MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What is something that annoys you?

What is something that annoys you?

Currently I am supposed to be watching a movie with someone and they keep getting me to pause it so they can answer the telephone. So yeah, that is something that annoys me.

Seriously. Ugh. Haha

Maybe I'm being wrong, but they could cut the convo short at least ;)


When you are out and someone for no good reason stands DIRECTLY behind you like a psychotic 8!t(#. And really closely too. Creepy and disturbing. Like there is NO ONE out in the street but you and a perfect stranger for example, and they stand RIGHT BEHIND you when you wanna cross the street or something. It's just....strange.

Also when people are just generally rude. You are in a store looking at something, but no an impatient idiot needs to look at said thing RIGHT NOW. And they just like shove you out of the way. Umm, why not WAIT for a whole 5 mins like a human being then come back?

When they change the recipe of a food you like to save money/they reduce portion size to increase profits. Yet sell at the same price.

When movies take the advice of an actor/actress and it effs up the whole movie. So out of place, you can tell, messes with the tone/pace of the movie.

When I apply for a job, and magically get 50 telemarketing calls a month afterwards, after giving them my phone #. I honestly think most job applications are ways for telemarketers to get your phone number.

Sequels that are EXACTLY like the first movie, and they suck so hard it hurts the 1st one. Just leave well enough alone.

People who blame the victim. Someone is abused and they blame the innocent victim for being normal. "Well you should never leave the house then." Psycho style....

Competitive a-holes that play games to WIN, and I mean at any cost. They don't care if they ruin a party, lose friendships, cuz winning at monopoly is far more important LOL



Thank goodness I am not the only one! Invading one's personal space/safety is wrong.


You're not anti social,Dazed...the same thing i feel too.Even when i walk during the night to work,i encounter many...weird people,i'm always prepared for danger.You don't know what are his intentions.


Yeah like the idiots that won't even play a game a little easier for the sake of the children they are playing with. And sore winners are just as bad as sore losers!
All your points are totally things that annoy me too...and the standing behind ya, i hate that too it is weird. They must lack social skills or something


Ikr. I mean if you really want to play to win go ahead join eSport or EVO or something. That's respectable. Winning in a game only means something when you play againts the best players out there. Insist on winning at any cost againts children or casual players is more childish than the child.


Pompous, egomaniacal, condescending people ! Actually, it goes beyond annoyance. Want a surefire way of getting on my bad side ? Talk down to me.



I know, I can't stand when i feel like someone is talking to me to put me down.
Sounds like you were describing a guy I was dating for awhile. Ew... Haha, not funny but gotta laugh!


db, I seem to have written something on the Full Moon topic the other day that rubbed you the wrong way. Reading your post here, maybe I wrote something that struck you as being condescending. I have never once felt that toward you. The fact that I writing this now shows, I hope, how much I value you as a poster on this site. I like you. I am going to ask you please to forgive me for whatever I did. If you cannot, that is certainly your prerogative and I will understand; but I hope that you can forgive me.


Well, at first , it really caught me off guard and puzzled me, as I'm sure you're aware. Your response seemed to come so far from left field and appeared to be so irrelevant to the topic. Later, I concluded you must have read something I posted that gave you a preconceived and erroneous conclusion about my political stance. I think you've somehow gotten the notion that I champion Trump. The fact is, I'm a nonconformist who has never been one to follow the crowd and I like to play the devil's advocate at times. I'm a centrist/moderate leaning somewhat to the right. I've always tried to have a certain measure of respect for whomever is the incumbent president.

I've never had someone humble himself to me like this in a forum before. How could I possibly say no. Consider it as water under the bridge and a learning experience.

For what it's worth, I read your response to godewey on the Elvis thread earlier today. I thought it was insightful and spot on.


P.S. I'm a Sagittarius, which should give you some insight.


I have never thought you were a Trump supporter, db. I've never thought about you politics at all. Thank you for your absolution.


Ok, now you've got me confused again. What was that admitted sarcasm about then ? Where was that coming from ?


db, I sincerely do not mean to confuse you. The honest answer is that I don't really know what I had in mind. I was in a certain mood and condition that I'm not in now. I am human and imperfect. Please know that I like and respect you, and I regret that I sometimes do not make sense.


Ok, but I think I'll be a little wary of you during future full moons. 😉


People on their phones while driving. It not only annoys me. It not only makes me angry.
It scares me! Driving is serious business. Pay attention to what you're doing out there. I'd like to live a bit longer!
Some idiot actually was stopped at a traffic light. He was on his phone, not even looking at the intersection. The light hadn't even changed. I had the green light and I was driving through when he decided to drive through his red light... he must have thought he'd been there long enough. I had to swerve out of the way, sure that he was going to hit me. He stopped in time, thank God! Everyone was beeping their horn at him. Where is a cop when you want one? That's the second thing that annoys me! lol!


It is totally scary.. its so dangerous. Its law here to not text and drive, which I'm sure is most places. I remember when it wasn't a law, it was like you said people would be texting at the intersections and then not catching the lights, all that stuff. And imagine being the one texting the person if they got into an accident.


I am from an older generation where I don't feel the need to constantly be in touch with people every single moment. I can let the phone calls wait and call that person later. I would say that a phone call isn't life or death with me..... unfortunately, if I am driving these days, it very well could be death!
There should be strict laws EVERYWHERE. No texting/talking on phones while driving! No call is worth it! A person can always pull over into a parking lot or the side of the street and continue a conversation. A person can always call another person later.
We are fortunate enough these days to even KNOW who called us! Back in the day, even before caller ID, we missed calls..... people called back when we were home! GASP! Imagine that!


I'm pretty sure we have the distracted driving laws all across Canada. People still do it though, freaks me out. You are right about people pulling over, this is what they are supposed to be doing. A text is not worth your life.

I know what you mean about the caller ID. That and call waiting were such a huge deal when we first got them. I lived in a rural area as well so when I was little we had a party line. haha. So in my life I've gone from a party line to carrying a phone in my pocket. And don't get me started on the space/size of my first computer compared to my phone now....holy! :)

I also remember dreaming of being able to pause live TV. Too funny!


"I also remember dreaming of being able to pause live TV. Too funny!"

All of these dreams coming true gets a person a bit nervous!


I remember those party lines; very little to no privacy on the phone. It was like living in Mayberry where the nosy operator knew everyone's business.


Party lines were great! As a kid, I sat and listened! It's sort of like reading what people here say.... just not participating.
It was actually so much better. You were listening and praying that you wouldn't get caught! We all know that people can see what we post here. Back then??? People sort of forgot that they could be overheard. It was REAL lurking back then.


That's right. Sometimes you would forget. I got into an argument with a girl in my neighborhood who I discovered was eavesdropping on me. The upside was, we got to know each other and she ended up as my girlfriend. 😁


LOL! Not bad! A nice ending!


They will see that movie next the most thing that annoys me is to get interrupted in the middle of a movie or when i'm with Lara...they don't do it again.




Use ad block.


The ad in the middle of the page keeps making me think I'm at the bottom of the page! haha
Ads on tv are annoying


I just saw one of those middle-of-the-page ads and thought the same thing. Ugh.

I don't have cable anymore, so don't have to suffer through TV ads. Good riddance!


I know what you mean, I love not having tv ads. When I do catch the odd ad for TV I might actually find it funny and i pay attention. They should learn that less is more and give up the blend into the background subliminal stuff. I think that's how it works...haha


Less is definitely more. But, the last time I saw a TV show, almost all the ads were for prescription drugs or other illness-related things. When did this happen? If I had any question about getting cable again, that killed it.


These are the worst. I don't see many commercials other than at work maybe.

The drugs they are peddling have far worse side effects than the thing they are supposed to help.

anal leakeage
possible internal bleeding


I know, I hated those ads! They always start off with some type of soothing images, with a soothing voice singing the praises of this new miracle drug. Then at the end, the voice speaks reallyfast, saying "May cause anal leakage, your nose to fall off, and death."


I love when the law firms have their say.

If you have ever had

anal leakage, blindness, internal bleeding or death please call our or number.

Really ? I'm dead. How am I supposed to call ? Only in the Twilight Zone maybe.


Hello, Mr Lawyer? Yes, I'm calling about your ad. I'm experiencing death. What do I do? Can't stay on the phone long, so be quick. The rates from this place are, uh, killing me.


Hello, Hello, HELLO ?

Damn, we lost another one. There goes the new boat and the vacation in Greece.


Or how about...." If you experience an erection that lasts more than 4 hrs., call your doctor ! " It's like, ok, anything over 4 hrs. and the stallion thing is over with.


For as funny as that is that must be a really horrible thing to deal with.
Physically and mentally. I can't imagine going to the emergency room with that problem.


Yeah! Right! I can't see any man going to the ER. He would be so proud of that "stallion thing" to the point of prancing around shouting "Wow! Look at me! (it) Any takers?"





Some "very interesting"conversation here🤔


Yes I agree, I had a good laugh :):)


Not experienced it personally, but apparently after lasting that long it actually becomes painful and can cause real physical problems elsewhere


My little male yorkie did. Poor little thing would cry when I had to work it back into where it belonged. The vet informed me the situation was serious as his little tallywacker would eventually slough off! I had to have him neutered. Can you men imagine your tallywackers sloughing off?!😱😨😰😭 egads!


Sloughing off is usually associated with dead skin so, no I can't.


You are correct with your description of sloughing. Apparently the situation was so dire to the point if left in the breeding state (engorged) it would cause a drying effect. My pitiful little yorkie was not able to retract due to the engorgement. This would cause the penis to die followed by a sloughing. I was very gentle in attempting to remedy, but he was in so much pain. I finally took him to the vet where I could hear "My Little Mister" screaming! I cried over the situation; he was my baby! He only weighed 4 1/2 lbs.


When I watching a movie at home with my wife if one of us need to go to the bathroom or do something else, I don't pause. I would rather repeat the section she missed than doing nothing starring at screen if the movie was being paused.


This is what my ex and I used to do. Makes more sense and you don't leave the other person sitting there doing nothing


It annoys me every time an actor or director won't acknowledge when their movie is not well recieved and proceeds to blame the audience for "not getting it" or even "racists" and "mysogynists," etc. Well, if your movie sucks you suck! Just suck it up and make another movie already.


I think it's the other way around,actionkamen...they have many good words for their movies,even when that project turns out to be a failure.


I don't know if it's an annoyance but when I see people messing with their smartphones and not paying attention, that irks me.


Me too, especially if its me they are not paying attention to ;)


If you're messing with your smart phone, you're not paying attention. Period! This leads to something else that cheeses me off: belief in the myth of multitasking. "Oh, I'm multitasking." No, you're attempting to do two or more things simultaneously and are doing a shitty job with all of them! "Well, computers multitask, so I can, too." Wrong! A computer CAN have multiple programs open at the same time, but the computer is only working on them one at a time. It works on Program A, then on B, then on C, and so on. The computer is never devoting attention to more than one program at a time, only it's doing so very quickly. It's what my martial arts master calls Clear Style. A person who knows Clear Style can do an excellent job on several tasks, because s/he devotes complete attention to them one at a time. The clueless wonder who is living the lie of multitasking doesn't know how to give attention to anything. The is one of the reasons why the world is falling apart.

Multitask THIS!


Thank you!


Entirely my pleasure, naps!


Good points made. You can either do one thing at a time well or half ass a bunch of stuff and get nothing done.


Thank you, Daisy.


While you're active here RK, I'm curious about Clear Style. I was involved in martial arts when I was younger. So far, I haven't been able to find anything definitive via Google.


db, I want to answer your question, but I am tired from a hard but very good day at the gym and I am starting both a new job and a new career path on Monday. Please give me some time to respond to you in the manner that you deserve
and that I want to provide for you. I can say this now: My teacher taught me that there are two kinds of people. There are those with unclear minds (the majority), who just bumble and flummox their ways through life, and those with Clear Minds, who have received Enlightenment from a divine source and accepted it into their hearts and souls, who embrace and master their paths.


Not a problem, I can wait. I think I'd also be interested in how well your first day evolves.



All to make us look at more advertising and have every move recorded.


I've seen online that in Japan they have made arrows on the streets showing you where to walk without looking up so you don't walk into someone....Texting lanes...crazy, messed up world.


That is just so deliciously fucked up! Years ago someone observed that humans are the first species to have overcome natural selection by engineering ways to allow inferior specimens to live.


Harsh, but true. Is it a good thing? I'm teasing..
And yes, imagine taking the Texting lane. Guess too many kids are walking into traffic. I can't imagine where we are all going to be in even 10 or 20 years. Devolution.
