MovieChat Forums > Tristan_Booth > Replies
Tristan_Booth's Replies
I'm not very familiar with Thriller, but I would like marathons with the original Outer Limits and One Step Beyond.
I have both schedules in hand, but I'll be watching SyFy more often because it's on cable in my room. To watch Decades (which is over the air) I have to go to a different room in the house.
SyFy is actually running more of my favorites today, beginning with "Sixteen Millimeter Shrine" and "Walking Distance" about 20 minutes from now (Mountain time).
I don't use the word "babe," but I would name Claire Griswold in "Miniature."
Where I live (Mountain Time) the two marathons are running as follows:
SyFy: Tue. Dec. 31, 7:00 a.m. through Thu. Jan. 2, 5:00 a.m. (with 3 more at 7 a.m.)
Decades: Tue. Dec. 31, 5:00 a.m. through Thu. Jan. 2, 5:00 a.m.
I've pulled both schedules from the websites and pasted them into Word documents for comparison purposes.
"I couldn't get into the color series they replaced it with for the summer."
Likewise. I just stopped watching it until TOS came back.
Restricting this to five is very difficult:
Walking Distance
Will the Real Martian Please Stand Up
The After Hours
A Hundred Yards Over the Rim
Ring-A-Ding Girl
Honorable Mentions: The Last Flight; Death Ship; To Serve Man
There's lots of discussion of this on Reddit, as you might imagine. Apparently, there are several advantages for the show itself, but the great disadvantage to fans is having to pay for the streaming service if you don't already have it (which I don't). Some people say they won't pay it for just one show. I can't really afford it, but I will pay it anyway if that one show is The Orville. (Unfortunately, Picard will be on yet another streaming service that I don't have.)
I can't really relate to the profile picture because I primarily know him from Dial M For Murder, so that picture doesn't fit at all. Actually, he's the #1 reason why Dial M For Murder is my favorite Hitchcock film. I thought he was absolutely perfect in that role.
Indeed, it is funny, but I wasn't expecting a joke so it went right by me. I thought you were saying that Ajax was a similar alternate channel. I have heard of Ajax cleanser. (My family used Comet when I was a kid.)
And who had the biggest career prior to appearing on The Twilight Zone?
Buster Keaton?
I just looked this up and all I could find was a Dutch channel that appears to be mostly football.
Comet is doing the same thing this year.
You're probably right about McCoy. He would be the most down to earth guy to have a drink with. I wouldn't want to share his mint julep, however. I tried one in New Orleans once, in honor of McCoy, but I couldn't drink it -- too strong for me.
"I thought maybe her daughter slipped some Spanish fly into Joan's drink! LOL!"
Well, the daughter does want people to believe that her mother is (still) mentally disturbed, so doing this would actually make sense. However, the film couldn't show us this because it would give away that the daughter was up to something. The way to incorporate it would be to have it be part of the ending explanation.
I think I'd be happy with either Picard or Mercer as captain rather than Kirk. (I've always preferred TNG to TOS.) One-on-one, I think Mercer would be less intimidating to talk to than Picard.
Me too, but not so much for my childhood, but more for the places and people the way they were then (more polite, better dressed, etc., although civil rights were worse). Also, if I could be a teacher back then, I wouldn't have students on their cell phones all during class.
Carol Burnett, Shelley Fabares, Michael Forest, Julie Newmar, George Takei
"Penny For Your Thoughts. I just wonder what people are thinking around me."
In hearing people's thoughts, you might feel as disappointed as Dick York's character did. For example, you might learn that people don't like you as much as you thought they did. Could be depressing.
Seeing his younger self suffering would kind of duplicate Horace Ford, wouldn't it?
It's [i]about[/i] that, but it's not advocating it. His father's speech at the end makes that clear.