Isthisyourhomework's Replies

I'm not a fan of Hiddleston, but I've noticed you don't have to be attractive to be a leading actor in Hollywood films if you have an upper-class English accent. I can only speak for myself, but I read old threads and don't respond to them when I'm looking for an explanation of a plot point or opinions in general about more obscure movies. Some of the old threads for bad movies are hilarious too. Heathers, The Closet, Rouge (1987 Hong Kong movie AKA Yan zhi kou), Stealing Home Seconding that jump scare! Exorcist 3 is an underrated film. The remake of House on Sorority Row showed a girl forced to drink a bottle of alcohol that got shoved down her throat until she died, but that was 2009 so not a long time ago. I know how frustrating it is to not be able to remember a movie. There are two school reunion horror revenge movies and I'm fuzzy on the death details of both but I think it was probably Slaughter High. If not then maybe The Redeemer: Son of Satan. MST3K's Overdrawn At The Memory Bank was intolerable when I first saw it but years later I realized it was one of their best. I'd seen all of Raul Julia's best work multiple times so I decided to give his worst another shot. A recent movie that gets more love than I can comprehend it deserving is The Conjuring. It's like people have never seen a ghost story before. The Mr. Vampire series for me. I'm watching the episode Peril at End House and she and Hastings are talking about all the various nicknames you can make from different names while Poirot gets more and more irritated. I think it's cute how goofy they are. The Conversation Oh gosh, yes, I was smitten from the time I saw Midnight in Paris. Marion Cotillard. That is an awesome combo of shows all getting together. I gave it a shot, and enjoyed my experience of watching it on the big screen, but ultimately it was forgettable; I couldn't tell you a single thing that happened. That's mediocre, which IMO is worse than being bad. I don't know why they couldn't just have an original idea about a team of ghost hunters. The large number of ghost shows on TV seem to be evidence that people would watch a new ghost hunting movie. It's just that the original is just too beloved to be remade. He has had the best career of the four main actors in Stand By Me. Voice cast should be on IMDb for most films. When you click through from the main page to "See full cast" they're at the bottom if they're listed. I'm watching this now. Never heard of it before a friend gave me the VHS, but I'll watch anything with Reed in it. Especially Chloe Sevigny.