just don't think he was interested in fancy clothes. Columbo was more about comfort and practicality. He was totally focused on his work.
Sometimes I wish we could've seen his home and at least a glimpse of Mrs. Columbo. Who knows? Maybe she was a big spender and that's why he always seemed to be working overtime. ha
Yes, I should have mentioned that it was "beltless". Reminds me of Jerry Seinfeld's dad Morty. He invented the "beltless trenchcoat." Don't know if you ever saw that episode, "The Raincoats".
Maybe Morty Seinfeld got the idea from watching Columbo episodes!
Yes I remember those wet shoes! That was funny. So the coat was a "stylish European label"? I can believe Peter Falk would purchase it, but not Columbo. He strikes me as more of a WalMart shopper. ha
Overcoat or raincoat? Yes there are lots of regional differences in naming things. I noticed that on TV what most people called a bathrobe or just a robe, we called a housecoat.
For myself, I always thought Columbo was wearing a trench coat.
Whatever name you give it, it WAS Columbo's signature look. Just like Archie Bunker's old plaid jacket and battered hat.
Cool pictures. I think my dad had a few shirts that would look great with those jeans! lol
When he passed away I helped my mom clean out his closet and pack up clothes to be given away. He had a bunch of shirts that still had the cardboard and pins in them. In contrast, the shirts he wore all the time were so worn out that the material was almost translucent.
My mom held up one shirt in particular. "Can you believe this?"
The elbows had worn out and she told him to throw the shirt away. Instead he just cut the sleeves and made it a short sleeved shirt!
I forgot about the London episode, speaking of which, do you think Columbo's coat was a London Fog? I can't picture him spending money on a Burburry!
I'll bet Mrs. Columbo had a hard time getting her husband to buy anything new. Remember in "An Exercise in Fatality" when Milo Janus asked Columbo if he needed a shoe lace? ha Columbo just tied the old one together. I'll bet he didn't get new ones until his wife noticed and bought them.
The laundry owner was hilarious. I loved his expression when Ricky is explaining their dilemma in " plain English" ha
I think Ethel looks younger in jeans because I just equate jeans with youth. Of course some people should never wear them no matter HOW young they are! Ethel's housedresses just remind me of my grandmother.
When I was a kid, my grandmothers and older aunts all wore housedresses. In fact all the "over forty" women in the neighborhood wore them. But they were still from the generation where women rarely wore pants except maybe when they were working in the garden.
Yes, Lucy's dress in the "Cuban Pete" number was not very flattering! Lucy had so many flattering formal dresses in later episodes. Her dress in 'Sentimental Anniversary' was beautiful. She wore an elegant dress in the Hollywood anniversary episode too.
Shouldn't ignore the boys and their wardrobes. Both men had some nice suits. But Lucy needed to buy Ricky a new tie for his birthday! There were a few ties that he wore over and over. One in particular was a dark tie with a wavy row of white dots down the front. He sure got his money's worth with that one!
I like the casual jacket he wore around the house. It sort of had what I call a western theme. He was wearing it when he was sitting at the coffee table planning the California trip. Ricky also looked good without a tie, just in shirtsleeves.
Now that it's being called a "raincoat", I can't remember if Columbo actually called it that. I think he did, but I can't remember any specific scenes.
I DO remember the time Mrs. Columbo bought him a new coat and he hated it! He kept leaving it behind and someone kept returning it to him.
The new coat was stiff and uncomfortable, unlike his well worn and comfortable old coat. I think it was Columbo's security blanket, like Linus and his blanket.
A lot of men refuse to part with old clothes. They wear them forever. My mom used to buy new jackets for my dad all the time. He preferred a jacket that was so old and ratty that my mom refused to be seen in public with him when he wore it.
godewey- I remember someone writing that Thelma Lou was a secretary.
I was just watching an episode the other day where she says, "I have to get back to the office."
Back then if a woman worked in an office, especially in a little town like Mayberry, she was usually the secretary.
Yes, I remember that septic tank! It seems to be the only big ticket item Barney ever purchased! ha
I'm sure that a deputy didn't make much. Andy surely made more than Barney. But he had a house and was supporting two people.
It's just that Barney seemed to live like he was on the edge of poverty! Like I said, Helen and Thelma Lou lived in houses. Yes they were probably rentals, but I bet the rent was more than $5 a week. And the women would have had other bills like electricity, phone bill, etc.
Barney's rent at the boardinghouse was miniscule. He obviously never bought any furniture. He had no TV or phone in his room. He never had a car, so he didn't have the usual expenses of buying gas, insurance, registration, inspection, etc.
He didn't need a wardrobe for work. I'm sure his uniform and dry cleaning were tax deductible expenses. His idea of a big night out was the "blue plate special" at the diner.
He did seem to pride himself on being a skinflint. lol In one scene they return to the courthouse after lunch. Barney comments that "you don't mind leaving a quarter tip" after such a good meal. Andy informs him that he ALSO left a quarter. Barney was going to return to the diner and take back one of the quarters!
Andy chastised him and said that the waitress, Olive, was a widow with children (five or six I think). He said that she could use it. So a widow was able to support a bunch of kids on a waitress salary in Mayberry. I guess Barney was just cheap!
So that was a scarf! Whatever it was, it was one goofy looking accessory. ha! I like 'Bonus Bucks' too. It's a perfect cautionary tale about what happens when you don't trust friends and get too greedy.
I'm not surprised that it's a favorite of yours. I remember on another thread how you said you liked the scene of a shirtless Ricky getting into the shower. A pretty hot scene for fifties TV, if you ask me!
In the club dance episode, yes, Ethel hardly got to show off her gown.
In the earlier scene when they rehearsed "Friendship", Ethel was wearing jeans. In the few times she wore jeans, she looked so young and trim. Even though Lucy had a number of slack sets, I never recall her wearing jeans. Maybe she wore them in the episode when she went camping with Ricky? I suppose Lucille Ball didn't care for blue jeans.
Interesting coincidence that you would cite the one episode I was thinking of- "Lucy's Club Dance"!
I was thinking about the beautiful formal wear that Lucy wore. At the end of the episode when she introduces Ricky's "All Girl Orchestra", her gown was beautiful and very flattering.
But yes, the dress she wore at the club meeting, yikes! Lucy repeated a lot of outfits, but I don't think she ever wore that dress again. I had to watch that scene again to familiarize myself with it. Those tassels on the bodice, bad enough, but they were also on her sleeves.
Lucy wore another dress that was designed as a prop in an episode before the club dance. Remember the dress in "Bonus Bucks"? It had some strange design with long strings around the neckline. I'm sure it was designed to look funny after Lucy fell in the starch vat.
oh golly Keelai---- Selfish? I ask nothing from the government except to be left alone? And I AM selfish? However...those who want, yeah, DEMAND something that others have to pay for, they are NOT selfish?
One suggestion to folks who want "big daddy government" to care for them, get off your back and stop making babies you cannot afford. And boys!, stop spreading your seed around if you cannot marry all these women.
The Federal government has NO business putting its big, fat, intrusive nose into healthcare. I'd tell Pres. Trump the same thing he asked me(not likely).
You REALLY want the government which is accountable to NO ONE, in charge of your health care? That's sad.
The federal government, according to the Constitution has LIMITED powers. It is supposed to coin the money,provide for the common defense and make treaties. Our Founding Fathers never envisioned the government to be a baby sitter or someone to wipe the noses of stupid people.
And why on Earth would multi-millionaires need MY money? Duh! It's pocket change to them. You have been listening to the left wing loony-tunes for so long that you actually believe their idiotic garbage.
I spent a lot of time on political exchanges with leftards on the IMDB site. It was like teaching a pig to sing. A waste of time and it annoys the pig. Just can't argue with someone who thinks that the witch in a pantsuit was going to be our nation's Savior.
godewey- Yes I'd agree that Will Stockdale was intelligent but naïve. There's a huge difference between innate intelligence and education.
For example, Stockdale came up with a unique solution to put together those two rings in the scene with Don Knotts. He was told that the test involved putting the rings together, NOT how he had to do it. ha! He got the job done.
I'd definitely pick Percival Dalton's father! Mrs. Oleson sure met her match in him.
I also liked the character of Nels Oleson's sister Annabelle. It was a very poignant episode with Nels being ashamed of his sister. Hard to believe he was ashamed of such a sweet woman yet he wasn't embarrassed to be seen with his screeching, gossipy, harpy of a wife. LOL
adamdurrance- I just have to get seasons seven and eight. I saw some of the episodes a few years back and was struck by how the show became zany with more and more outlandish magic. Elizabeth Montgomery was clearly bored and wanted out, so she seemed to be in "what the heck" mode, let's just get through it.
The first few seasons resonated with emotion. It was more of a true love story with Sam's magic getting in the way. I was surprised when I bought the first two seasons. I had forgotten how little magic was used in some of the episodes.
Some sixties characters did wear the same clothes a lot. The Cartwrights were fabulously wealthy,but seemed to own one outfit apiece. lol Shows like that did it for convenience and continuity. The characters dressed the same so they could use and re-use the outdoor stock footage of them in the same clothes.
Maurice swooped in with great flair wearing his tux and opera cape. That was his look. Somehow I can't picture him popping in wearing jeans and a t-shirt! ha!