thecritic's Replies

I try not to hate anyone for no reason. And sure I have not met any of these actors so I guess you can call it irrational. Emma Watson (can't act, deserves zero of the things she has in life) Kristen Stewart (got famous due to connections, can't act, also unfair she is famous) Tom Cruise (he is insane) Mel Gibson (well duh, all his crazy rants) All Jersey Shore people (disgusting people/bad lifestyle promotion/irresponsible) Instagram 'models' (objectify women/reward them only for appearance) Rappers (music is pointless/slurring words/bad lifestyle promotion) Laura Harrier (she is ok, but when she acts seems like she suffers from a low grade narcolepsy, just wanna grab her and shake her and say "WAKE UP!!!") Leo Dicap (tires too hard to look like a 'man' since he was a 'pretty boy' now he just looks like shizz lol) Megan Fox (too much surgery and needs to eat food) Will Shatner (messed with Leonard Nimoy, and is just a general azz) And actors that just can't act/ruin movies in general It's a good enough movie I guess. Better than Andrew's spm, but that is not saying much as anything is better than that lol. But no spm 2 with Tobey will always be the best. Yes I mean there is wayy to much mcu in this film, but hey that is what this film is really about, it's an mcu spinoff basically I think what she was talking about here were the big movies. Since in the 90's/2000's she was the 'it girl' of the moment. She played Mary Jane Watson in some of the best spm movies out there. It's true when you get older the juicy roles dry up. Most of the big roles, easily went to younger women. Like remember all the rom-coms of the 90's/00's? These girls were in them all. Dunst, julia stiles, Alicia Silverstone, linsday lohan, amada bynes, hilary duff, mandy moore, cameron diaz, etc... Admittedly there are women 30+ working in hollywood. But they get like bit parts. They play the mom, teacher, are in some oscar nominated fare that only 10 people watch, or have to settle for the small screen. Sure these people are highly paid, but she is talking about working. And having only 1 movie in a while is not working that much. When before she was everywhere. And most of the people over 30 that get work still look young. Like Tomei that is now called 'hot aunt may' in the new spm movies, also it was a pretty small part as well. Things are changing a bit with shows like younger, pointing out that people can look younger. But mostly the way things work in hw is that they want the next young thing like liz olsen, daisy ridley, etc. They would rather in a big movie invest in a 'young hot thing' than an slightly older seasoned actor. It's pretty sad I miss a lot of the 90's it girls. Granted some chose to do drugs or have a family. But most don't get any decent roles unless they have a huge following or look younger. Yes, I make my best efforts to get the drivers attention, and try to embarrass them as much as possible. Yelling at them, waving my arms/hands. The responses are so crazy. The evil ones roll their eyes, like how dare I point out they are a-holes. Some even honk their horns to speed me up crossing the street, and like bring their car so close to me as if to threaten me. And the crossing thing, honesty I think they are sick. Like it's a power trip. What I do is start violently coughing, they make a wide girth for me then! ;D Some people just keep walking and clip people HARD to teach them a lesson. Other times I just get so frustrated I call them out on it "Pick a fu$%ing side you idiot!" And try to make them feel as bad as possible for being so ignorant. I agree with you all! Ugh, the drivers that just turn and don't check at ALL. Even worse the drivers that TRY to hit you, not kidding!!!! Oh yes the idiots that HAVE to cycle side by side, for NO reason. Even worse I was biking on a BIKE PATH, and yeah some sections it says 'share the road'. Like you can walk & bike. But the section I was was ONLY for bikes. & a dumb azz 8!t(#, her apparent hubby, & like 10 kids were taking up the WHOLE path. Not sure why they had to walk ON the path. There was plenty of space all around them. Additionally it was a scenic path. So it would take longer if you took the path. Not a sense making way of getting from point A to point B but I digress. I can't expect much from idiots that illegally walk in a bike path. Anywhoo, I almost run over one of their many of out of control kids. And I utter some words of concern. And this bioatch is like "Really?" I got so mad. I was like "Yeah you REALLY are a 81tch!" You take up the whole f*$%ing bike path then have the audacity to get offended by a bike rider actually expecting to properly use the path!? WTH? LOL I feel sorry for those kids. Probably a couple will die due to sheer deficiency of the parents. ALSO I get attitude from people that do the whole 10 ppl walking horizontally. Makes no sense. But even worse they expect you not to even pass them. Like a-hole, move aside, part, walk behind each other a bit, let me pass. So rude when they expect you to A. either change directions for them, B. jump out of their way, or C. Walk through dirt/grass, or risk you life and pass by walking into the street! Yes also have no idea about the human magnet thing, I just assume some people are a-holes. Thank goodness I am not the only one! Invading one's personal space/safety is wrong. When you are out and someone for no good reason stands DIRECTLY behind you like a psychotic 8!t(#. And really closely too. Creepy and disturbing. Like there is NO ONE out in the street but you and a perfect stranger for example, and they stand RIGHT BEHIND you when you wanna cross the street or something. It's just....strange. Also when people are just generally rude. You are in a store looking at something, but no an impatient idiot needs to look at said thing RIGHT NOW. And they just like shove you out of the way. Umm, why not WAIT for a whole 5 mins like a human being then come back? When they change the recipe of a food you like to save money/they reduce portion size to increase profits. Yet sell at the same price. When movies take the advice of an actor/actress and it effs up the whole movie. So out of place, you can tell, messes with the tone/pace of the movie. When I apply for a job, and magically get 50 telemarketing calls a month afterwards, after giving them my phone #. I honestly think most job applications are ways for telemarketers to get your phone number. Sequels that are EXACTLY like the first movie, and they suck so hard it hurts the 1st one. Just leave well enough alone. People who blame the victim. Someone is abused and they blame the innocent victim for being normal. "Well you should never leave the house then." Psycho style.... Competitive a-holes that play games to WIN, and I mean at any cost. They don't care if they ruin a party, lose friendships, cuz winning at monopoly is far more important LOL Haha agree with you! Really don't get when people text when we have tech so advanced that you can even video chat these days. Texting is pretty annoying for the most part. And a bit rude. Since someone can pretend they did not get your text and respond the next day. But a phone call you gotta answer right away. I feel like people hate to talk to people and texting is enabling the rudeness and taking away the courtesy of a phone call. For example it's only too easy to send rejection letter though email/text. But only the best companies actually call you. That is if they even contact you at all. Haha! Smart quote, more places need to put up those signs! Really quite annoying to hear people and their personal problems out in public places. Not to mention that most calls are telemarketers anyways. Family/friends/work you basically have caller ID and you know when they will most likely call/text anyways. Yeah people need to calm down about cellphones. Life is more important than answering your phone. And truly it's very annoying to see people talking in a store/restaurant/etc...taking a business call. People getting angry yelling. Remember when cellphones first came out and they put signs 'take you call outside'? It's really ruining decorum and etiquette. There is a time and place to talk about business and that is in the office. It really throws things off and in a way is abusive and harassing. To have anyone be able to reach and bother you at a moments notice. Yes the downhill spiral was due to these people leaving. That can't wrap up a plot line when the person who it belongs to is not there. Also so many plot lines since they had to get new people, they left too, so more plot lines. Yes I miss the time before cell phones. Remember when you had a home phone tell you to 'leave a message'? There was a clear separation of how things in life were dealt with. There was a time and place for everything. Now a cell phone is like a ball and chain. "Why didn't you answer you cell phone!?" Then you see 50 texts/50 missed calls. REALLY? Psycho much? I think it's really sad when people live for fb/sm instead of actually living. They will look back and regret it. You don't remember 'wasn't it great that post i made to fb' no. You think 'wasn't that vacation great'. Just about everything. I remember before 'smart' phones & the age we live in today, the person who spent HOURS & HOURS online was labeled the social outcast/freak/loaner/loser/stalker/etc. Think Sandra Bullock in "The Net" 'computer people' as they were called back then were downright despised. Called nerds, get a life, etc. When fb first started, I remember ppl rushing home to go on fb. Before they would just hang with friends. I would have to say that fb is the MOST anti-social site I have ever seen. "I liked this picture so I am connected to this person & I caught up with them them." NO, you catch up with them by having lunch with them PHYSICALLY. Even a phone call is better. It gives you a false sense of closeness with someone when you are not close at all. Also creates creepy situations. Much like celebrity stalkers, who feel like they 'know' the celeb they like since they know all this stuff about them. Many people tell me, oh no it's a good way to keep in touch. WRONG. What it does is just what I said it's REPLACEMENT. Just like self checkout replaces cashiers. Not that self checkout is bad. Just using it as an example. Just tell me what would you rather have, a night at home all alone LIKING photos of someone's awesome vacation, OR GOING on that vacation & having fun. Simply taking a photo as a memento. Really just sick of social media really, I mean it's a bit fun but mostly I call it social replacement. Instagram is going to replace photo albums it seems. No more hey lets all get together to look at PRINTED pictures. Nope. It's all sterile now. Again insta is nice but not as a replacement. Just look at all the recent DEATHS/ACCIDENTS caused by social media (people driving while live streaming, on snapchat, taking a insta etc...) Look at vine stars on yt now 'do it for the vine' constantly injuring themselves and getting into all kinds of trouble due to the misguidance of social media. Imo I think these actors just got greedy. All the projects they went on to were pretty similar. Shows geared to a younger audience. And the writing in these young adult shows seems to be all the same. Imo teen wolf was one of the more intelligent shows. I enjoyed how they would search physical places, libraries, canvas the area, talk to other humans. Not like most shows where everything is solved by a quick google search. I just feel like their egos got the best of them. This show could have gone down as one of the greatest. Now, it will go down as the one were the cast kept leaving, replaced, left again, jumped the shark, and had many unfinished character arcs. Spoilers I was about to say that it was an avengers spinoff. Since they talk about the avengers in it non stop. opening shot: drawing of avengers, future vulture talking about avengers peter's video log: getting ready to fight with/against avengers after germany back home: peter non stop bothering happy/tony when they need him to help avengers again peter fighting crime: LITERALLY fighting bank robbers WITH avenger's MASKS! ned finds out: he asks if peter is an AVENGER at school: non stop PSAs from Cap!/students playing fmk with AVENGERS! peter leaves party: gets in trouble, rescued by IM vulture reacts to spm: comments that avengers left him alone peter&ned inspect bomb: bomb from an AVENGERS fight Academic Decathlon: peter tampers with IM spidey suit, ends up in TS storage peter's date: even then they talk about avengers Ned talks to happy: then toons trash talks tony big heist: literally plane filled with stuff for AVENGERS Ending: Tony become and avenger peter, peter says no cuz he needs to make more avengers spin off movies I know people are going to be offended. But she is, according to Hollywood standards, past her sell by date. When you hit 25, you better have a loyal fan base. For women it's tough to make it after this age. You better be hella talented or needed in some way. Even with all the 'equality' stuff going on these days. She still looks viable ("bang-able") according to most. That is all she has really. I do think she can act. But with her fan base of young girls she has what I like to call the Hilary Duff problem. Take more risque roles and alienate/lose your young base, and lose $$$. Or stay 'innocent' and keep that fan base, but not make it in a larger capacity. Britney, Xtina, etc...all went through the 'i'm not a kid' and more over sexualized faze. So she is trying to 'push the envelope' trying to play and keep both sides. She acts sexual OBVIOUSLY in a effing video called FETISH, but then she calls it 'art' so she can get away with it for her young fan base. Kind gross to be honest. Do something or don't. As a singer I'm not impressed. Kinda pissed that better singers are pushed out the way for a Disney juggernaut. Does not matter if she can sing or not, if you are a Disney kid you gotta sing, dance, act. The end. Brie Larson came forward and said she was forced to drop an album. This is not a secret Disney stars have to do. So with acting roles drying up, she has to get as safely sexual as she can (ripping stockings suggestively while another guy sings randomly against a wall in a separate area). Same thing she did with hands to myself video, her just being close to naked, but not really anything with a guy. Guy is totally separate. And it's played off as a joke. The song sucks just like with hands to myself, bad liar, and most of her recent stuff. Seems like h-wood does not want to work with an 'aging' star and most of the hits are being given to younger artists. Kinda tired of her songs. Give up this bs singing career and get back into acting. Spoilers...What I can't figure out is why Luc keeps trying to re-create the 5th element. In the 5th we have a woman that will save the world she is 'perfect' (really pretty mostly but somehow also strong and filled with magic), has a guy that is in love with her, they have to save the world against all odds, a pretty alien singer helps them, and there are wacky people/aliens all around. I did not even read the plot for this movie. It's already so obvious. The latest 5th element re-do. Yes did not help that the leads were people no one cared about with no real star power other than being young models.... Whereas the 5th was packed with heavy hitters Milla, Willis, Tucker, Gary, I mean come on Luc......with all the stuff in theaters these days too 'superhero' juggernauts that people will see no matter what. You come out with yet ANOTHER 5th rehash!? Ohh I get what you are saying now. Well maybe it's his posture in this behind the scenes pic you can see it: But in officially released photos you can't Maybe it's the pattern of the costume. But yeah a little bulge would have been better. I don't pay much attention to these things but I did feel like something was not right. And yeah seems like in all other types of spm there was a bulge. Good point, only thing I can think of is this is the youngest spm ever in a movie. Although they have the bulge in cartoons so yeah. Good catch tho! I did not even really notice until you pointed it out. And I remembered he was so flat...hmm Kirk ignores the prime directive as if it was no bodies business. He feels like anything is possible. I always found it funny how they had a loose cannon like Kirk as a captain. And felt sorry for poor logical Spock that kept trying to steer Kirk away from all his insane notions. But yeah basically Kirk was naive/careless imo. I don't pay to much attention to the numbers, but I did expect this much. This was one of those movies you watch once and you are done pretty much. People trying to defend it say, it's summer too many good movies out there bla bla bla. But if it was so amazing eff all that. The best is the best. Anyways it was better than Andrew's spm. Tobey will always be the best spm imo.